
A person is really powerful: it has nothing to do with me, don't come to get involved

author:Insight reading

Luo Xiang once said:

When people are most attractive, they don't care about everything around them.

I don't care about the evaluation and vision of others, I don't care if I have a sense of existence, I always have my own rhythm and pace, which is also the source of relaxation.

Indeed, in this world, if you always care too much about other people's evaluations and opinions of you.

Then, you will never be able to live a good life with peace of mind, and you will never be able to do the job at hand.

Instead of living in other people's worlds and constantly consuming themselves, a person should return to himself and do himself calmly.

As the writer Zhang Defen once said:

"There's no one else out there, just yourself. ”

You must know that life is always your own, it has nothing to do with other people, and life is also your own feelings, not other people's opinions and ideas.

So, live your life, everything on the outside has nothing to do with me, don't come to the side.

A person is really powerful: it has nothing to do with me, don't come to get involved

The opinions and evaluations of others have nothing to do with me

There is a saying:

"Not being sensitive to the eyes of others, not living in other people's mouths, and being the judge of your own life is the most rare sobriety. ”

At the beginning, everyone will more or less care about the eyes and evaluations of others.

However, only a very small number of people will become flexible in thinking and mature in personality because of themselves.

Then, I have a deeper and deeper understanding of human nature, and I have a deeper understanding of people's hearts, and naturally I will not let myself live in other people's worlds.

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"We are young and not sophisticated, but the most sophisticated and the most capable of being human are also criticized. ”

When a person knows more and more about accumulating experience and lessons, he can also get his life back on track.

In this way, in the face of the ups and downs in life, as well as the ups and downs in life, you will face them more calmly.

At least for yourself, your own life, others cannot interfere, and your own life should be controlled by yourself.

There is a good saying: "Live in someone else's mouth, and you will only drown in saliva." Live in the eyes of others, you will only be swayed by others. ”

Only by allowing yourself to concentrate on the job at hand and focus on personal development and growth wholeheartedly.

In this way, we will be able to cross ourselves on our own and achieve salvation.

In the end, while learning more and more about the world and seeing through more logical relationships, I can also make myself more calm and open-minded, and no longer affect my life because of other people's comments and discussions.

I like a sentence in "Mid-Levels Anthology":

We must allow different people to exist, we must understand the inevitability of this existence, but we must not let different beings influence and consume our own existence, and we must enrich our own differences with the differences of others.

Therefore, be yourself, live yourself, and don't walk in other people's world for no reason, because then you will lose yourself, and you may also bury the good life that should belong to you.

A person is really powerful: it has nothing to do with me, don't come to get involved

Don't get involved in the idler's business

A person is not afraid of idleness, he is afraid of being idle and having nothing to do.

Most people who have become mediocre and have become muddy are just because in real life, they are too boring and too lazy, causing them to be half-hearted and have no end in everything they do.

What's more, he didn't even do his own things well, and he didn't even manage his own life well, but he had the leisure to meddle in his affairs.

Mo Yan once said:

"Don't meddle in the cause and effect of others, don't interfere with the qi of others, otherwise, the loss will eventually be yourself, and you will not be able to benefit the world. ”

A person who lives a sober and transparent life always understands such a truth, that is, a person who pretends to be asleep, and he cannot wake up.

In the same way, if one person can't even change himself, how can others change?

Too many people, because of wishful thinking, self-righteous sympathy, pity, feel that they can change others.

But in the end, I found that the more and more things I managed, the more difficult my life would be, and I would become more and more passive.

In fact, for those idlers and idle people, we just need to give each other a clear attitude and don't come to the sidelines.

Then you will find that when your attitude is clearer and tougher, the whole world begins to respect you more, and even smile better.

A person is really powerful: it has nothing to do with me, don't come to get involved

Taking care of yourself is the real power

I like a quote: "Choose your own path, regardless of other people's gossip, and most importantly, be the best version of yourself." ”

The most valuable quality of a person is to be able to take the initiative to choose his own life path and firmly adhere to his sense of faith.

Then, I never care about what others think and say about me, and I never pay attention to those gossip.

In this way, only by truly wholeheartedly doing a good job of yourself, improving yourself without distractions, and managing yourself well, can you manage this life well.

Wilde said:

"Be yourself, because everyone else has done it. ”

So, do your best to be yourself, work hard to improve yourself, and be soft and kind to yourself.

After all, I will always be the person who has been with me for the longest time in this world, and I am also the person who deserves to be treated the most.

Don't forget to be yourself because of others, and thus bury the beautiful life that should belong to you in vain.