
These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

"Government-Priced Operating Service Charges"

The term sounds unfamiliar at first glance

But it's related to your daily life

It includes bank card swiping fees, vehicle tolls,

Motor vehicle parking service charges, housing property management fees......

It's directly related to your money bag!

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission has adjusted the operating service fees set by the government and formulated the "List of Catalogue of Government-Priced Business Service Charges (2024 Edition)". At the same time, the 2023 version will be repealed.

This directory includes all operating service charges set by the central and local governments.

Outside the list, there shall be no government-priced business service charges.

What are the government-priced operating service charges?

This gadget ↓↓ helps you check it with one click

These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

You can select the corresponding provinces, cities and regions to view the business service charges set by the local government, or you can enter keywords in the search box to find out whether a charge belongs to the government pricing with one click.

These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

Click on the name of the pricing item, and you will see the specific charging standard, charging file, pricing department, industry competent department, whether it is involved in the enterprise and many other information.

These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

Scan the code to experience it now↓

These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

The list of catalogues will be dynamically adjusted according to the reform process of operating service charges.

Source: Chinese government website

These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!
These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!
These charges related to your life are clearly priced by the government!

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