
500 times in 1 year! A 52-year-old man relied on "taking medicine" to help, and the doctor advised: no matter how much you love to do it, you must quit

author:39 HealthNet

Lao Luo is 52 years old this year, and he has no choice but to admit one thing at an age when he can't go up or down, and it's really not okay for people to be dissatisfied with old age! He has often felt that something is wrong with his body recently, and not only has no strength in his body, but he is also prone to sleepiness.

After thinking about it, his wife still persuaded him: "Lao Luo, you may have a physical problem, you have to go to the hospital to check it out quickly." ”

Lao Luo is also a little weak about his wife, but he is already taking medicine, calculating the frequency, at least more than 500 times a year, and if he continues to eat, Lao Luo is afraid that his body will not be able to stand it. After thinking about it again and again, I still went to the hospital. The doctor gave Lao Luo a comprehensive examination and told him that he must not take medicine anymore, he was a little under a lot of psychological pressure in this regard, so the couple's life was not smooth. You need to relax and rest for a while to recover.

Hearing the doctor's words, Lao Luo's wife was relieved, fortunately there was nothing wrong with her body.

500 times in 1 year! A 52-year-old man relied on "taking medicine" to help, and the doctor advised: no matter how much you love to do it, you must quit

1. Relaxation, or the "trick" to success in sex

There was a study in the United States that included a variety of factors such as national society, healthy aging, and sexual health behaviors. The results show that more than 50% of men and more than 40% of women over the age of 60 are still sexually active.

Therefore, age is not a direct factor in the development of sexual disorders. In this study, some undesirable methods such as smoking and drinking alcohol were also studied, and the results showed that when the human body has physical diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, the nerves and arteries of the male reproductive organs will be significantly affected, so it can be judged that the disease may be the main cause of impaired function.

We can infer from the results of the study that not all men have erectile dysfunction, and at the same time, men with erectile dysfunction are not concentrated in the middle-aged and elderly group.

Xiao Jiu reminds you that maintaining a relaxed mood is also important in your sex life!

Because stress and anxiety can lead to a decrease in the ability to have sex. However, when people deal with the pressures of work, family, etc., they often unconsciously bring these pressures into their sex life, resulting in the impact of their sexual experience. Stress and anxiety may cause individuals to show negative emotions such as worry and hesitation during sex, which affects libido and sexual performance, and then affects mental health.

In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between sexuality and mental health. It is recommended to pay attention to your own mental health as well as your sexual health, and seek help from a professional doctor in time if there are related problems.

500 times in 1 year! A 52-year-old man relied on "taking medicine" to help, and the doctor advised: no matter how much you love to do it, you must quit

2. Do psychological problems have a great impact on sexual life?

Sexuality is a basic need for many organisms, and it plays a vital role in human society. Sex is a way for partners to communicate emotionally and help enhance intimacy while also having an impact on mental health. Can you know what the adverse effects will be?

1. Sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction refers to the inability to achieve or maintain adequate erections, ejaculation, and other physiological responses during sexual intercourse. These problems can lead to a decrease in an individual's satisfaction with their sex life, which in turn can affect their mental health. Mental health problems due to sexual dysfunction are mainly caused by individuals feeling guilty and anxious about their inability to meet their partner's needs, which further exacerbates their psychological stress and can trigger issues such as depression.

2. Gender bias disorder

Sexual preference disorder is an unusually strong interest in or dependence on a particular type of sexual stimulus or sexual behavior. These abnormal interests or behaviors may cause negative social evaluations, which can lead to feelings of self-denial and shame in the individual. When individuals feel ashamed or difficult to accept their sexual preferences, they may avoid intimate relationships with others or adopt unsafe ways during sex to avoid detection, which increases the risk of infectious diseases and increases the psychological burden.

3. Interpersonal tension

If an individual has a disagreement or conflict about their sex life, it can lead to communication problems between the two partners, which in turn can lead to interpersonal tensions. Interpersonal tension can have a negative impact on an individual's mental health, such as increasing anxiety, depression and other emotional problems, and reducing quality of life.

Moreover, long-term unsuccessful sex life will affect people's perception and later experience of sex life. These bad emotions are likely to lead to a lack of emotional investment in sexual life, and even resistance, and in severe cases, depression.

500 times in 1 year! A 52-year-old man relied on "taking medicine" to help, and the doctor advised: no matter how much you love to do it, you must quit

3. Don't put too much pressure on you, teach you 3 ways to adjust

In today's society, sex education is gradually becoming the focus of people's attention. Many people experience not only physical pleasure as they explore sexuality, but also discover its positive impact on their mental health. However, we should also recognize that sexual inappropriate behavior may pose some potential risks. Today, we're going to talk about how to practice sexuality to support your mental health.

Option 1: Communicate and reach a consensus before sex

Sex is a two-person affair, and it is important to communicate openly about each other's needs, preferences, and concerns before proceeding to ensure that both parties are willing and able to accommodate each other's requests. Avoid accusations or criticism when communicating, and instead build a common goal based on respect and understanding. At the same time, it is also necessary to clarify their bottom line and expectations, and constantly adjust and improve them in practice.

Option 2: Conduct emotion management training in advance

Good emotional management is essential for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship, as it can help us better control and express our emotions and reduce conflict due to tension or anger. Self-awareness and calmness can be increased through meditation, deep breathing, or other relaxation techniques. You can also try to keep a journal or talk to a friend to deal with your inner emotions more effectively.

Option 3: Relax and learn supporting skills

Learning to relax can help relieve stress and improve the quality of your sex life, as excessive tension can affect the body's response to sex. Common relaxation techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, etc. Taking time each day to practice these techniques, especially before planned sexual activity, can help you feel more relaxed and confident.

In conclusion, in order to maintain mental health, sexuality should always be based on mutual respect and effective communication. At the same time, paying attention to one's emotional state and managing and relaxing in various ways is also an important means of maintaining physical and mental health.

500 times in 1 year! A 52-year-old man relied on "taking medicine" to help, and the doctor advised: no matter how much you love to do it, you must quit


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[3] "Gender Life||What are the benefits of harmonious and regular sex for women?", Ten Point Women.June 23, 2022.

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