
Don't use it!

author:Linzi Fusion Media

Spring is bright and green

In this good season

Many people like to climb the mountains and play

When encountering mountain spring water, you may also wash your face

But Mr. Chen, Guangdong Province

Because of this move

Something almost happened to the body......

What the hell is going on?

Let's take a look!

Washed his face

Pull out the nose 5 cm leech

Recently, when Mr. Chen was hiking in his hometown, he was thirsty because of the great physical exertion, and when he climbed to the mountainside, he found a clear stream of mountain stream, so he washed his face and rinsed his mouth with the stream water, and felt very comfortable.

After returning home, Mr. Chen had been bleeding from his nose for several days, and he vaguely felt something squirming in his nasal cavity.

The doctor examined Mr. Chan and found a leech wriggling deep inside his nose when he was irradiated with a nasal mirror. From the video taken under the endoscope at that time, it can be seen that the leech was adsorbed in Mr. Chen's nasal cavity and was sucking blood from the blood vessels of the skin, and its length reached 5-6 centimeters.

The doctor said that it was possible that Mr. Chan unintentionally left the leech larvae in his nasal cavity when he was washing his face by the stream, causing him to have nosebleeds from time to time.

What should I do if I am accidentally bitten by a leech?

When the temperature rises, many parasites will lay eggs and reproduce in streams and rivers, and parasites and other creatures may be hidden in the seemingly clear mountain spring water.

The doctor reminded everyone not to wash or drink water from the stream or river when playing outside, so as to avoid getting sick from the mouth. So, what to do if you accidentally get bitten by a leech?


If the leech is adsorbed on the skin, remember not to pull, otherwise the suction cup will be tighter and tighter, in case the leech is pulled off, its suction cup will remain in the wound, which can easily cause infection or ulceration.


You can gently pat the area around the bite site so that the suction cup is released due to vibration and falls off on its own.


Sprinkle salt, vinegar, alcohol, etc. on the insect body to make it irritated to loosen the suction cup and fall it off by itself.


If a leech burrows into the nasal cavity, you can use honey drip into the nasal cavity to lure the leech out.


Go to the hospital in time!

Is the mountain spring water pure or not?

Many people will drink the mountain spring water directly when they go up the mountain, and feel that the water from the mountain is rich in minerals, no additives, no pollution, and pure nature.

In addition to the case of Mr. Chen taking water because he was thirsty, in recent years, many people have gone directly to the mountains to get water and use it to make soup and tea.

Recently, many residents in Guangdong Province have gone up to the mountains to fetch water, regardless of the journey, and often queued up for a long time, day and night.

There are large water storage buckets and drainage pipes set up by the citizens at the water receiving place, and the citizens who come to receive water are carrying buckets of twenty or thirty liters.

Don't use it!

So, is these mountain spring water pure? The staff took samples and tested the water intake points in Jigong Mountain, and the results showed that the total number of colonies exceeded the standard, and the total coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli were detected at the same time.

Don't use it!

The staff said that the total number of colonies exceeded the standard indicating that the water body was contaminated by microorganisms, and the results showed that it exceeded the normal index by 280 times, and the presence of coliform bacteria indicates that the water body was polluted with human and animal feces, and the presence of Escherichia coli was easy to cause abdominal pain, vomiting and fever.

The same situation is happening in various parts of Zhejiang. People bring large bottles of mineral water, regardless of the long distance, to the countryside and mountainous areas to pour mountain spring water, take it home to make tea, cook rice.

However, at the end of February last year, experimenters in Zhejiang Province aseptically sampled 5 samples of mountain spring water in 4 places in Yuyao City, including Liushuitan Village, Waiguanpei Village, Liguanpei Village, and Dalinggang, and a total of 20 samples were tested.

The results showed that coliform bacteria were detected in 20 mountain spring waters, with a detection rate of 100%, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was detected in 5 mountain spring waters, with a detection rate of 25%.

Don't use it!

Coliform bacteria can easily cause intestinal infections, and symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur. Pseudomonas aeruginosa poses a greater health risk to people with weak immunity, and is prone to cause diseases such as acute enteritis, meningitis, sepsis and skin inflammation.

In addition, the test reports of local mountain spring water in many cities in China show that due to the poor environment of most of the water intake points, some spring water still needs plastic pipes to be exported from the springs, without disinfection and filtration, and the total number of colonies, total coliform bacteria and heavy metals have exceeded the standard.

Therefore, doctors recommend not to drink mountain spring water directly, because the water source of mountain spring water is generally shallow water, although it looks clear and transparent to the naked eye, but microorganisms and heavy metals are invisible and intangible, and it is impossible to judge whether the water quality is qualified based on appearance and taste alone, and it often needs to be tested and filtered before drinking.

What other water is not recommended to drink?

Water is the source of life, and if a person does not drink water for a long time, his body will fall into a health crisis, and even affect his life. However, not all water is suitable for drinking, and some may be problematic when drunk.


Water for boiling vegetables

Leafy vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, contain a lot of nitrate, which will be reduced to nitrite under the action of bacteria after heating.

Although nitrite is not a carcinogen, excessive intake can also cause poisoning, and long-term excessive intake of nitrite can also increase the risk of cancer.


Superheated water

Too high a water temperature can adversely affect the esophagus. The temperature of the oral mucosa and esophageal mucosa is basically the same as our body temperature, and the tolerance for temperature is not high, the maximum tolerable temperature is about 50~60 °C, and food exceeding 65 °C will cause burns to the oral mucosa and esophageal mucosa.

Regular consumption of hot foods can cause chronic damage to the digestive tract, trigger inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, and increase the risk of esophageal cancer.


unboiled water

The water source in the community direct drinking water machine is tap water, although it has been treated with bleaching powder, but there are bacteria or impurities that are harmful to the human body, and it is not suitable for drinking without boiling.

Mountain spring water is also raw water, which may contain insect eggs or bacteria, which is a potential threat to human health, so do not drink it even if you are thirsty.


Light salt water

Most people choose light salt water to replenish the sodium loss from the body, when in fact most people have an excessive intake of salt in their diet.

Excessive salt intake not only increases the risk of high blood pressure, but also increases the risk of osteoporosis and stomach cancer. Adults should not consume more than 6 grams of salt per day, and it is not suitable to drink light salt water in the morning. Light salt water can be used to rinse your mouth, but spit it out.


Water in the water dispenser for more than 7 days

Water dispensers need to be disinfected frequently. As the water in the water dispenser decreases, bacteria may grow in the water dispenser, and seemingly clean water may have been contaminated with bacteria, making it unfit for further drinking.

Moreover, large buckets of water also have a shelf life after opening, and water that is more than seven days old is not suitable for continued drinking.

After the mountain spring water is boiled

It can kill most of the bacteria and viruses in the water

But there may be one of them

Harmful heavy metals, chemicals and impurities

is difficult to rule out


If you are unsure whether the water quality is up to standard

Still not recommended!

Source: Agricultural TV Network, First Scene, Beijing Daily, Henan Provincial Health Commission, Popular Science China, Ningbo Evening News, etc