
Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

author:First psychological
Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

Written by / First Psychology Writers

Editor / Tommy

Presumably many people know Buffett's name. He is not only a world-renowned investor, but also known as the "God of Stocks".

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

Warren Buffett once said,

When a person can't find a way to sleep and still make money, he can only work for the rest of his life.

This actually refers to us ordinary people, most of whom are like this:

Many young people today are tired of working, but they have to continue working in order to make a living, and few are really thinking about how to break out of this situation.

We may not be able to become a legend in the investment world like Warren Buffett, and we may not be able to have the wealth of his own.

However, Buffett's advice to young people is still extremely valuable, and he believes that smart people focus on three things in their lives, which are often overlooked by ordinary people, leading them to live a mediocre life.

First, discover your interests

In today's China, the exam-oriented education system has produced many "small-town problem-solvers", but most of them have not discovered what their true interests are until middle age or even old age.

Many might argue that hobbies are a pastime for the wealthy, and that hobbies seem too extravagant if even basic survival is a problem.

However, these are just excuses, although life is simple, but there are not a few people who stick to their interests, and many people have found a career that they are willing to fight for their lives through their interests.

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

This not only makes them happy, but also becomes their capital for survival.

In this age of speed, everything seems to be accelerating. Takeaways are delivered in half an hour, information is delivered in a second, a two-hour movie is told in five minutes, people are eager for quick success and overnight riches, but few people are willing to invest in something for a long time.

My fitness trainer is an example of this.

She is a well-known personal trainer in the city, has a large following on Weibo, and is known for her good hip training. She once told me that she started working out of interest at first.

Knowing nothing at the time, she taught herself and gradually mastered the technique. She has been in perfect shape through exercise, which is more convincing than any advertisement.

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

When she shared her photos on social media platforms, many people began to ask about her training methods, and she gradually realized that she could make money through her hobby. Subsequently, she began to take orders, both online and offline.

Not only that, but she also founded her own brand, developed and patented fitness tools. While working, she also feels happy and earns a lot of money in this way.

She once told me that when she first started working out, no one looked favorably on her, and that she had a regular job to live on until she quit and became a full-time trainer when her orders increased.

Her experience has inspired me immensely. I started looking at people who were small achievers and found that they usually had these traits in common.

In this era of openness and inclusiveness, as long as you focus on what you are good at, wealth and material gains will naturally follow.

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

For example, some people have a passion for playing video games and make videos of their gameplay and share them online, which has made them extremely popular on major social media platforms and become famous content creators.

Others are highly skilled in makeup, and they share their makeup experience and skills through the Internet, which also reaps considerable financial rewards.

In contrast, those who feel lost in life, because they can't find what they are really interested in, and are unwilling to invest time in the effort, can only choose a job they don't like, and live like a year, lacking passion in life.

2. Focus on one thing

In this rapidly evolving information society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay focused. With the popularization of Internet technology, people are surrounded by massive amounts of information every day.

In the process of constantly flipping the screen of the mobile phone, although I have come into contact with many new knowledge, it seems that there is no substantial gain.

Studies have shown that frequent viewing of short videos can significantly reduce people's attention span.

Now, short videos dominate the online world, and long-form video content is only five to ten minutes long. Shorter videos may only be a dozen seconds long, delivering a lot of information in a short period of time, and this rapid flow of information will continue to excite the brain and put it in a state of excitement.

If a person is accustomed to such quick and short stimuli, it will be difficult for them to concentrate on one thing for a long time.

A lot of people complain about not being able to find a point of interest or being just a three-minute hit on anything, which has a lot to do with the characteristics of the Internet age. They have become accustomed to frequent stimuli, making it difficult to devote themselves to activities that require sustained effort for long periods of time.

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

There is a concept of a "flow" state in psychology that describes the psychological experience of people when they are engrossed in an activity.

People in a state of flow feel as if time has stopped, while they enjoy the excitement and satisfaction of each moment. Achieving a flow state can be challenging in today's society.

First of all, we should abandon the idea of impatience and anxiety, and instead of rushing, we should immerse ourselves in the current activity, enjoy the process, and train our concentration.

Second, when you're really engaged in a task, you should put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode to make sure it's not distracted by electronic devices. You can also use tools like timers or focus apps to help you stay focused.

3. Insist on learning and self-improvement

Investing in oneself and keeping learning is the act of a wise man.

Many people rarely continue their studies once they leave school, but in reality, learning is a lifelong career.

Not only do you need to study diligently during school, but you should also maintain your enthusiasm for learning after leaving the society to keep up with the pace of the times.

Like what

The famous historian Mr. Xu Zhuoyun, despite his physical disability, never gave up his passion for knowledge. He has devoted his life to learning, not only has he achieved academic excellence, but even at the age of 93, he is still active on Bilibili, sharing his academic insights and insights into current affairs through videos.

In the video, Mr. Xu is still quick-witted, well-organized, and quotes classics.

Warren Buffett: Really smart people focus on these 3 things all their lives, but mediocrity doesn't take it seriously

He insisted on reading and studying every day, emphasizing that if he didn't study for a day, he would feel very uncomfortable.

His videos not only cover a wealth of historical knowledge, but also analyze the current international situation, providing profound insights from a historical perspective, which fully reflects his learning attitude to keep pace with the times.

The End -

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

Keywords in this article: self-improvement, psychology

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