
Left-shifting consumption?

author:Radar Finance

Suddenly, I found that the consumption concept of the younger generation is quietly changing.

They want brand quality and want to achieve the economy of consumption, and this delicate sense of balance has given birth to a new trend in the consumer field - the left-shift of consumption.

The term "left-shifting" consumption may sound unfamiliar at first, but the phenomenon it represents has penetrated into the daily consumption of young people. While keeping the quality brand unchanged, more and more young people are pursuing lower prices, that is, moving parallel to the left on the price axis.

Left-shifting consumption?

This transformation does not happen overnight, but gradually takes shape with the development of social economy and the improvement of young people's educational attainment. In the past, the important basis for young people's consumption decisions was channel labeling.

However, with the advent of the information age, the popularization of the Internet has made it more convenient for young people to obtain product information, compare and choose. They can easily see the performance of a product in different seasons or on different platforms, and after a comprehensive comparison, find the most cost-effective one before placing an order.

Left-shifting consumption?

This shift in consumption perception is reflected in a number of areas. Taking household appliance consumption as an example, the same washing machine or refrigerator has different price performance on different platforms due to different subsidies and supply chain streamlining. After comparison, young people are more willing to choose the more cost-effective one.

In the past two years, the rise of discount retail formats such as outlets and Vipshop has cater to the trend of young people's "left-shifting consumption" in the clothing category. The same shoes are not discounted in specialty stores, but they can be discounted here. So since last year, every weekend, these outlets have almost become overcrowded, and young people have started the "sweeping mode" in the discount area.

Left-shifting consumption?

The "left-shifting" phenomenon in the wave of young people's consumption does not mean that young people have given up their requirements for quality of life, on the contrary, they pay more attention to improving the quality of life with lower budgets. They weigh every item carefully to find the best value for money.

Of course, the left-shift phenomenon of consumption is also playing out in Western countries. Since the end of the last century, young Americans have begun to change their concepts, no longer blindly pursuing high prices and premiums, but beginning to pursue cost-effectiveness. At that time, many people discovered that the big brands that could only be bought for thousands of dollars in brand stores could be bought at discounters such as TJX for almost half the price, so these discount stores became the "favorite of the American middle class"

It can be said that the leftward shift in consumption not only reflects the maturity and rationality of young people's consumption concepts, but also reflects their pursuit of quality of life. They are no longer willing to blindly consume and pay more costs in pursuit of the so-called "face", but pay more attention to their actual needs and consumption experience, and pursue a better life with low cost.

The shift of consumption to the left is not a downgrade of consumption, but a shift in consumption. A consumer trend that pursues both quality and cost-effectiveness is being staged around us!