
Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

author:Xiaochuang chases movie dramas
Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Under the halo of bright stars, Da S has always maintained a low-key attitude to life, what kind of happiness code is hidden in her private life?

Big S, the high-profile star, always seems to maintain a mysterious confidence behind the flash.

She's not the kind of star who frequently appears in the media spotlight, but prefers to enjoy family time with Oba and go out to dinner in a relaxed and chic way.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

You know, one day, I happened to see a photo on the Internet, a private chef posted a picture of serving the big S family.

You know, there is always no shortage of topics on the Internet, so this picture suddenly sparked heated discussions among netizens.

"Wow, look at the ingredients on this table, it's magnificent!" someone commented excitedly.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

"Big S is going to live the life of a queen, this private chef is probably busier than me!" another netizen mocked.

"Damn, I think this is too extravagant, I don't usually know what to eat. There are also people who lament the gap between their lives and Big S.

Of course, there are some who have reservations about it.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

"Don't you think it's a bit too much to show off your wealth?" someone put forward a different opinion, "Celebrities, it's normal to have a bit of a big brand temperament, don't worry too much." ”

However, the focus of the topic is not limited to Big S's choice of private kitchen services, but more about her low profile in front of the public.

After all, Big S's approach is really a little different from other stars.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

"Big S is really tasteful, this kind of low-key is the real star style!"

"I think it's good for her to do this, at least to protect the privacy of her family and not be followed by the media all the time. Another netizen expressed his support.

"Keeping a low profile is true happiness. Some people expressed their opinions with deep feeling.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Seeing these comments, I couldn't help but get into thinking.

Yes, perhaps the reason why Da S can maintain such a happy life is precisely because she knows how to protect the privacy of herself and her family.

In this era of looking at faces, being able to maintain a calm heart is the most precious treasure.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Therefore, no matter what the outside world thinks, Big S will continue to choose his own lifestyle and enjoy his own happiness.

After all, that's all that matters.

You see, the table is full of mouth-watering ingredients, abalone, seafood, and brightly colored vegetables and fruits, which makes people drool when they see it.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Imagine that the big S family is sitting at the dining table, enjoying the delicious food, chatting, and the scene must be super happy!

"Wow, this is simply a delicacy in the world!" Some netizens commented excitedly, "I have never seen such a sumptuous table in my life, and the big S family is so happy!"

"Yes, looking at these ingredients, I want to rush to the table!" Another netizen teased, "No wonder the big S family can maintain such a good state, it turns out that it depends on such a sumptuous meal!"

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

"I think it's more important to get along with the family. Someone put forward a different opinion, "Watching the big S family communicate happily, this is the most precious." ”

The chef's praise for Da S's family is even more unstingy.

"Their family really gets along well, and the happiness is beyond words!" the chef sighed, "Moreover, although the outside world has different evaluations of Oba's appearance, his gentleness and thoughtfulness are the most precious quality in Da S's heart." ”

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

"Yes, no matter how it looks on the outside, what really matters is the inside!" someone echoed with deep feelings, "It is because of such a spiritual connection that the big S family can support each other and spend the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together." ”

"The unity between the three sisters is simply exemplary!" another netizen sighed, "I hope I can have such a happy family in the future." ”

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Seeing these comments, I can't help but sigh: The happiness of Da S's family is really so enviable.

Not only do they have a hearty meal, but more importantly, they love and support each other, which is a truly happy life!

In May 2008, Big S and Little S participated in a disaster relief party called "Spread the Love" to help the people affected by the Sichuan earthquake.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

They showed a bright smile on the stage and conveyed love with their hearts, injecting warmth and strength into this charity event.

"It's really touching to see Big S and Little S so actively participating in charity activities. Some netizens sighed, "This is not only their performance, but also an interpretation of social responsibility with actions." ”

"That's right, such public welfare activities can not only help people in the disaster area, but also bring more people to pay attention to and participate in charity. ”

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

Another netizen chimed in, "Their actions will undoubtedly send positive energy to the society." ”

At the party, the performances of Big S and Little S aroused bursts of applause and cheers from the audience.

"Their performances are fantastic!" a fan excitedly commented, "not only are they good at acting, but they can also use their influence to help people in need." ”

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

The whole party raised a total of more than NT$200 million, a figure that made netizens sigh.

"It's really touching to have so many donations. Someone sighed, "Every loving donation will bring hope and warmth." ”

"I hope that these donations can be used to rebuild the disaster area and help the victims. Another netizen was concerned about the whereabouts of the donations, "I hope this donation can play a practical role." ”

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

This "Spread Love" disaster relief party is not only a performance, but also a manifestation of social responsibility.

Big S and Little S have sent care and hope to the people in the disaster area in their own way, and have also led more people to join in public welfare undertakings and work together for the betterment of society.

They interpreted the "power of love" with practical actions, let us see the sense of responsibility and responsibility of the stars, and also made us believe that everyone can pass on love and warmth in their own way to make the world a better place.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

At the same time, Gu Junye, the other half of Big S, also lives a relaxed and happy life.

The upcoming concert is highly anticipated, and although the outside world has different opinions about its fashion dress, what is more interesting is whether the concert will be hard to find.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

In this world full of flashes and magnesium lights, Big S has built his own private world with low-key and happiness.

Their lives may not be perfect, but they are enough to be enviable, and this kind of happiness may be what Big S has always adhered to.

Big S Gu Junye's family went out to dinner, and the private chef boss praised Oba for being so handsome, and bluntly said that the S family atmosphere is good!

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Note: It is not easy to be original, plagiarism and manuscript washing, and it will be studied deeply. The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete

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