
After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

author:The gentle sojourner bubbles

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother rushed to the market and did not come back

In a remote mountain village, the Li family has three children. The eldest son Li Qiang and the second daughter Li Ting are already married and have started a family, and their lives are plain and happy. However, when Xiao Li Hao was born, the family ushered in an unexpected change.

On that day, the sun was shining, and the people in the village were busy preparing supplies for the winter. Li Hao's mother, Wang Guihua, also plans to go to the town to catch the market and buy some household goods. She kissed her infant son, explained a few words to her eldest son and second daughter, and then took the bamboo basket on her back and set out on the road to the town.

Who knows, this time, there will be no news.

At first, the family thought that she was just delayed by something, or met some acquaintance, and chatted a few more words. However, as it got late, Wang Guihua did not return. Li Qiang and Li Ting became anxious, and they mobilized their neighbors and relatives in the village to search around, but found nothing.

During that time, the whole village was shrouded in gloom. There was a lot of discussion, some said that Wang Guihua may have been attacked by wild beasts in the mountains, some said that she may have been lost, and some said that she may have encountered an accident. But in either case, there is no conclusive evidence to support it.

Li Hao's father, Li Daming, aged a lot overnight. He held his little son all day long, silently looking into the distance, as if waiting for something. And Li Hao, in this environment lacking maternal love, is growing up day by day.

The people in the village tried their best to avoid mentioning Wang Guihua in front of the Li family, but they inevitably discussed it in private. This incident has become a mystery in the village, and everyone is guessing where Wang Guihua has gone.

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, Li Hao has grown into a handsome young man. Although he has not been accompanied by his mother since he was a child, under the care of his father and older siblings, he has also grown into an optimistic and strong young man. However, he was always suspicious of his mother's disappearance.

One spring many years later, a shocking news suddenly came from the village: Wang Guihua had returned, and he had brought back a man.

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

The news spread quickly throughout the village like wings. People flocked to the Li family, wanting to take a look and see what had become of this woman who had disappeared for many years.

When Wang Guihua and the man walked into the courtyard of the Li family, everyone was stunned. Although Wang Guihua is nearly half a hundred years old, she still has charm, and the man looks elegant and gentle, looking much younger than Wang Guihua.

"Mom!" Li Hao rushed forward and hugged Wang Guihua tightly. Tears rolled in his eyes, but he held back his tears.

"Hao'er, you've grown up. Wang Guihua stroked Li Hao's head, tears flashing in her eyes.

"Mom, where have you been, why haven't you come back for so many years?" Li Hao finally asked the question that had been held in his heart for many years.

Wang Guihua sighed, pointed to the man next to her and said, "All this has to start with him." ”

The man smiled and nodded to Li Hao: "Hello, my name is Chen Wen, and I am your mother's friend." ”

Li Hao looked at Chen Wen suspiciously, and then at his mother, waiting for a reasonable explanation.

Wang Guihua took Chen Wen's hand and asked him to sit on the stone bench in the courtyard, and then began to slowly tell her story.

"When I was in the market that year, I met Chen Wen. He was a down-and-out scholar who was selling calligraphy and paintings in the town for a living. We had a very speculative conversation, and he told me that he had a dream to travel all over the world and collect all kinds of rare calligraphy, paintings and ancient books. I was so moved by his dreams that I decided to fund him to make it happen. ”

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

"Later, I followed him on the journey. We have traveled to many places and seen all kinds of customs. Chen Wen is not only knowledgeable, but also a person of integrity, and we have spent many wonderful times together. Gradually, I found myself deeply in love with him. ”

Speaking of this, Wang Guihua's face showed a hint of blush, as if she had returned to those young years.

Li Hao listened attentively, he never thought that there was such a romantic and tortuous story hidden behind his mother's disappearance. He looked at Chen Wen and found that his eyes were also full of affection for Wang Guihua.

"Then why don't you come back?" Li Hao couldn't help but ask.

Wang Guihua sighed: "We have been back a few times, but every time we see that you are living well, we don't want to disturb your peaceful life." Moreover, Chen Wen has always had a wish, that is, to find a famous painting that has been lost for a long time. We've been running around looking for the whereabouts of that painting. ”

"Did you find that painting?" asked Li Hao curiously.

Chen Wen nodded: "Not long ago, we finally found that painting in a remote ancient town. Now, our wish has been fulfilled, and it is time to come back and be with you. ”

After listening to their stories, Li Hao felt both shocked and moved. He held his mother and Chen Wen's hands tightly, and tears finally flowed: "Thank you, thank you for being willing to come back to me." ”

At that moment, the atmosphere in the courtyard became warm and touching. All doubts and resentments vanished in this moment, replaced by thoughts of family and anticipation for the future.

However, at this warm moment, a sudden voice broke the silence: "Osmanthus, you are finally back!"

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

When everyone looked back, they saw an old man in ragged clothes stumbling into the courtyard. His eyes stared directly at Wang Guihua, as if he had seen a long-lost relative.

"Who are you?" asked Li Hao vigilantly.

The old man didn't answer him, just stared at Wang Guihua tightly, and said with tears streaming down his face: "Osmanthus, I've been looking for you for twenty years!"

Wang Guihua looked at the old man in front of her, and a trace of surprise and unbearability flashed in her eyes. She seemed to recognize the old man, but didn't know how to face him.

Chen Wen held Wang Guihua's hand tightly, conveying strength and courage to her. They glanced at each other, as if they were making eye contact. Then, Wang Guihua took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the old man......

As Wang Guihua approached, the old man's emotions became even more excited. He said in a trembling voice: "Osmanthus, do you remember me? I am Uncle Zhang!"

The name Zhang Bo caused some ripples in Wang Guihua's mind. She looked closely at the old man in front of her, and found that he did have some familiar faces. Yes, she remembered that this Uncle Zhang was her neighbor when she was young, and he used to have a good impression of her.

"Uncle Zhang, why are you here?" Wang Guihua's voice trembled a little.

Uncle Zhang wiped a handful of tears, choked up and said, "I've been looking for you since you disappeared." When I heard that you were back, I rushed over at once. ”

Speaking of this, Uncle Zhang suddenly knelt down in front of Wang Guihua and hugged her legs tightly: "Osmanthus Flower, I beg you to come with me! Over the years, I have not forgotten you, I have been waiting for you!"

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

This scene shocked everyone present. Li Hao and Chen Wen glanced at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes. They didn't know what to do with this sudden situation.

Wang Guihua was also taken aback by Uncle Zhang's actions, and she struggled to help Uncle Zhang up, but the latter held her legs tightly and refused to let go.

"Uncle Zhang, do you have something to say first?" Wang Guihua tried to calm Uncle Zhang's emotions, "I am already a family man, I can't go with you anymore." ”

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang's emotions became even more excited, he looked up at Wang Guihua, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger: "Have a family? Your husband has died a long time ago, and you are now free! Why don't you want to go with me?"

This sentence exploded in the yard like a bomb. Li Hao and Chen Wen were stunned, they didn't expect Uncle Zhang to say such a thing. And Wang Guihua was pale, as if she had been hit by Uncle Zhang's words.

"You...... How do you know?" asked Wang Guihua in a trembling voice.

Uncle Zhang sneered: "Do you think that others don't know what you did? Not long after your husband died, you ran away with this man, and everyone in the village knew about you! It's just that they didn't tell the truth!"

Wang Guihua only felt that the sky was spinning, and she almost fainted to the ground. She always thought that she had hidden her affairs well, but she didn't expect to be seen through a long time ago. She looked at Chen Wen helplessly, hoping that he could give her some support.

Chen Wen held her hand tightly, conveying strength and courage to her. He looked up at Uncle Zhang, and said in a firm tone: "Uncle Zhang, no matter what you know, in short, Osmanthus is my wife now, and we will always be together." ”

After speaking, he picked up Wang Guihua and turned around and walked towards the house. Li Hao also reacted, he hurriedly helped Uncle Zhang and comforted: "Uncle Zhang, calm down, let the past things pass." ”

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

However, Uncle Zhang looked at Wang Guihua and Chen Wen's backs blankly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He knew the opportunity he had been waiting for for twenty years had finally come......

That night, there was a strange singing sound in the courtyard of the Li family. The song was poignant and long, as if telling an old and tragic story. Li Hao was woken up by the singing, and he hurriedly got up to check the situation. When he walked into the courtyard, he saw a strange scene: Zhang Bo was standing in the middle of the courtyard, dancing and singing, while Wang Guihua and Chen Wen were standing quietly watching him, as if attracted by his singing.

Li Hao felt a burst of fear, and he hurriedly shouted, "Mom! Uncle Chen Wen, what's wrong with you?"

However, they continued to watch Uncle Zhang sing as if they hadn't heard it. Li Hao was anxious, and hurriedly rushed forward, wanting to interrupt Uncle Zhang's singing. However, just as he was about to touch Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang suddenly turned around and revealed a hideous face......

Li Hao took a step back in horror, only to see Uncle Zhang's face as pale as paper, and his eyes revealed an indescribable weirdness. His singing came to an abrupt halt, replaced by an eerie sneer.

"Hahaha, you've finally fallen into my trap!" Zhang Bo laughed arrogantly, as if everything was under his control.

Li Hao's heart tightened, he understood that this night was destined to be unusual. He turned his head to look at Wang Guihua and Chen Wen, only to find that they seemed to be frozen, motionless and with empty eyes.

"What did you do to them?" Li Hao asked angrily.

"It's nothing, it's just that they can't move for a while. Uncle Zhang smiled contemptuously, "Now, let me tell you a secret." ”

Uncle Zhang began to slowly tell a story about Wang Guihua, Chen Wen and him. It turned out that after Wang Guihua and Chen Wen eloped, Zhang Bo had always been resentful, and he vowed to take revenge on the pair of people who betrayed him. Over the years, he has devoted himself to cultivating evil arts, and finally he has found an opportunity.

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

"I have set a trap in this village, and as long as Wang Guihua and Chen Wen come back, they will be under my control. Uncle Zhang smirked, "Now, their life and death are completely in my hands." ”

Li Hao was shocked when he heard this, and he didn't know how to deal with this crazy man. He tries to find a breakthrough, only to find that his movements are also limited by a mysterious force, as if bound by invisible shackles.

"What do you really want?" Li Hao tried to keep his composure, trying to negotiate with Uncle Zhang.

"It's very simple, I want all of you to pay for the betrayal back then!" Uncle Zhang said viciously, "Especially you, Wang Guihua! I want you to watch your family members leave you one by one, and let you taste the pain of losing your loved ones!"

After speaking, Uncle Zhang began to chant the incantation, and the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly became strange. Li Hao felt a strong sense of oppression hit him, as if an invisible mountain was pressing on his chest, making him breathless.

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, interrupting Uncle Zhang's spell. A majestic voice sounded in the air: "Evil beast!

As the voice fell, an old man in a Taoist robe appeared in the courtyard. He was holding a long sword, and his body exuded a chilling sword aura.

"Who are you, how dare you spoil my good deeds!" roared Uncle Zhang.

"Poor Dao is the land lord here, and he has come to clean up such a demon as you!" the old man said coldly.

After speaking, he waved the long sword in his hand and slashed at Uncle Zhang. A sword aura pierced the night sky and took Uncle Zhang's life. Zhang Bo dodged the attack of the sword qi in horror, but it was too late. The sword qi instantly penetrated his body, freezing him in place and unable to move.

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later


With the disappearance of Uncle Zhang, the atmosphere in the courtyard suddenly returned to normal. Wang Guihua and Chen Wen also regained their mobility, and they looked at the land prince gratefully and said, "Thank you Daxian for saving your life!"

The land lord smiled and said: "This is a matter within the scope of the poor road, you don't need to say thank you." With that, he turned into a golden light and disappeared into the night sky.

After experiencing this thrilling encounter, the Li family cherished the family affection and reunion time between each other even more. They know that it is the protection of mysterious forces that allows them to escape the catastrophe and start a happy life again. And the Uncle Zhang, who once brought them fear and threat, has been completely eliminated and can no longer pose any threat to them.

However, life did not calm down because of this. In the following days, Li Hao discovered something strange. He discovers that his mother, Wang Guihua and Uncle Chen Wen, often mysteriously disappear and then suddenly reappear, as if they have some ulterior secret.

One night, Li Hao decided to follow them to see what they were doing. He quietly followed behind Wang Guihua and Chen Wen, through the village, and came to a dense forest in the back mountain.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, Li Hao saw an ancient temple. The door of the temple was closed, but Wang Guihua and Chen Wen walked straight in. Li Hao cautiously followed in, but found that there was no one inside.

Just as he was wondering, a strange light suddenly came from the depths of the temple. Li Hao followed the light, only to discover an astonishing secret: Wang Guihua and Chen Wen were standing in front of a mysterious magic circle, each holding a sparkling gem in their hands.

"What are you doing?" Li Hao couldn't help but ask.

Wang Guihua and Chen Wen were taken aback, and they turned around and saw that it was Li Hao, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Guihua explained: "Hao'er, it's time to tell you something. ”

After the birth of the youngest son, the mother did not come back to the market, and brought the man home many years later

It turned out that Wang Guihua and Chen Wen were not ordinary people, they were descendants of the ancient guardian family. Their family has guarded an ancient secret for generations: a mysterious treasure hidden in the depths of the temple. And these two gems are the keys to unlock the treasure.

"We're always looking for the right time to tell you this secret. Chen Wen said, "Now, you have grown up and have the ability to take on this heavy responsibility." ”

Li Hao was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect his life experience to be so bizarre. He took the gem handed over by Wang Guihua, and only felt a mysterious power surging into his body. He knew that from now on, he would be tasked with protecting his family and treasure.

Li Hao took a deep breath and held the gem in his hand tightly. In the moonlight, the gemstone shimmers with dazzling light, as if telling an ancient and mysterious legend. He understands that his life will be turned upside down as a result. However, instead of feeling scared or lost, he was full of anticipation and courage. Because he knows that his family will be there for him, support him, and encourage him whenever and wherever he is.