
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.

author:Persistent orange Ue
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.
What relatives are the closest, someone sorted it out, and after reading it, the knowledge has increased greatly.

In that turbulent era of the Republic of China, I was in a small town in the water town south of the Yangtze River, and every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shined through the light gauzy mist on the bluestone pavement, I would walk in this picturesque beauty. At this time, the breeze blows on the face, sending bursts of floral fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Jiangnan can pick lotus, lotus leaves He Tiantian. I whispered this poem, and a deep attachment to this land welled up in my heart. Every grass, tree, brick and tile here seems to tell an ancient and long story.

And in this place full of stories, I cherish the most relatives who are connected to me by blood. They may be far away or near, close or distant, but in my heart, they all have an irreplaceable position.

One day, I was sitting in a teahouse in the town, and I heard some old men next to me talking about a topic: "What relatives are the dearest?"

"In my opinion, my own brothers and sisters are the closest. "They grew up with us, they have been through many ups and downs together, and that friendship will never be severed no matter what." ”

Another old man shook his head and said, "Having said that, brothers and sisters also have their own families and lives, and sometimes it is inevitable that there will be some estrangement. I think my parents are the closest relatives. They have worked hard to raise us and have done so much for us. ”

Listening to their discussions, my heart also rippled. It is true that my siblings and parents are my closest relatives, but there is an even more special existence in my heart - that is my grandmother.

My grandmother lived in a small village outside the town, and although she didn't see her often, every time she visited her, she could feel the strong family affection. My grandmother is over eighty years old, but she is in good spirits and always smiling. She likes to tell me stories about the past, those things about the family and the family, which always make me listen to them with relish.

I remember one time, when I was depressed because of some things, my grandmother pulled me to sit in the yard, basking in the sun, while gently patting my back and saying, "Child, there will always be ups and downs in life, but no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must persevere." You have to believe that no matter where you go, there are loved ones who are silently supporting you. "At that moment, I felt warmth and strength that I had never felt before.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Perhaps there is no definitive answer to this question. Because everyone's experience and feelings are different, the understanding and experience of family relationship is also different. But in any case, family affection is the most precious and precious treasure in our lives.

I continued to listen to the old man's discussion, nodding my head in agreement from time to time. Their words are full of insights into life and cherishing family affection. I realized how lucky and blessed I am to be able to have a sincere family relationship in this complex world.

As the sun began to set in the west, I got up and said goodbye to the old men in the teahouse. Walking on the way home, my heart was filled with emotion and joy. I know that no matter how many difficulties and challenges I will encounter in the future, I will have the closest family affection as a solid backing and support.

Back home, I couldn't wait to pick up my pen and record the experiences and feelings of the day. I want to use words to describe the strong family affection and warm power, so that more people can feel the preciousness and beauty of family affection.

In the days that followed, I often remembered the discussions I had in the teahouse and my grandmother's warm words. They have become the most precious treasure and source of strength in my heart. Whenever I encounter difficulties or feel down, I always think of my dearest family and my grandmother's encouragement to cheer myself up.

At the same time, I also began to cherish and care more for the relatives around me. Whether it is my parents, siblings or other relatives, I will take care of and maintain that family relationship with my heart. Because I know that in this world, there is nothing more important and precious than family affection.

In this way, in that turbulent era of the Republic of China, I found my dearest relatives - that is, my grandmother and those relatives who are connected to me by blood. They are the most precious wealth and source of strength in my life, and they are also the most solid backing and support for me on the way forward.

Looking back now, I can still vividly remember that sunny morning and the discussion in the teahouse. They seem to have become eternal images and memories in my heart, making me always remember the preciousness and beauty of family affection. In the years to come, I will continue to cherish and inherit this dearest family affection, and make it the most valuable wealth and source of strength in my life.

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