
Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

author:Love Qingdao
Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

April 15, 2024

Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

Rumor Sanxingdui dug up a bronze that resembles a "flying saucer"?

Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

Truth: Recently, an online picture once again mentioned the "alien origin theory of Sanxingdui civilization", which attracted attention. The archaeological excavation site in the picture has a flying saucer-shaped bronze artifact with many lines and parts on it, which looks full of science and technology. But many netizens reminded the post that this is just an AI-generated network meme. The reporter searched and found that some netizens had forwarded this picture at the end of March, and it was clearly marked as "AI joke, don't take it seriously".

Is Sanxingdui an alien civilization? Is Sanxingdui really a relic of being separated from Chinese civilization? In fact, officials have repeatedly refuted these frequent topics. In September 2020, Sanxingdui's official Weibo @Sichuan Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum commented on a group of Sanxingdui cultural relics, saying, "The shooting is really good, and it really has nothing to do with aliens." Sun Hua, a professor at the School of Archaeology and Museums of Peking University, also gave a negative answer in an interview with Cover News, "Sanxingdui culture is definitely not a foreign civilization, and Sanxingdui people are even less likely to be aliens!" (Source: China Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform, Sichuan Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform, Cover News)

Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

Myth: Can eating bitter gourd lower blood sugar?

Truth: This statement is inaccurate. The special bitterness of bitter gourd stems from the bitter melon it contains and the insulin-like substance polypeptide P, and it is believed that eating bitter gourd has a hypoglycemic effect. However, judging from the existing research trials of bitter melon, the relevant evidence for this view is limited to animal experiments, and there is no clinical trial data in humans to confirm it. At the same time, the content of polypeptide P in bitter melon is negligible, and it is difficult for scientists to accurately quantify it. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve a significant blood sugar reduction effect by eating bitter gourd alone. Diabetic patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions to take medication and control blood sugar, and do not easily believe home remedies circulating on the Internet or among the people. (Source: China Consumer Daily)

Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

National Security Education Day: "Eight No's" to Safeguard National Security

Details: 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the overall national security concept, and April 15 is the 9th National Security Education Day. What is national security? Which groups of people are easy targets for espionage rebellion? What can we do to protect national security? Let's unlock new knowledge about national security.

What is National Security?

National security refers to the state of state power, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, people's well-being, sustainable economic and social development, and other major national interests in a state of relative freedom from danger and internal and external threats, as well as the ability to ensure a sustained state of security.

What are the key areas covered by the overall national security concept?

The overall national security concept covers many fields such as politics, military, territory, economy and finance, culture, society, science and technology, network, food, ecology, resources, nuclear, overseas interests, space, deep sea, polar regions, biology, artificial intelligence, and data.

Who are the targets of espionage and rebellion?

People who have access to the mainland's core confidential information, such as the staff of party and government organs, military and military enterprises, national defense research institutes, and other departments, as well as international students, teachers and students of colleges and universities, and military enthusiasts.

In daily work and life, we must achieve "eight no's" to protect national security

1. Photos are not taken at will. Do not take photos in unauthorized places such as military bases and military ports, and do not share photos of military training, weapons and equipment, and military uniforms in the circle of friends.

2. The team does not plug in at will. When driving out and encountering a convoy of military vehicles, do not intersperse the convoy, and do not track and shoot.

3. Work is not done blindly. Do not engage in acts that may lead to the disclosure of state secrets at work. For example, providing internal information that has not yet been made public by secret-related units, or taking photos of military-related personnel taken while working for profit.

4. The internal and external networks of the computer are not mixed. Do not use wireless network cards, wireless mice, wireless keyboards and other wireless devices and storage media of external units on dedicated computers on the internal network. Also remember to keep your antivirus software up to date.

5. The suitcase is not packed randomly. Do not pack fruits and vegetables brought from abroad, and do not bring back foreign soil and animal specimens, etc., as these may pose a threat to the ecological security of the mainland.

6. Things are not bought and sold casually. Do not illegally buy or sell satellite data receiving cards, wireless camera pens, real-time video wireless monitors, GPS tracking and locators and other special espionage equipment.

7. The information is not illegally disseminated. Do not participate in the publication or dissemination of illegal political publications, and do not use e-mail, forums and other online communication channels to transmit illegal information.

8. Do not conceal suspicious clues when found. Any organization or individual discovering situations or leads endangering national security shall immediately report it to the state security organs.

What should I do if I discover an act that endangers national security?

Citizens may report to the state security organs in the following ways:

(1) Call the 12339 hotline of the state security organs for accepting reports;

(2) Log on to the website of the State Security Organs' Internet Reporting Acceptance Platform;

(3) Sending letters to state security organs;

(4) Report to the state security organs in person;

(5) Report to the state security organs through other state organs or the informant's unit;

(6) Other methods of reporting. (Source: @人民日报, "Central Radio Network" WeChat public account)

Today's Refutation of Rumours (15 April 2024)

Source: China Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform