
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!

author:Danko Techu Kojiji
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!
Ineffective communication with the blind date, he is really wooden!

His eyes are as deep as a dry well, and there are no waves.

My words have passed through my ears like the wind, leaving no trace.

tried to communicate, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea,

He was really wooden, which made me feel helpless.

I wanted to talk, but he was speechless,

I wanted to ask, but there was only confusion in his eyes.

His world seems to be closed without gaps,

How can my words penetrate that barrier?

I try to use gentle language,

to awaken the emotions in his heart,

But he was as stiff as a puppet,

I couldn't respond to my sincere expectations.

I asked him the color of the sky,

He answered the wrong questions, and made me cry and laugh,

I'm trying to make sense of his world,

only to find that it was a barren desert.

His words, simple and direct,

But it made me feel the powerlessness of communication,

I try to depict life poetically,

But he only saw the surface of life.

Ineffective communication, exhausting me,

His wood has become a pain in my heart,

I began to doubt my choice,

Should we continue this fruitless journey?

But when I turned away and wanted to leave,

But there was a reluctance in my heart,

Maybe he just needs time to understand,

Maybe he just needs more love.

So, I decided to try again,

Listen with more patience,

Embrace with more understanding,

I hope he can feel my sincerity.

His woodenness, perhaps his protective color,

His silence, perhaps his inner struggle,

I'm willing to spend time melting that iceberg,

Warm his closed heart with love.

Communication, although difficult, but not impossible,

As long as we are willing to try with our hearts,

He may also be able to smile,

Our story may also have a happy ending.

(The following is the prose part)

I met him on a blind date, and I thought I could meet a person who was compatible with my heart, but I never thought that communication would become the biggest obstacle between us. His woodenness was unbearable for me, and every time I tried to communicate with him, it was like hitting an invisible wall, which made me feel frustrated.

His speech is simple and direct, lacking any emotion, as if he were a robot without a soul. When I asked him questions about life and emotions, he always answered the wrong questions, which made me cry and laugh. I tried to guide him to express his inner thoughts, but he always responded to me with silence.

I began to wonder if I should continue this fruitless journey. However, whenever I feel like giving up, there is always a sense of reluctance in my heart. I thought, maybe he just needed more time to understand me, maybe he just needed more love to open his heart.

So, I decided to try again. I began to listen more patiently to his words, trying to find his inner voice in them. I began to understand his behavior more and no longer jump to conclusions about him. I hope that through my efforts, I can melt his closed heart and let him feel my sincerity.

Gradually, I noticed that he began to change a little. While his words are still simple, I can feel him trying to express more emotion. Although he was still a little wooden, I could see that he was trying to understand me. These small changes give me hope and make me believe that as long as we communicate with our hearts, we will be able to overcome obstacles and come together.

Now, I'm still trying to communicate with him. I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm willing to keep going. Because I believe that as long as we truly love each other, nothing can stop us from moving towards happiness.