
Fu Chaoqun: Science explains how children become stupid!

  Why isn't your child a top student?

  Why is it that your other children are smart, but your children seem clumsy?

  Why is your child sluggish, easily tired, slow to learn, and unable to open his mind, and what is the root cause?

  Have you consulted many people about these questions? Have you gotten the answers?

  So, what is the fundamental reason for this?

  The answer is the brain, the development of the child's neurons.

Fu Chaoqun: Science explains how children become stupid!

  First of all, we need to know what is the role of neurons?

  It is a biological cell whose main function is to receive stimuli, produce excitation, and conduct excitation.

  Neurons are classified according to their functions: (Here are technical academic terms, you can skip them in a general way, and then they will be explained in a language that everyone can understand.) )

  (1) Afferent neurons (also called sensory neurons), which mainly receive stimuli from inside and outside the body to transmit nerve impulses to the central nervous system. Generally speaking, the nerve fibers of afferent neurons have synaptic connections with other neurons after entering the central nervous system, which is mainly divergent, that is, synaptic connections are established with many neurons through the branches of axon terminals, which can cause many neurons to be excited or inhibited at the same time to expand the scope of influence.

  (2) Efferent neurons (also called motor neurons): nerve impulses are transmitted from the cell body through axons to the terminals, causing muscle contraction or gland secretion. The efferent nerve fiber terminals are distributed to skeletal muscle to form the motor endplate, and when distributed to visceral smooth muscle and glandular epithelium, they wrap around muscle fibers or travel between glandular cells. In the reflex arc, the way in which it is generally connected to the intermediate neurons is aggregate, that is, many afferent neurons and the same neuron form synapses, so that many impulses from different sources act on the same neuron simultaneously or sequentially. That is, the integration of the center, so that the reaction is more precise and coordinated.

  (3) Interneurons (also called contact neurons) receive nerve impulses from other neurons and then transmit impulses to another neuron. Interneurons are distributed within central nerves such as the brain and spinal cord. It is the most abundant of the three classes of neurons. Its arrangement is very complex, with divergent, polymeric, chain-linked, ring-shaped, etc. The point of contact for information transfer between neurons is synapses. Complex reflex activity is a chain of neurons formed by synapses of afferent, interneuron, and efferent neurons. The more interneurons involved in the reflex, the more complex the reflex activity caused. The thinking activity of the human cerebral cortex is through the extremely complex reflex activity of a large number of intermediate neurons. The complex connections of interneurons underlie the highly complex structure of the nervous system.

  You may not understand the above professional academic terms, but I will explain them to you in a language that everyone can understand.

  First, we think of neurons as spider webs, and each spider web thread is like a tentacle. Afferent neurons are the sensations they acquire, so that the neurons begin to extend and spread, and then go to the efferent neurons and intermediate neurons to form a link, so as to complete the behavior and thinking instructions of the whole person.

  For example, I once saw a video on the Internet, a child cried and recited the multiplication formula, no matter how she memorized it, it was 3545, and the parents were thundering next to her, and she felt that the whole person was angry.

  In psychology, a child's performance is judged to be "learned helplessness", and in brain science, when a child does not learn well, her afferent neurons are in a state of static development. For example, if the child's back is 5 or 2510, her afferent neurons are expanding outward and developing, and they are connected to the middle neurons, which will help the child continue to develop and deal with problems like this. But by the time of 3545, the strong dissatisfaction and criticism of the parents made the afferent neurons quickly retract as if they had been whipped by a whipped hand.

  It's like when an afferent neuron links the information "3545" with an intermediate neuron, her neuron needs to analyze and process the problem like a computer. If the child's neuronal development is not very good, then the process will be stuck, and when it is developed, it will find loopholes and deal with it on its own until the correct answer is found.

  A child who is very good at learning and performing well has neurons that are densely cobwebbed, and those who are not developing well have neurons like dead branches without leaves.

Fu Chaoqun: Science explains how children become stupid!

  For example, if a child is partial to the subject and is particularly good in Chinese, it is because the child has a greater sense of achievement in language performance, and this sense of achievement will promote the spread and development of the child's afferent neurons (because the function of afferent neurons is to receive stimuli, produce excitement and conduct excitation), and the link with the intermediate neurons is very good. Conversely, the child's math performance is not satisfactory because she receives less stimulation in the process of math learning, and the state of excitement that produces and transmits excitement is relatively small, or none. This hinders the development of his neurons associated with it.

  Behaviors that hinder the development of neurons in children:

  (1) Tantrums, every violent temper venting, will make the child's neurons languishing, unable to extend and develop; in the continuous and long-term emotional catharsis education method, the temper tantrum will make the child's neurons develop in a static manner. That's why we see a lot of kids who are incredibly smart at playing, but stupid enough at learning.

  (2) Frustration, when children cannot solve the same problem by their own ability, and do not get effective help to solve it, it will also limit the development of neurons.

  (3) Nagging, counting, and blaming, although these methods are not tantrums, they are like cutting meat with a blunt knife, and will make the child's neuronal derivation and development very slow. It's like a little temptation to develop outward, and the slightest wind and grass has to be retracted.

  Therefore, if a child often suffers from the emotions and nagging and accusations of her parents, then there is a reason for her clumsiness.

  The development of neurons is related to children's comprehension ability, concentration, and interest in learning.

  In order to better help my children, I changed from a mother to an educational researcher and practitioner, and studied in-depth from the children's psychological development, physiological science and communication skills, for which I also took a senior family education instructor certificate.

Fu Chaoqun: Science explains how children become stupid!

  I know that the subject of "education" covers a wide range of subjects, and it is definitely not something that I can learn in my lifetime. But this kind of learning can continue to let me know more, and at the same time, I can help more people.

  My name is Fu Chaoqun, and I am here to learn and grow with you.

Fu Chaoqun: Science explains how children become stupid!