
3 years after the divorce, I asked my ex-husband to be responsible for being pregnant, but he said that I was wronged?

author:Hong Kong Island Diary

My name is Lin Wan, I am 32 years old, and I am an accountant for a small company. Three years ago, my ex-husband Chen Jie and I ended our five-year marriage for various reasons. At that time, we both thought that each other's lives would be better because of this, but unexpectedly, fate played a huge joke on me.

After the divorce, I struggled to adjust my life and put myself into my work, trying to forget the pain of the past. However, just when I thought everything was getting better, an unexpected piece of news got me into trouble again – I was pregnant.

As I stood in the hallway of the hospital, clutching the pregnancy test report in my hand, I had mixed feelings. I clearly remember that Chen Jie and I have never had a relationship again after the divorce, so whose child is this? For a while, I felt extremely confused and afraid.

3 years after the divorce, I asked my ex-husband to be responsible for being pregnant, but he said that I was wronged?

But what makes me even more entangled is that the existence of this child makes me have to face a fact - I want Chen Jie to take on the responsibility of being a father. After all, he was the most important person in my life and the only man I ever had an intimate relationship with.

So, I found Chen Jie with a big belly. When he saw me, his eyes were full of surprise and confusion. I told him the news that I was pregnant and hoped that he would face this challenge with me. However, Chen Jie's reaction disappointed me.

"Am I wronged?" he looked at me coldly, his tone full of dissatisfaction and mockery, "We are divorced, is it too much for you to come to me to be responsible now?"

His words hit my heart like a hammer, and I could barely breathe in pain. I never thought that Chen Jie would be so indifferent to this upcoming life. But I also knew that I could no longer rely on his sympathy and mercy, and that I had to plan for my future and that of my children.

So, I started trying to face it all on my own. I consulted with my doctor to find out what to do and what to do during pregnancy. I also got a job, and although the income was not high, it was enough to support me and my children.

3 years after the divorce, I asked my ex-husband to be responsible for being pregnant, but he said that I was wronged?

At the same time, I also began to reflect on the relationship between myself and Chen Jie. Perhaps, our marriage came to an end not because we didn't love each other anymore, but because we didn't learn how to communicate and understand each other correctly. I realized that whether Chen Jie was willing to take responsibility or not, I could not allow myself and my children to be trapped in endless waiting and disappointment.

In the process, I gradually learned to be strong and independent. I no longer rely on anyone, but use my own strength to meet the challenges of the future. I know that the process will be full of hardships and difficulties, but I believe that as long as I persevere, everything will be better.

As for Chen Jie, I chose to let go. He may never understand my decision and persistence, but I no longer need his approval and support. I only hope that he can understand that every life deserves to be respected and cherished, and that no matter where it comes from, it will have its own future.

Now, I'm six months pregnant. While life is still challenging and uncertain, I have never felt more fulfilled and satisfied. Because I know that I am working hard for the future of myself and my children, and this effort is a happiness and satisfaction in itself.

3 years after the divorce, I asked my ex-husband to be responsible for being pregnant, but he said that I was wronged?

Chen Jie, you may never know that your indifference and rejection have strengthened my beliefs. Thank you for the love and warmth you have given me, but please also remember that our lives have gone their separate ways. I will take my children to our future.

Life is always full of accidents and twists, but it is these experiences that make us more mature and stronger. In the face of challenges and dilemmas, what we need is not to evade and blame, but to face and solve them bravely. Only in this way can we truly take control of our own destiny and move towards a better future.

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