
The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

author:Chen Ai smiled

The unique charm of Tohoku cuisine

In the far north of China, there is a land that has been covered by snowy winters for a long time - the Northeast. The people here have an innate enthusiasm and boldness, and they also have a tongue that is good at tasting food. In the bitter cold, a pot of steaming, fragrant stew is the warm antidote to the Northeast people. These stews are not only good and cheap, but also can make people feel a strong sense of family and country and food wisdom. Next, let's take a closer look at the famous and beloved Northeast stews and discover the stories behind them.

The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

Iron pot stewed pork ribs - the hometown love overflowing with the aroma of meat

In the Northeast, roasted pork ribs with potatoes can be described as a well-known traditional dish. The soul of this dish lies in the pork ribs simmering in an iron pot, accompanied by starchy local potatoes, which are simmered for a long time on low heat, the meat is crispy and soft, and the potatoes absorb enough juice and the soup is rich. Take a bite, the aroma of meat overflows, as if it can awaken the longing for home and the memory of childhood in the hearts of every Northeast person. Such a delicious, nutritious and economical delicacy has become the darling of the Northeast table.

The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

Sauerkraut white meat pot - the warm winter sun with freshness in the vegetarian body

When you think of cabbage and tofu, you may think of bland vegetarian dishes. But in the Northeast, the combination of the two has turned into a warm home-cooked dish called "sauerkraut white meat pot". Fresh cabbage and tender tofu blend together after a long time of cooking, and the soup is mellow and lightly sour, like a touch of warm sun on a cold winter day. Despite its low price, it is a frequent guest on the winter table of Northeast people, nourishing people's body and mind.

The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

Braised pork with sauce flavor - a fat but not greasy memory of the Northeast

When it comes to braised pork, many people think of the small bridge and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River. In the Northeast, braised pork presents a different flavor. The best pork belly is selected, with a unique production process and secret sauce, the meat pieces are fried until the outside is charred and tender inside, and then slowly simmered until the meat is soft and flavorful, fat but not greasy. This is not only a dish, but also carries the excitement and joy of Northeast people when they gather, and is a common memory of a better life.

The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

The cultural significance of Northeast stew

These three stews are not just simple dishes, they are witnesses to the rich culture and history of Northeast China. Behind every dish is the love of life and nostalgia for the hometown of Northeast people. If you have the opportunity to set foot in that magical land, you might as well try these authentic stews and feel the simplicity and warmth from the north. Of course, only the people of Northeast China who have truly experienced these delicacies can fully understand the taste and emotion. These stews are not only dishes, but also a medium for Northeast people to convey love and warmth, and are the best embodiment of their perseverance and optimistic attitude towards life.

The three most famous stews of the Northeast people are cheap and delicious, and only the authentic Northeast people have eaten them all

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