
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?

author:Brother Cui's day

In addition to the distribution of surnames and the size of the population, there are many legends and customs about the migration of the locust tree. According to legend, the little toe nails of the descendants of the immigrants of the great locust tree have two petals, which is considered one of the special signs of the descendants of the migrating great locust tree. In addition, the saying that going to the toilet is a "relief" is also widely spread among the descendants of the immigrants of the big locust tree.

What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?

In the migration of the big locust tree immigrants, Binh Duong Province is an important distribution center. Although there is no clear record of the concentrated immigration under the big locust tree in Hongdong in the official history, according to the research of county chronicles, historical materials and inscriptions in various places, it can be determined that Hongdong, as a county with a large population in Binh Duong Province, played an important role in the migration of the big locust tree.

What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?

In general, the migration of the big locust tree is a large-scale population migration in Chinese history, involving many surnames and far-reaching influences. Through the study of the migration of the big locust tree, we can better understand the population flow and cultural exchange in ancient Chinese society, and we can also appreciate the hardships and struggles experienced by our ancestors in the migration. The story of the migration of the big locust tree is not only a piece of history, but also a true portrayal of the life of our ancestors for hundreds of years, and it is also one of our cultural heritages today.

What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?
What are the surnames of the big locust tree migration?