
"When they learned that I was underage, they were even more excited", the degree of rubbing of young children and girls was shocking

author:Follow one's heart

The impact of the internet on minors is indeed an important issue, especially when it comes to soft-color incidents. Nowadays, there is a large amount of pornographic content on short video platforms, and minors sometimes show themselves in a way that exposes, plays sideways, and distorts three views in order to pursue traffic and money. This phenomenon not only has a negative impact on their life trajectory, but also has a negative impact on their learning and creativity.

"When they learned that I was underage, they were even more excited", the degree of rubbing of young children and girls was shocking

First of all, the soft color events on the Internet have had a huge impact on the mental health of minors. Young people are at a critical stage of their physical and mental development, and they are susceptible to external influences. The frequent appearance of soft-colored content instills wrong values and aesthetics in them, which can lead to the premature formation of sexual concepts and misleading relationships and interpersonal interactions. At the same time, these contents can also trigger psychological problems such as insecurity, anxiety and low self-esteem, affecting their studies and work.

"When they learned that I was underage, they were even more excited", the degree of rubbing of young children and girls was shocking

Secondly, in order to get more attention and money, minors do not hesitate to dress revealingly, play side balls and distort their three views. This kind of behavior not only violates social morality and moral norms, but also hinders their normal growth and learning. They are exposed to sexually suggestive and vulgar content too early, which can easily influence their values and ways of thinking. Moreover, they only pursue traffic and money while ignoring their own development and promotion, which also has a negative impact on their future career development and life planning.

"When they learned that I was underage, they were even more excited", the degree of rubbing of young children and girls was shocking

To solve this problem, families, schools and society need to take active action. Parents need to strengthen the education of their children, so that they understand the dangers of soft-colored content and cultivate correct values and aesthetics. Schools should strengthen education on cyber security and Internet ethics to help students correctly understand and use the Internet. All sectors of society should strengthen regulation, crack down on soft-colored content that violates laws and regulations, establish and improve laws, regulations, and systems to protect the physical and psychological health of minors.

"When they learned that I was underage, they were even more excited", the degree of rubbing of young children and girls was shocking

To sum up, soft incidents on the internet have had a significant impact on minors, not only harming their mental health, but also affecting their studies and creations. We should take a series of measures to improve this problem, including strengthening family education, school education and social supervision. Only by working together can we better protect the rights and interests of minors and allow them to study and live in a healthy environment.

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