
It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

author:Star Fan Entertainment

It is another year's art examination season, of which Nortel, Chinese opera and shang opera these three famous schools have attracted much attention, many students of these three famous schools have actually emerged in the entertainment industry, many young young actors and love beans will be these three schools as the goal. There are also many legends of art examinations in the entertainment industry, such as Zhang Xincheng, this brother will be pulled out to worship repeatedly every year during the art examination, the first of the five schools of the art examination, and the third year of the cultural class has not played well for a year and has scored more than 560 points.

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

Which dark horses have broken through this year? Under the premise that the cultural results have not yet come out, only on the art examination results, this year Nortel's first male artist Biancheng, who has developed in the entertainment industry, was biancheng from Baoding City, Hebei Province, who had previously partnered with Ren Min to star in "Qingping Le", which had some reputation at that time.

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

In a live broadcast of Biancheng and Ren Min, Biancheng's low emotional intelligence speech made many people hate him. In the presence of Ren Min, Biancheng complained that Ren Min was short, smelly feet, not good-looking, and even called Ren Min an aunt, and ren Min's attitude towards Ren Min in the live broadcast was also very impatient. Ren Min is also good-tempered, and has been smiling and giggling during the live broadcast, and although he is not happy with Biancheng's speech, he still said such words as "don't worry about children".

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

Age is not an excuse for speaking impolitely, so after this live broadcast, everyone has no good impression of the person on the side, the only impression is "the next head man". Things fermented, and Biancheng apologized to Ren Min on Weibo. Learn art before learn morality! This brother has a snack!

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

The first of this year's Chinese drama is Ma Qiyue, a young actor with a good reputation! Ma Qiyue is the actor of Chen Qiaonian in "The Age of Awakening", in this drama everyone has seen the acting skills of this younger brother, this time the Chinese drama is the first on the hot search, but also let more people recognize the young actor. In fact, Ma Qiyue is not only the first in the Chinese opera, but also the third in the middle transmission and the ninth in Nortel, although it is not as mythical as Zhang Xincheng, but his achievement is also unbeatable this year.

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

This year's art examination has attracted much attention from the four members of the Times Youth League (Yan Haoxiang, Song Yaxuan, Ma Jiaqi, He Junlin), which may be the three most stressful people, because once their results are not good, there will be many people, after all, the more fame they will receive! So what was the result of the three-person art exam?

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

Chinese Drama Re-examination Results:

The Times Youth Troupe Ma Jiaqi Central Academy of Drama ranked third in the country in the performance major

The Times Youth League Song Yaxuan Central Academy of Drama ranked eleventh in the country in the performance major

The Times Youth League He Junlin Central Academy of Drama presided over the seventh place in the country

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

Yan Haoxiang only applied for Nortel, but not!

It's another year of art exam season! Nortel's first side of the course is not good, and the achievements of the Times Youth League have attracted much attention

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