
Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

The eyes are not only the window to the soul, but also the barometer of physical health. Sometimes, subtle changes, such as a small black dot in the eye, can be a quiet alarm signal from the body.

Don't be careless about the following five kinds of eye abnormalities, they may be your body reminding you: "Lao Tie, there may be something wrong with me here, I have to check it quickly!"

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

1. Signs of eye abnormalities: early signs of tumors?

The whites of the eyes are yellow, this is not sunburning, nor is it sleeping too much. The whites of the eyes turn yellow, which is most likely the liver protesting, saying that it is exhausted.

If something goes wrong in the liver, bilirubin metabolism is not smooth, and the extra bilirubin has to be camped on the whites of the eyes, so the eyes turn yellow. I'll have to talk to the doctor about this.

A "mole" in the eye. Don't think that a mole in your eye is a trivial matter, sometimes it is not a good sign. Most conjunctival pigmented nevi are benign, but if they start to play out of the box, such as growing fast and uneven in color, then you have to be careful, because it could be a malignant melanoma knocking on the door. Although the appearance rate of this villain is not high, once it comes, it must be dealt with quickly.

Protrusion is a condition that is most often associated with hyperthyroidism. If it's not hyperthyroidism, you have to pay attention to it, it may be something uninvited in the eye, such as a hemangioma, a tear gland mass, or more seriously, a tumor such as a meningioma.

The problem of lack of vision should not be underestimated. It may be that something in the brain is pressing on the optic nerve, such as a pituitary tumor or optic nerve tumor. In this case, you have to find an expert quickly.

Finally, if you notice that your eyesight has suddenly deteriorated dramatically, you really need to go to the hospital immediately. This may be when the tumor grows rapidly in a short period of time and compresses the optic nerve or other related areas. In this case, there can be no delay.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

2. The truth about floaters: more than just visual interference

When it comes to floaters, this is not uncommon. Some people say that this thing is like a mosquito flying in front of you, and you can't wave it away. Actually, there is something wrong with the vitreous in the eyeball.

The vitreous is supposed to be clear and transparent, allowing light to reach the retina without any problems. However, if the vitreous starts to become cloudy, the cloudiness will follow the movement of the eyeball, affecting your vision.

There are two types of floaters, one is physiological, which usually does not affect vision. It may be because cells remain during the development of the eye, or normal physiological cells have fallen into the vitreous. In this case, rest more, be in a good mood, don't get too tired with your eyes, and most likely you can get better on your own.

However, there is also a pathological floater, which has to be taken seriously. It may be due to some disease in the body, or an eye injury, or bleeding. At this time, it is necessary to find out the cause and prescribe the right medicine.

Especially for those middle-aged and elderly people in their forties and fifties, as well as myopia patients, hypertension, uveitis, fundus disease, and diabetes patients, these people must pay special attention to the problem of floaters.

Don't think it's normal to get older, sometimes it's the eyes asking for help.

3. Bad eye habits: potential harm cannot be ignored

When it comes to eye habits, people nowadays are really inseparable from mobile phones and computers. It's no wonder that you don't get tired from staring at the screen for a long time. But it's not just a matter of being tired, in the long run, your eyes will quietly get sick.

For example, rubbing your eyes, which seems to be a relief, is actually a free ride ticket for bacteria and viruses. There is a protective film on the surface of the eye, and if you rub it indiscriminately, this membrane will be broken, and bacteria and viruses will have a chance.

In addition, if you use your eyes for a long time, especially in the case of low light, your eyes have to adjust hard, so that the muscles in your eyes are like being forced to lift iron for a long time, and the risk of myopia will greatly increase after a long time. Also, eye strain can cause dry eyes and even retinal problems.

Some people put eye drops or use eye wash as soon as their eyes are uncomfortable. On the surface, this thing seems to be a cure, but in fact it may be a cause for chaos.

Misuse of eye drops and eye washes can lead to poor self-protection mechanisms and even allergic reactions. So, these things can't be used casually, it's best to use them under the guidance of a doctor.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

4. Regular eye examination: early detection and early treatment

Sometimes eye problems are not visible in the blink of an eye. Some diseases are silent, and by the time you find out, it may be too late. Therefore, it is important to have regular eye examinations that cannot be delayed.

The frequency of testing varies depending on the age group's level of risk. For example, children and adolescents are recommended to have a check-up at least once a year because of the rapid development of their eyes.

Adults, if there are no special circumstances, biennial is also necessary. And when you reach middle age and old age, or have a family history of eye disease, at least once a year, this is responsible for your own vision.

Eye exams are more important than just fitting the right pair of glasses. Fundus photography, intraocular pressure testing, and slit lamp examination can help doctors identify potential problems such as glaucoma, cataracts, and even fundus lesions. If these diseases are detected and treated early, there is more hope for recovery.

Another important role of eye examination is that it can reflect the health of other parts of the body. For example, high blood pressure and diabetes can leave traces on the fundus. Therefore, eye examination is sometimes not only about looking at the eyes, but also about the health of the body.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

5. Healthy diet and eye maintenance: The impact of nutrition on vision should not be underestimated

Modern people's diets often ignore the nutritional needs of the eyes. The eyes, this delicate organ, need more than just vitamin A. For example, antioxidants – vitamins C and E – play an irreplaceable role in fighting eye diseases.

Studies have shown that they are able to slow the progression of cataracts and also work synergistically with other nutrients to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

In addition, the eye has a high demand for omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient that is essential for maintaining the health of the eye cell membranes. Fish, especially deep-sea fish, are an excellent source of this nutrient.

Omega-3 fatty acids can also reduce the symptoms of dry eyes, which is good news for modern people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen.

Let's talk about lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients found in many fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, corn, and carrots.

They are an important part of the protective pigment of the eye, filtering out harmful blue light and protecting the retina from damage. Studies have shown that moderate intake of these nutrients can reduce the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

6. Exercise and eye health: the benefits of an active lifestyle

Not only nutrition, exercise is also an important part of maintaining eye health. Exercise improves blood circulation and improves blood supply throughout the body, including the eyes. In this way, the eyes get more oxygen and nutrients, waste is excreted faster, and the eyes are naturally healthy.

Regular exercise can also reduce the risk of certain eye diseases, such as glaucoma. Glaucoma is related to intraocular pressure, and moderate exercise can help reduce intraocular pressure, which is important for the prevention and control of glaucoma.

Of course, the type and intensity of exercise needs to be adjusted according to the individual's physical condition, after all, too vigorous exercise can sometimes be counterproductive.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked

7. Mental Health and Eye Condition: The Potential Impact of Stress on Vision

Modern society is stressful, and when psychological stress is too high, the body secretes some hormones, such as cortisol.

These hormones are present at high levels for long periods of time and are harmful to the eyes. For example, they can cause increased eye pressure, increasing the risk of glaucoma, and can affect tear production, leading to dry eyes.

Tension and anxiety can also cause tension in the eye muscles, which can lead to accommodative eye fatigue and even dysfunction of the eye's accommodative function in the long run.

Therefore, maintaining mental health is also very important for the eyes. Proper relaxation, such as yoga and meditation, can help relieve mental stress and thus benefit the health of the eye.

Cancers in the body, eye prophets? Reminder: If you have these 5 signs in your eyes, it's best to get them checked


Eye health requires a multi-faceted approach, including but not limited to daily lifestyle, diet, exercise, and mental health.

Everyone should be aware that eyes are an important part of the body, and their health status directly affects our quality of life. We should take active steps to protect this window to the heart.

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