
China's expectations were disappointed, seven members of the Hamas leader's family were blown up alive, and Israel committed a big taboo

China's expectations were disappointed, seven members of the Hamas leader's family were blown up alive, and Israel committed a big taboo

Fears of massive Iranian retaliation, calm has temporarily returned to Gaza these days amid Israel's massive withdrawal. However, just when the outside world thought that Israel was about to start peace talks with Hamas, Israel waved its butcher's knife and continued the war in a violent way.

Judging by the latest information, three sons and four grandchildren of Hamas's supreme leader Haniyeh, in central Gaza, were attacked by the Israeli Air Force. According to Hamas's supreme leader, Haniyeh, they were on their way to a refugee camp in Gaza to visit the people there. As a result, Israel targeted the drone and fired a missile, hitting the vehicle in which the men were riding. A family of 7 was blown up alive.

China's expectations were disappointed, seven members of the Hamas leader's family were blown up alive, and Israel committed a big taboo

On the same day, Palestinian television also broadcast a video of Haniyeh after receiving news of the death of a loved one. In the video, Haniyeh told the Palestinians that even if their loved ones were targeted by the Israeli army, Hamas would not make concessions in the negotiations. In accordance with Islamic custom, he said to the seven families of his own victims, "May Allah have mercy on them."

Intuitively speaking, there are two points in this matter, which are very noteworthy and worth thinking about. The first, Hania's children and grandchildren, went to visit the refugee camp. This operation is not ordinary. For the most part, Israel has been looking for opportunities over the past few months to attack Hamas's top brass or family members. This means that this trip is theoretically confidential. Further, this attack can take place, and there is a high probability that there are internal ghosts within Hamas. It was the inner ghost who betrayed the whereabouts of several of Chania's family members.

China's expectations were disappointed, seven members of the Hamas leader's family were blown up alive, and Israel committed a big taboo

Second, since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the West has been creating rumors in global public opinion that Hamas's top brass and family members have all moved abroad to have fun. But in fact, it was the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who did not comply with the mobilization order and went to the American beach for a vacation, eating, drinking and having fun. And now, all seven family members of Hamas's top leader have been killed in central Gaza, directly shattering the rumors created by the Western media in the past few months.

In the past few months, China has always adhered to the "two-state solution" for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, hoping that Palestine and Israel can move towards peace and reduce civilian casualties. But Israel's hand has directly disappointed China's expectations. Like the points that we have made many times in the past few months around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel has been killing Hamas members in recent years, but there are more and more Hamas members, and the resistance is becoming more and more fierce. Why? Because Hamas did not "grow," it was "killed" by Israel. The more Israel engages in ethnic aggression and bombs civilians, the more these survivors will choose to support and join Hamas. There is a Chinese phrase called "not sharing the sky", and this is.

China's expectations were disappointed, seven members of the Hamas leader's family were blown up alive, and Israel committed a big taboo

To put it bluntly, Israel's behavior is completely taboo. Not only did it not serve as a deterrent, but on the contrary, it strengthened the determination and will of the Palestinians to resist Israel. This has further stimulated the hostility of neighboring Arab countries towards Israel and further damaged Israel's image in international public opinion.

At present, the United States is no longer able to support the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. When the empire of the United States collapses one day, Israel may once again return to its original historical trajectory. When the Islamic world wants to take revenge, how many people can stand up and speak for Israel? In the past, there were always public people in the country who touted the intelligence of the Israelis, but can this kind of genocide that exterminates everything and leaves no way back be called smart and wise?

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