
No wonder Meng Gu is so obsessed with Xuzhu, you see how strong Xuzhu's combat effectiveness is in the three meetings

author:Martial arts Bai Xiaotong

In "Dragon Babu", there are three male protagonists: Qiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu, among these three, Qiao Feng has thick eyebrows and big eyes, mighty and extraordinary, Duan Yu is a handsome son, a talent, only Xuzhu's appearance is really unbearable.

In the book, Xuzhu is described as ugly, with upturned nostrils, ears and thick lips. When Wuyazi saw Xuzhu, he disliked his appearance in every way, but he would not pass on Xuzhu if he had a choice.

In addition to his bad appearance, Xuzhu is also relatively wooden, and he is not good at words, and even his speech is a little unfavorable. It can be said that among the three male protagonists, whether it is external or internal, he is the worst one.

However, although Xuzhu's own conditions are not good, he is the best among the three brothers in terms of feelings. Qiao Feng lost Azhu, Duan Yu likes a Wang Yuyan, and after chasing him for so long, it was not easy to be together.

No wonder Meng Gu is so obsessed with Xuzhu, you see how strong Xuzhu's combat effectiveness is in the three meetings

However, at the end of Tianlong, in the end, Wang Yuyan left Duan Yu again and returned to Murong Fu. On the other hand, Xuzhu has only met Meng Gu three times, and Meng Gu is dead set on him, and even bothered to find his whereabouts.

You must know that Menggu is not only a noble princess, but also beautiful as a flower, so why would such an excellent woman be obsessed with the ugly appearance of Xuzhu? Regarding this question, the answer is actually very simple.

To borrow Zhang Ailing's words: the road to a man's heart is the stomach, and the road to a woman's heart is the Y road. Menggu is in a period of emotional erection, and has encountered a void bamboo that is not only strong and strong, but also has deep internal strength.

You must know that in order to make Xuzhu succumb to break the precepts, Tianshan Tong's grandmother ate a lot of meat for Xuzhu at the beginning, eating meat and pouring wine.

Suddenly, when you come into contact with this big meat thing, the void bamboo is like a volcano, which can erupt at any time. At this time, Tianshan Grandma Tong sent the princess of Xixia again, and Grandma Tong lived a lot of age, which was a human spirit.

No wonder Meng Gu is so obsessed with Xuzhu, you see how strong Xuzhu's combat effectiveness is in the three meetings

It was knowing that Xuzhu was already on the verge of breaking out, so he sent the princess to let Xuzhu break the ring. Sure enough, as Grandma Tong expected, Xuzhu finally broke the vows, and it was out of control, and even obsessed with it.

The sky is almost dawn, and the two are still reluctant to give up, and this kind of knot lasted for three days, and Xuzhu completely obeyed Grandma Tong. Even ascetics like Xuzhu, who regard the precepts and rules as more important than anything else, are still addicted to it.

In the three meetings between Menggu and Xuzhu, she was impressed by Xuzhu's enduring combat effectiveness and fell in love with Xuzhu completely. I am even more obsessed with this dreamlike feeling, as if I am in a fairyland.

Of course, the reason why Xuzhu is obsessed with Xuzhu is that in addition to Xuzhu's extraordinary combat effectiveness, there is also curiosity and fantasy about this encounter. Such a magical experience, and I couldn't see each other's faces the whole time.

No wonder Meng Gu is so obsessed with Xuzhu, you see how strong Xuzhu's combat effectiveness is in the three meetings

There is countless room for imagination, after all, girls like fantasy the most, and Meng Gu can fantasize about Xuzhu as the perfect husband in her heart, so that she will look forward to the day when she sees Xuzhu.

Some readers may say, so when Meng Gu later saw Xuzhu's true appearance, wouldn't she be disappointed? Xuzhu's appearance is so ugly, why doesn't Meng Gu dislike Xuzhu, and can completely regret it?

Everyone should have heard a word, men are talented and women are good-looking, since ancient times, men are mainly talented, and women are good-looking. Maybe in terms of Xuzhu's appearance, there is a big difference between him and the perfect husband that Menggu has always fantasized about.

However, Xuzhu has the ability, he is not only the master of the Vulture Palace, but also extremely strong in martial arts, and the first in the rivers and lakes in the future. In addition to Xuzhu's own strength, his network is also extremely strong.

No wonder Meng Gu is so obsessed with Xuzhu, you see how strong Xuzhu's combat effectiveness is in the three meetings

The eldest brother Qiao Feng is a famous hero in the rivers and lakes, and he is also the king of the Southern Courtyard of the Liao Kingdom, and the third brother Duan Yu is the future prince of the Dali Kingdom. In terms of Xuzhu's strength and his network, who can compare to the group of people who are running for the horse?

To put it mildly, Menggu is paired with Xuzhu, but in fact, Menggu is a little high. What are you a princess, but you are just a tool used by Xixia to marry, and for the rivers and lakes, a prince like Duan Zhengchun is nothing.

Duan Zhengchun walked in the rivers and lakes, and no one was in awe of him, and he had no status in the rivers and lakes. Meng Gu was born in the royal family, and she naturally understands this, so she is very satisfied with Xuzhu, a husband who is strong in martial arts and honest.

Meng Gu was not only very satisfied with Xuzhu, but even looked at Xuzhu very closely, lest Xuzhu be snatched away by others. Even the four maids around Xuzhu, Meng Gu couldn't tolerate it, and directly gave the four maids to Duan Yu.