
Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

author:Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes


In the blink of an eye, half of April is about to pass, the valley rain solar term is not far away, which means entering the stage of transition between late spring and summer, the climate at this time has a feeling of early summer, warm, humid, creating a hot advantage for the growth of animals and plants, so now you can taste too much delicious, on the ground, on the trees, of course, there are all kinds of fresh seafood, compared to autumn and winter, the climate of spring and summer is more suitable for the growth of these aquatic animals, so at the moment of sending spring and summer, it also ushered in the most delicious taste。

What I want to share with you today is one of the many river fresh seafood - yellow eel, its appearance does not look likeable, and even many people will be a little afraid, but for those who know how to eat, it must be a delicacy that cannot be disappointed at the turn of spring and summer. The meat is delicious, tough and sweet to chew, and has a better texture and flavor than ordinary fish. Of course, eating some yellow eels at this time is also an important embodiment of the season, the summer is long, and the consumption of our body is also endless, so we should take advantage of the fact that the weather has not yet entered the heat, and you can eat more food now, and choose more high-nutrient foods to store energy for the body.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

Although beef and chicken are nutritious, they are not suitable in this season, and it is easy to cause heat and dryness, while yellow eel, as an aquatic product, is neither cold nor dry, and eating some properly is of great benefit to the body. It contains 18 kinds of amino acids, the content of protein is about 20%, and it is rich in lecithin and dha, vitamin A, calcium and iron content is the best in freshwater fish, which helps to nourish blood and nourish qi, strengthen the spleen and dehumidify, reduce inflammation and detoxification, strengthen the brain and intelligence, protect eyesight, strengthen muscles and bones, etc., suitable for men, women and children.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

Yellow eel meat is sweet and fresh, and there are many ways to eat, you can cook soup, stir-fry, red stew, etc., all kinds of moisturizing always make people who have eaten unforgettable, let's share with you two home-cooked practices, one dish and one soup, you might as well try it~

【Home-style fried yellow eel】

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

1. Although the yellow eel is delicious and nutritious, it is not easy to clean up, it is best to let the store help clean up the internal organs when buying, the yellow eel is a carnivorous fish that lives in the grass and other places at the bottom of the river for a long time, and must be extra careful when cleaning. When I got home, cut it into small pieces, add baking soda and soak it for about an hour to remove the blood and get rid of the fishy smell. Change the water, add flour and use scissors to scrape off the mucus on the surface, then rinse well.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

2. Add some water to the pot and boil, put the yellow eel inside, and pick it up when it is boiled until the color is white.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

3. Heat the oil, first put more garlic slices at the bottom of the pot, stir-fry the ginger slices and green onions, pour the yellow eel segments into it, and continue to stir-fry quickly for about a minute.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

4. Then cook in cooking wine, light soy sauce, continue to fry quickly, fry it until it is fragrant and flavorful, and then put some green and red peppers as the color, which also has the effect of increasing the flavor, add a little salt, fry a few times, and you can get out of the pot.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

【Yellow eel soup】

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

1. Also buy the cleaned yellow eel home, first use kitchen scissors to cut it into a flower knife on its surface and divide it into small sections, then soak it in blood water and wash it thoroughly.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

2. Boil the water, the water should be wider, add a little rice wine to it in advance, pour the yellow eel section into it, stir a few times, open the lid and boil until the water boils again, the meat changes color and turns white, and rinse it with warm water again, so that it can be cleaned up more thoroughly and the smell of dirt.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

3. Heat a little cooking oil in a pot, throw in the garlic cloves and green onion knots, and simply stir-fry until the garlic cloves turn yellow.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones

4. Drain the water in the yellow eel, pour it in when the cooking oil is thoroughly heated, stir-fry for three or five minutes, then heat the water, the amount of water should completely submerge the yellow eel, and those who love to drink soup can also have more appropriately, continue to put in ginger slices and cooking wine, first open the lid and cook on high heat for ten minutes. After that, cover the pot, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, and finally add a little salt, a little white pepper, and some coriander lovers, you can turn off the heat and serve. A mouthful of sweetness, full of moisture, delicious and nutritious.

Fresh and sweet meat is tender and fat, beef and chicken in April are not as good as it, one is to replenish blood, two to dehumidify, and three to strengthen muscles and bones
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