
The "sworn enemy" of leeks, the combination of the two can be called "crane top red", and eating it is "not sick to find a disease"

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Xixi Cuisine

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In the traditional concept of health preservation in Chinese medicine, food is not only an indispensable source of nutrients in daily life, but also a key factor in maintaining good health, preventing and treating diseases.

There is a complex relationship between different foods, and the right combination can promote health, while the wrong combination may bring health risks.

Leek's "sworn enemy"

Traditional Chinese medicine and some dietary traditions believe that eating leeks with certain foods may cause discomfort or reduce nutritional value.

Here are a few foods that are not recommended to be eaten with leeks:


Leeks are warm, which helps to dissipate cold and help yang, while honey is flat and has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness.

Eating both together may cause digestive upset, such as diarrhea.


Leeks contain a higher amount of oxalic acid, while milk is rich in calcium.

Oxalic acid combines with calcium to form calcium oxalate, which is not easily absorbed by the body, reduces the nutritional value of food, and may cause indigestion or increase the risk of kidney stones.


Beef is hot, and leeks are also warm foods.

In TCM theory, eating the two together may lead to excess heat in the body, triggering irritation, such as dry mouth, constipation, etc.

Especially in spring, when the body's own yang energy begins to rise, excessive intake of hot food may cause a burden on the spleen and stomach, affecting digestion and absorption.

Here are a few recipes that can be paired with leeks:

The "sworn enemy" of leeks, the combination of the two can be called "crane top red", and eating it is "not sick to find a disease"

1. Scrambled eggs with leeks

Ingredients: fresh leeks, eggs, salt, cooking oil.


1. Wash the leeks and cut them into small pieces, beat the eggs into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt and beat them.

2. Heat an appropriate amount of oil in a pot, pour in the beaten egg liquid, quickly stir-fry until it is basically solidified, and then take it out.

3. Fry the leeks with the remaining oil, after the leeks become soft, add the scrambled eggs, stir-fry quickly and evenly, season and remove from the pot.

The "sworn enemy" of leeks, the combination of the two can be called "crane top red", and eating it is "not sick to find a disease"

2. Roasted pig's blood with leeks

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of leeks, a piece of pig's blood, a few millet peppers, a few garlic cloves, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, chicken essence.


1. Cut the pig's blood into pieces and rinse it with water.

2. Slice millet pepper and garlic.

3. Add water to the pot and boil, blanch the pig's blood clots, remove them, and rinse them with water.

4. Add oil to the pot, stir-fry the garlic slices and millet pepper first, then add the pig's blood clot and stir-fry.

5. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste, add a small amount of water, and cook until the pig's blood fully absorbs the seasoning.

6. Cut the leeks into sections, put them in a pot and stir-fry them with the pig's blood until the leeks are soft.

7. Finally, sprinkle with chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly and then get out of the pot.

The "sworn enemy" of leeks, the combination of the two can be called "crane top red", and eating it is "not sick to find a disease"

3. Stir-fried river shrimp with leeks

Ingredients: appropriate amount of leeks, appropriate amount of river shrimp, a few cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of salt, cooking oil.


1. Wash the river shrimp and set aside, cut the leeks into sections, and slice the garlic.

2. Add oil to the pot, add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Add the river prawns and stir-fry quickly until the prawns change color.

4. Add the leeks, continue to stir-fry, and add salt to taste.

5. Wait for the leeks to become soft and the shrimp to cook thoroughly, quickly stir-fry evenly and then get out of the pot.

These recipes are not only simple and easy to make, but also very tasty, and the aroma of leeks blends perfectly with various ingredients, making them an indispensable delicacy on the spring table.