
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

author:Entertainment non-senior gossip circle

In the latest clip of the variety show "Infinite Transcendence Class", there was another situation of catching horses, and the remake of the classic costume drama by Ji Lingchen and Gao Haining almost made Hao Lei angry.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

In costume dramas, there are many living habits and manners that are different from modern dramas, actors need to have strong enough inner strength and etiquette knowledge to be able to act naturally, Ji Lingchen went to pull the actress's hand several times during filming.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

Hao Lei really couldn't look past it, so she stood up and pointed it out, but Ji Lingchen still subconsciously always touched the actress.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

can see Hao Lei's helplessness, and some netizens joked that since Ji Lingchen started acting, Hao Lei has lost weight, and she almost corrects Ji Lingchen frame by frame.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

Speaking of etiquette, it must be mentioned that the classic Qing court drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" has countless small details in the 76-episode plot, which is ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, but actors need to break through their daily habits to cultivate the atmosphere.

The actor who played Cui Geunxi once said that in order to better understand Jinxi's identity, she would light incense and put Buddhist scriptures in her room, so that she could always be in the play.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

Zhen Huanchuan also specially invited a professional etiquette guide during the filming, and this is the well-known Wen Imperial Doctor Zhang Xiaolong.

Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look
Ji Lingchen Qing Palace drama Hao Lei was so angry that she told the truth in a few words, and all domestic entertainment actors should take a look

It is not the first time that the issue of costume etiquette has been discussed, there are often step shake shapes in costume dramas, and some young actors have performed a sense of flamboyance and domineering, but they don't know that step shake reflects the demeanor of everyone in ancient women. Zhen Huan's legend of Concubine Zhonghua, no matter how flamboyant and domineering she is, her steps will always be gently shaken and will not be thrown on her face, these details are the embodiment of the excellent production of a drama.

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