
The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

author:Sport pineapple 3W9w

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was the prince of the snake clan

In ancient times, there was a small village called Green Vine Village, where the people of the village lived a peaceful and simple life. In this village, there lives a kind and beautiful girl named Xiaolian. Her father, Lin Laohan, was a hard-working carpenter who often made all kinds of woodware for the villagers. However, one day, Lin Laohan suddenly fell ill, and the village doctors were helpless.

Xiaolian was anxious, she heard that there was a rare medicinal herb called "ambergris" in the nearby mountains, which could cure her father's illness. So, she did not hesitate to embark on the road of finding medicine.

The mountain road is rugged, but Xiaolian only has the belief of saving her father in her heart, and she is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and she advances to the mountains step by step. Just when she was about to despair, she finally found the legendary ambergris on the edge of a cliff. However, just as she reached for it, a huge green snake suddenly appeared, entrenched in the grass, spitting out a letter and staring at her with blazing eyes.

Xiaolian was frightened, but she knew that she couldn't back down in order to save her father. So, she plucked up her courage and said to the green snake, "I know that you have worked hard to protect this herb, but my father is seriously ill and urgently needs this ambergris to save his life. I beg you, let me take this grass, I am willing to pay any price. ”

The green snake listened to Xiaolian's words, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. It slowly spoke, and actually said human words: "Your filial piety has touched me, but ambergris is a sacred relic of my clan and cannot be given easily." I can't let you take this herb unless you promise me one condition. ”

When Xiaolian heard this, her eyes lit up and she asked eagerly: "What conditions? As long as I can do it, I will definitely promise you!"

The green snake said, "I want you to marry me and be my wife." ”

Xiaolian was stunned, she had never thought that it would be such a condition. However, thinking of her seriously ill father, she gritted her teeth and nodded: "Okay, I promise you." ”

After hearing this, a glint of satisfaction flashed in the green snake's eyes. It tells Xiaolian that she is actually the prince of the snake clan, and because she violated the clan rules, she was cursed to become a snake. Only by finding someone who is genuinely willing to marry him can the curse be lifted and the human form restored.

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

"I have a secret," said the green serpent, "that I am no ordinary snake, but a prince of the snake people. Only if you are willing to be my wife, can I return to my human form and return to my kingdom. ”

Although Xiaolian was surprised, she knew that she had no way out. She plucked the ambergris and returned to Green Vine Village with the Green Snake. She boiled the herbs into a soup and fed it to her father, who was seriously ill. Soon after Lin Laohan drank the soup, he miraculously recovered.

The people of the village were touched by Xiaolian's filial piety, but at the same time, they also felt sorry for the fact that she was about to marry a snake. However, Xiaolian said firmly: "I am willing to do anything to save my father." ”

Witnessed by the villagers, Xiaolian and Green Snake held a simple wedding. On the night of the wedding, a miracle happened. Under Xiaolian's sincere promise to become his wife, the green snake actually changed back into human form, a handsome and dashing young man.

The man bowed deeply to Xiaolian and said, "Thank you, my wife. You lifted the curse from me and made me human again. I am the prince of the snake clan, and my name is Qingli. Now, I can take you back to my kingdom and spend the rest of my life with you. ”

Xiaolian looked at the handsome man in front of her, her heart was full of surprise and joy. She never imagined that her good deeds would end so happily. She and Qingli walked into a new life hand in hand and started their journey of happiness together.

However, it's not that simple. Xiaolian's adventure has just begun......

Chapter 2: The Secret of the Serpents

Qingli took Xiaolian to a mysterious world - the Snake Kingdom. It's a fantasy world hidden deep in the mountains, full of strange buildings and strange creatures. Xiaolian was dizzying, full of curiosity and amazement about the world.

Qingli tells Xiaolian that the snake clan is a race with a long history and great strength. They control the forces of nature and are able to communicate with the creatures of nature. However, their existence is a secret to humanity because they are afraid of their greed and destructive power.

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

"So, why are you cursed?" Xiaolian asked Qingli curiously.

Qingli sighed and said, "That's because I violated the rules of the clan and fell in love with a human woman. The elders of the clan punished me by cursing me as a serpent until they found a human woman who was willing to marry me. ”

After hearing this, Xiaolian couldn't help but feel sympathy for Qingli's experience. She held Qingli's hand tightly and said, "Don't worry, no matter what, I will be by your side, support you, and help you." ”

Qingli was moved, and he took Xiaolian to visit all corners of the Snake Kingdom. They saw talking trees, singing birds, and many wonderful creatures. Xiaolian seems to be in a fairy tale world, full of surprises and curiosity.

However, just as they were basking in happiness, a sudden news shattered the silence. The elders of the Serpent Clan gathered all the clansmen and announced an important decision: due to the constant invasion and destruction of the natural environment by humans, they decided to wage a war against humans in order to defend their homeland.

Xiaolian and Qingli were shocked. They are well aware of the cruelty and destructive power of war and do not want to see innocent lives harmed. So, they decided to join forces to stop this war from happening.

Chapter 3: The Covenant of Peace

Xiaolian and Qingli began their action. They first approached the elders of the clan and tried to convince them to abandon the idea of war. However, the elders insist that the future of the Serpent can only be protected through war.

In the face of the stubborn elders, Xiaolian and Qingli did not give up. They decided to look for other ways to solve the problem. They go deep into the human world and understand human thoughts and needs. At the same time, they also convey the will of the snake people and their demands for peace to humans.

As a result of their efforts, humans began to reflect on their own actions. They are aware that their greed and destructive power have caused great harm to the natural environment. In order to make up for the wrongs, humans began to take action to protect the environment and ecological balance.

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

At the same time, Xiaolian and Qingli also found an important clue: it turned out that the misunderstanding and conflict between the snake clan and humans was caused by the provocation and misdirection of some evil forces. These evil forces try to seek their own interests by creating contradictions and wars.

In order to uncover the conspiracy of these evil forces, Xiaolian and Qingli decide to infiltrate their lair and collect evidence. It was an extremely dangerous operation, but they did not hesitate to embark on the journey for the sake of peace and justice.

After a series of adventures and challenges, Xiaolian and Qingli finally collected enough evidence. They made the evidence public, revealing the true face of the evil forces. Humans and Serpents are shocked, realizing that they are being used and that their real enemies are not each other, but those evil forces who seek to destroy the peace.

After the truth is revealed, humans and the snake people begin to work together to fight against the evil forces. In this just war, Xiaolian and Qingli played a key role. They not only exposed the conspiracy of the evil forces, but also helped build trust and friendship between the two sides.

In the end, with the joint efforts of humans and the snake clan, the evil forces were completely eliminated. Peace has returned to the land, and humans and snakes have begun new cooperation and exchanges.

Xiaolian and Qingli's bravery and wisdom have won everyone's respect and gratitude. Not only did they save both races, but they also brought lasting peace and prosperity to the land. Their stories have been passed down as good stories and have become models for posterity.

Chapter 4: The Power of Unity

After the war, the names of Xiaolian and Qingli spread among the snake clan and humans. Their bravery and wisdom have become a bridge between the two races. Xiaolian is not only an ordinary village girl, she has become a symbol of peace, and Qingli has grown from a cursed prince to a truly responsible leader.

The elders of the Serpent Clan began to re-examine their views of humanity. In the past, they always thought that humans were synonymous with greed and destruction, but now, they saw that there were also brave and kind people like Xiaolian among the human race. At the same time, humans have also begun to learn to respect nature and cherish peaceful coexistence with the snake people.

The two sides decided to work together to protect the land and prevent a similar war from happening again. To this end, they established a joint council, with representatives of the snake clan and humans jointly managing the affairs of the land. Xiaolian and Qingli, as key figures in bringing about peace, were also elected to the joint council.

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

Under the impetus of the United Council, humans began to learn about the snake people and how to use natural resources without damaging the environment, and the snake people learned from humans how to better integrate with human society and create a harmonious environment for coexistence.

However, peace does not happen overnight. While major conflicts have been resolved, minor frictions and misunderstandings still occur. Whenever this happens, Xiaolian and Qingli will stand up and use their wisdom and influence to resolve conflicts and promote understanding and cooperation between the two sides.

Chapter 5: New Challenges

Just as peace is taking hold, new challenges are quietly emerging. One day, a mysterious force suddenly descended on this land. This force is powerful and dark, tempting creatures to evil and even trying to control the minds of snakes and humans.

The appearance of this mysterious force caused the originally harmonious snake clan and humans to fall into panic again. The Joint Assembly quickly convened an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures. Xiaolian and Qingli realize that this could be a bigger crisis than the previous war. They must unite in order to stand up to this dark force.

In order to find out the source and weakness of this power, Xiaolian and Qingli decide to investigate it themselves. They crossed forests, crossed mountains, and eventually came to a valley shrouded in darkness. Here, they discover a vast dark vortex that is unleashing a steady stream of evil powers.

Xiaolian and Qingli knew that their strength alone would not be able to fight against this dark force. So, they decided to return to the United Council and ask for more help. At the council, they described the horror of the dark and called on everyone to unite against this evil force.

Their call was met with an enthusiastic response. Serpents and humans alike have expressed their willingness to fight to defend their homeland. As a result, a coalition of snakes and humans was quickly formed. With determination and courage, they set out for the dark valley.

In the Dark Valley, coalition forces engage in a thrilling battle against the forces of darkness. Although the dark forces are strong, the coalition forces, supported by unity and courage, gradually gain the upper hand. In the end, under the leadership of Xiaolian and Qingli, the coalition forces successfully sealed the source of the dark power and saved the land.

Chapter 6: Eternal Peace

The girl married the snake in order to save her father, but she didn't know that he was a prince, the snake: I have a secret

After this incident, the snake people and humans cherish the peace and friendship between each other even more. They realized that only by uniting and facing difficulties together can they overcome all challenges.

In order to maintain peace permanently, the United Council has decided to hold regular exchange events to strengthen understanding and cooperation between the snake people and humans. At the same time, they also set up a peace monument to commemorate Xiaolian and Qingli's contribution to peace.

Xiaolian and Qingli have also become legends in this land. Their stories have been passed down from generation to generation and serve as models to inspire future generations in the pursuit of peace and justice. Thanks to their efforts, this land has finally ushered in eternal peace and prosperity.

And Xiaolian and Qingli also continue to guard this land and their love. They often wander through the mountains and forests, enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, and enjoy the good time of harmonious coexistence. Their story has also become an eternal legend in people's hearts.

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