
The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

author:Sister said education

Life is education, and society is school.

This is a famous quote by the famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi, emphasizing the significance of life and society to education, and the unity of knowledge and action is the real education.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

Do you think there are more extreme students or more extreme teachers? Now, under the pressure from all sides, everyone and all units can point fingers at the teachers, and who dares to control the students?

On April 12, a video of a middle school teacher in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia educating students was exposed on the Internet, and many people thought that the female teacher holding the student's chin was a provocative behavior, and some people even thought that the teacher's behavior was bullying, but in fact, can we really understand it like this?

This is an incident in which a female teacher reprimanded a student, and the video shows the female teacher getting emotional and even pushing the student.

From the video we can see that the female teacher is clearly very dissatisfied with some of the student's behavior, she loudly reprimands the student and emphasizes her authority.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

What's even more shocking is that she even walked up to a girl and held the girl's chin with her hand to reprimand, which was considered by many netizens to be provocation and bullying.

Some netizens believe that this kind of behavior not only hurts students' self-esteem, but also violates the basic principles of education. As an educator, female teachers should lead by example and guide students in a gentle manner, rather than solving problems with reprimands and threats.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

At the same time, schools should also strengthen the training and management of teachers to ensure that every teacher can follow the basic rules of education and provide a good educational environment for students.

They believe that education requires patience and respect, not reprimands and threats. It is hoped that the school can investigate the matter as soon as possible and give a reasonable result. Let us call together to return education to its essence so that every child can grow up in an environment of respect and equality.

To be honest, I support the teacher, and touching my chin is called bullying? We were slapped by the teacher when we were kids. Why didn't I complain about the teacher, because I figured it out, I really made a mistake. Personally, I think that appropriate corporal punishment is conducive to the growth of children, and it is really important for children to have a snack.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

Education is not calm, is there more extreme students or extreme teachers now?

Nowadays, do you think he will be convinced? He thinks that he (she) is the biggest, grandparents, parents, grandparents and grandparents all revolve around him (her), and teachers must also revolve around him (her).

The dignity of teachers is destroyed, but in fact, it is not the children, but the parents behind the children. I remember that last year, there was a young and promising teacher, after being beaten by a student, the parents also said that the teacher beat his child and forced the teacher to apologize to the child.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

Even if the parents later learned what happened, knew the truth, and still pestered the teacher, and the teacher jumped into the river to maintain his dignity, didn't the parents be touched a little?

Students jumped off the building, the whole society was pryed in, the teacher was wronged and committed suicide, and no leader stood up to say a fair word, do you say that there are more extreme students or extreme teachers now?

Now, some parents think of teachers as a service industry!

If you want the teacher to have a good effect on non-Buddhist education, then don't tie the teacher's hands and feet. Teachers educate students by nothing more than praise and criticism, plus appropriate punishment.

The female teacher was investigated for holding the student's chin with her hand, is there more extreme students or more extreme teachers?

Now teachers can't discipline and punish students, which is against the law. Teachers should not criticize students, which will hurt students' young minds and leave psychological shadows. Teachers can't praise good students, which will hurt the self-esteem of students who are not praised, which is not conducive to the growth of other students.

In short, in the eyes of many self-righteous parents, they are more expert than education experts, and no matter what the teacher does, as long as his child suffers the slightest grievance, it is the teacher's fault.

In order to protect themselves, what else can teachers do except Buddhism?

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