
When "unplanned pregnancy" meets "gynecological inflammation", can I still have an abortion?

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

Many women reflected

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Now painless abortion is very mature

The process is also relatively safe

When "unplanned pregnancy" meets "gynecological inflammation", can I still have an abortion?


When "Unwanted Pregnancy" Meets "Gynecological Inflammation"

Can abortion surgery still be done?

When "unplanned pregnancy" meets "gynecological inflammation", can I still have an abortion?

Drug flow and abortion time!

In the face of unplanned pregnancy, if you decide to choose an abortion, you must pay attention to all aspects of the abortion, so as not to regret the accident for life, and many people are more likely to ignore the choice of abortion time, because once you miss the best time for abortion, the difficulty and risk of surgery will be greatly increased.

Painless abortion

The time is relatively broad, and the best time for painless abortion is between 35-55 days, because the uterus is not too large, the pregnancy tissue is not too much, the fetus is also small, easy to suction, the operation time is short, and the bleeding is less. After one hour of postoperative observation, you can be discharged from the hospital after receiving anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medication flow

The duration of the abortion is within 49 days of pregnancy, and if it exceeds 49 days, the abortion cannot be performed, and the longer it is, the greater the risk. It is important to remember that the abortion needs to be carried out under the guidance of a professional doctor, and it must not be left unchecked.

Can I have an abortion if I have inflammation?

Generally speaking, gynecological inflammation cannot be directly performed for abortion surgery, and it should be done after anti-inflammatory, as for the time of anti-inflammatory, it depends on what kind of inflammation you have and what extent. It is recommended to have a detailed examination in the hospital and perform the abortion surgery under the guidance of a doctor.

Friends who want to have an abortion should do a gynecological examination first, and if inflammation is detected, the inflammation should be cured first and then operated to avoid the spread of inflammation and infection.

During abortion surgery, surgical instruments need to pass through the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity, and although the surgical instruments do not touch the vaginal wall according to strict surgical procedures, the cervical canal and the internal cervical opening are dilated during the operation, providing an opportunity for bacterial upward infection.

In addition, it is possible for bacteria to enter the uterine cavity directly with surgical instruments. This is the reason why infections can occur after abortion surgery. In vaginitis, the balance between these bacterial flora is disrupted, and some bacteria overgrow and become pathogenic.

If an abortion is performed without treatment at this time, the chance of pathogenic bacteria entering the uterine cavity increases, making postoperative infections more likely. If the inflammation is not acute or severe, the abortion can usually be performed with simple treatment.

The purpose of the procedure is to detect potential postoperative infections in a timely manner and provide treatment to ensure the safety of surgery and postoperative surgery. Because the common complication of abortion surgery is postoperative infection. However, it is necessary to choose a safe and appropriate treatment plan according to the specific situation of the individual.

When "unplanned pregnancy" meets "gynecological inflammation", can I still have an abortion?

Female friends must do a good job of contraception

If you accidentally get pregnant

You should choose a professional hospital for abortion

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