
Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

author:Zhang Shouxiao popular science


Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

The three professions of teachers, doctors, and civil servants have never been enviable, and everyone feels that engaging in these professions is equivalent to holding an iron rice bowl, and they don't have to worry about life for the rest of their lives. In the process of social development, these three professions also belong to the backbone.

According to relevant statistics, the number of teachers in the country has reached 1.7 million. There are about 9 million doctors and about 12 million civil servants. Their salaries and other expenses account for 55 per cent of the total number of people supported by the government.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Affected by the intensification of social competition, the mainland's financial pressure is increasing. There is a need to reduce the financial burden, but not to affect the stability and development of society. These three occupations are the main sources of financial pressure, so when it comes to reducing fiscal spending, which one should be streamlined has become a hot topic.

1. The practical dilemma of the troika

First of all, it needs to be clear that teachers, doctors, and civil servants are all an indispensable part of the current social development, and are called the "troika".

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

These three professions are related to our education, life and health, and public affairs, and are important pillars for maintaining social stability and development. It's just that the economy is developing at a fast pace now, and all aspects are constantly changing. These professions should also have to adapt to these changes.

The mainland has always been a country that respects teachers and values education, and many people's dream since childhood is to become an excellent people's teacher and make their own contributions to the development of education. It can be said that teachers are the cornerstone of education, and without teachers, it is impossible to cultivate talents and promote social development.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

However, in recent years, the aging of the mainland has intensified. The number of new births has declined, to the point that there is an imbalance in the ratio of teachers to students. Fewer and fewer students are entering school, but the teaching staff is still large, which places a huge burden on the finances.

Not only that, but the society has also begun to strongly question the allocation of educational resources. Because of this, teaching has become a profession that is at risk of being downsized under financial pressures.

Doctors are known as angels in white and are a very sacred profession. They are responsible for saving lives and helping the wounded, and many of them were pulled back from the ghost gate by doctors when their lives were dying. In other words, the profession of doctor is the backbone of ensuring people's health.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

To become a qualified doctor, you need to go through a long learning and practice process. And the work pressure is also relatively high, and the hard work of the doctors is obvious to all. However, the expenditure of the entire health care system is considerable and highly dependent on fiscal resources. This has further increased the pressure on finances.

Civil servants are also an indispensable part of the development of society as a whole. In everyone's mind, civil servants are an iron rice bowl that is easier to hold up than the two professions of teachers and doctors. Therefore, many young people are actively taking the public examination, hoping to become a civil servant.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Although it is said that civil servants play a very large role in the operation of society, there are many people in the civil service system today. There are some positions that are inefficient and do not really provide effective services to public utilities. Therefore, in the context of the increasing financial burden, the reduction of civil servants has also become a key direction of consideration.

In the civil service, there is a suspicion of duplication of functions in some departments, and the personnel of these departments are likely to be the target of downsizing.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Second, who should be streamlined

When we are faced with the question of who these three professions should be streamlined, we must consider the social value that these professions can bring, and at the same time, we must also consider the needs of the people. The existence of every profession has its necessity and irreplaceability. If long-term development is not taken into account, it is likely to lead to an imbalance in social development.

Civil servants are one of the most important members of State institutions, and their career prospects are closely linked to policy adjustments and administrative reforms. These changes have not only reshaped the roles and responsibilities of civil servants in form, but have also had a profound impact on their working environment, boundaries of power, and development prospects.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

In recent years, the mainland has begun to attach importance to the optimization of public services. In the process, the functions of the relevant departments have undergone a huge transformation, and the streamlining of relevant institutions has also been put on the agenda. This series of operations will lead to changes in the civil service force, and will also affect the number of civil servants.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

To give a simple example, outsourcing is now popular all over the country. The department will outsource some auxiliary public services to be completed by social organizations or enterprises with corresponding qualifications. As soon as this policy is implemented, the civil servants in the corresponding positions will no longer have the meaning of existence. There are only two outcomes they face, one is job adjustment, and the other is layoffs.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

However, from another point of view, this can provide opportunities for the relevant departments. Let them cooperate with professional institutions and enterprises to further improve the quality and efficiency of public services. At the same time, it can also reduce the country's fiscal expenditure.

Another point is that we need to focus on the institutional reform of the country. The main content of this structural reform is to optimize the institutional setup and redistribute functions. As a result, redundant and inefficient functions are likely to be partially or completely eliminated. The future development of civil servants in these positions will be greatly affected.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

In addition, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, various smart products have emerged one after another, providing the necessary support for automated office. With the advent of automated office, it is likely that some civil servants' jobs will be replaced.

The career prospects of teachers and doctors should be more stable than those of civil servants. Whether it is education or medical care, if you want to have a better development, you need a large number of talents, so teachers and doctors will become the key training objects of the state.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Although the aging of the population is increasing, it will have a certain impact on the development of education. However, for the medical industry, there will be a greater demand, and the future career development of doctors will be effectively supported.

In the education sector, there has been a marked increase in the popularity of education. Not only children, but also some adults need to be educated accordingly in order to enrich their knowledge. As a result, the demand for teachers will not be significantly reduced in the short term.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Now the country is actively promoting medical reform and education reform, which will indeed have an impact on the way doctors and education work, performance evaluation, etc. However, in the long run, it is unlikely that the two professions of doctors and teachers will be replaced on a large scale.

It is also important to note that the professional training of both doctors and teachers takes a long time. During the period of professional training, pressure from all sides follows, and many people will automatically choose to give up. Therefore, it is difficult for doctors and teachers to be replaced quickly.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

3. Reasonable adjustment is the most important

Despite the current financial pressures, the troika is also likely to face a downsizing. But for the people, what they want to see is not simply a reduction in the number of people. Rather, it can promote the development of all walks of life and improve efficiency.

In other words, only reasonable adjustments are the most important. Through appropriate adjustment and reform, we can not only effectively reduce the financial burden, but also improve the quality of social services. So as to achieve the sustainable development of society.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

Teachers, doctors, and civil servants are all very important to the development of society, and we need to consider their respective characteristics and the social value they can create. Through reasonable adjustment and change, all industries can develop in a balanced manner.

In fact, in addition to these three industries, there are also some hidden national fiscal expenditure structures, and there are some hidden expenses, and there are some special positions, which are jokingly called pension positions.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

The so-called pension position means that the work is simple and easy, or even idle. But I can get a lot of money every month. Among them, the most obvious performance is the various party schools, education bases and supervision offices.

These positions are structurally necessary, but their actual job is very simple. The workload is not very large, yet the remuneration of the employees is quite high. This is too far from how effective they are and how much they contribute to society.

There are also some similar positions in cultural units such as literature and art, museums, etc. Not only do these units enjoy financial subsidies from the state, but they also charge fees from outside the country. For example, if you want to visit a museum or watch a related theatrical performance, you usually need to pay a certain fee.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

That is, they can earn a double share. Because the income is higher, the salary package of employees is better. However, their daily work does not have much substance, and it is also a situation where the remuneration package and social values are not compatible.

All these situations have invisibly increased the financial burden of the state, which can be called an invisible killer of financial pressure. These positions should be scrutinized more closely than teachers, doctors, and civil servants. If necessary, it can be streamlined so that the money can be spent wisely.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?


Fiscal pressures are undeniable, and streamlining and optimizing multiple industries is key. However, how to streamline and optimize, who will bear the brunt, and what impact will it have on social development after streamlining and optimization? These are all key issues to consider.

To put it simply, no matter who streamlines or optimizes, they need to follow the principle of fairness and justice to ensure that the financial pressure is reduced without affecting social harmony and stability, and the quality of public services can be improved.

Too much financial pressure: teachers, doctors, civil servants, who should be downsized?

In most cases, solving the problem is not as simple as opening up and reducing expenditure. The real solution is to dig deeper into the core of the problem and reallocate resources to ensure the fundamental well-being of the people and the sustainable development of the country.