
Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

author:Yang Guangkan Mountain
Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!


Once upon a time, the Internet was known as a pure land in the virtual world, full of sunshine and pure goodness. However, recently, with the vigorous development of the self-media ecology, this pure land has begun to smell fishy. A frenzied frenzy of counterfeiting is raging, distorting the true face of the online world beyond recognition. In the face of this wave, how should we deal with ourselves? Should we stand idly by, or should we work together to solve the root cause? Let us approach this farce of fiction and reality together to explore the causes and crux of it.


I. Events

A thunderclap exploded in the quiet night, and a stormy tide of heated discussions instantly enveloped Hangzhou. The "winter vacation homework" that was deeply suspected of being lost in a foreign country turned out to be a posed photoshoot, a shocking scam carefully arranged by the director!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

The Hangzhou police made a loud statement in the investigation results: "Qin Lang's winter vacation homework in Paris" incident was deliberately planned and fabricated by the two people involved in the case. They carefully planned the plot step by step and came prepared. First of all, I bought a valuable winter vacation homework online, which laid the groundwork for the scam; then wrote his own script, filming the scene of "losing homework" on the streets of Paris; Finally, the video was released on the Internet, causing an uproar...

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

The play is filmed with a clear and eye-catching plot: a boy with a schoolbag and an anxious expression walks through the streets of Paris in the silence and desertion, suddenly finds that the schoolbag is gone, panics and searches the street, and finally curls up on the corner of the street, his heart is like ashes. As soon as the carefully directed video was released, it immediately attracted a storm of heated discussions, which made people think about it and regret what happened to the boy. Who would have thought that this was a well-directed hoax!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

I can't help but ponder, what kind of tricks did these two people use to shoot such a lifelike and heart-wrenching work? Now that the truth has been revealed, this concocted drama of "losing homework and Qin Lang" has undoubtedly given us a slap in the face.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Second, the heated discussion is high

This unexpected heat is really staggering. With the speculation and discussion of netizens, the heat has intensified, and a group of pretentious "hot analysts" have flocked to it. They sang about this mysterious event, and they were extremely vicious, and even infinitely magnified and reverie a simple trivial matter, giving birth to a series of topics such as "Uncle Qin Lang" and "Xichang Middle School".

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

These topics are like mushrooms that grow like crazy, and they are overwhelming. There are even some self-media practitioners who acted quickly on this matter and moved when they heard the news. They put down their work and impatiently joined this "chasing heat" competition, starting the crazy follow-up mode. They either kidnapped the incident morally, gossiped about their private lives, or exerted pressure in a weird way, fully exaggerating the bizarre and treacherous degree of the incident, and pushing the heat to a climax again and again.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Coincidentally, under the shroud of this bizarre event, people began infinite reverie and imagination about the strange figure of "Qin Lang", and they all put forward their personal experience to sit down and come to him with their own experience, which caused a burst of sighing reverie...

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

3. The results of the police investigation

Smelling the smell of gunsmoke in the air, we can't help but sigh that this drama of "Qin Lang loses his homework" is really well staged. When the police made a final decision, the truth was revealed: it turned out that the figure of "Qin Lang" was completely fictional!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

In this well-directed work, there is no plot of losing winter vacation homework at all, everything is just a big drama laid out by a group of marketing freaks in order to attract attention. They carefully laid out in secret, and the director, screenwriter, actors, and props were not left behind, just to give the audience a "thrilling" visual feast on the big stage of the Internet.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Obviously, the acting skills of this group of "behind-the-scenes" can be described as perfect. They turn a trivial and mundane story into a compelling, reminiscent story. At the beginning, it was the valuable winter vacation assignment that gave people just the right hint; Then came the elaborate performances of those mournful expressions and twinkling eyes; In the end, it was the little bit rendering of those bizarre details that finally pushed the whole drama to a climax...

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

We have to admire that the director's skill is really superb, perfectly integrating fiction and reality, making it impossible to distinguish between truth and falsehood! What a "realistic version" of the scam drama, but unfortunately now that the truth has been revealed, this wonderful drama will also come to an end.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Four: We media fake and hype and lose the bottom line

From the very beginning, the play was destined for its dramatic conflict and high-energy tipping point. The bizarre plot of a valuable winter vacation job being lost in a foreign country quickly set off a storm in the online world. A series of topics derived from it made the tsunami-like heat wave after wave, and finally pushed the whole farce to a crazy climax.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

But at the same time as the heat carnival, it also exposed the black hearts and speculative faces of this group of self-media giants. In order to earn that illusory network traffic, they do not hesitate to spread a handful of cruel words throughout the online world, vainly suspicious, confusing right and wrong, and spreading rumors. What's more, he directly launched crazy human flesh harassment and privacy mining against the "Qin Lang" family.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

In the face of such madness, we have reason to scold these people severely. Although they have temporarily seized the benefits of a wave of rolling traffic, they are also corrupting this supposedly pure and flawless online environment. Its filthy hands have already stained the purity of the pure land of the Internet into a dusty and smoky miasma.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

What is even more suffocating is that the root cause of all these crazy acts is actually instigated and promoted by certain profit-making groups, who are deliberately peddling this marketing farce for their own benefit, and even more so leaving morality and human dignity behind. It's hard not to see them as a bunch of femme fatale-hearted speculators who twist right and wrong, turn black and white upside down, and end up dishonoring the treasure of the Internet!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Who would have thought that behind this farce of the world would be such a decadent and ugly commercial sugar-coated shell? Looking at the smoke of the melee between these big self-media leaders, how can the people of the world not be ashamed and embarrassed? If we let it go and let these scum continue to run rampant and domineering in the land of the Internet, we are afraid that one day this pure land will be completely polluted, and then it will really be too late!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

5. The current situation and harm of self-media fraud

The overwhelming fraud of the big self-media is really staggering. From the sensational incident of "a female rider crashing and crying when her car was stolen in the middle of the night" to being exposed to the truth that "the husband took the baby to pay off the debt", all of them were fake works filmed by them in a daze. In the face of the punishment of the management, they turned a blind eye and continued to go their own way, turning their noses up at the road of fraud.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Obviously, these self-media have fallen into the quagmire of crazy fraud and can't extricate themselves. In order to win that illusory traffic, they do not hesitate to subvert right and wrong, exaggerate confrontation, and confuse the truth. They either exacerbate the contradiction between the two voices, or distort the facts to create a mental anxiety, or deliberately create a false impression to confuse the public.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Wave after wave, these self-media's challenges to the moral bottom line can be described as endless. Sometimes, they will even carry out bottomless invasion of the privacy of the parties, indiscriminately suspicious and slander, in a vain attempt to attract greater attention.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Once upon a time, self-media was also a window for netizens to understand the world, full of rationality and sunshine. But now, this window has been wantonly tarnished and turned into a breeding ground for anxiety and rumors. Watching the industry frantically thrash in the cage of morality, people are sincerely worried and anxious.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

What is it that makes these self-media so paranoid and irrational? Is it the lure of profits brought by traffic, or is it the demagogy of those marketing promoters? It is difficult for us to give an accurate answer. But what is certain is that if this frenzy of fraud is allowed to continue to spread, it will eventually be completely polluted in the hot land of the Internet, and I am afraid that everyone will be in danger at that time.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Six. The root cause of the problem is thought-provoking

Under the waves, there are often dark tides. In this era of the huge traffic economy, some big self-media users have completely distorted and distorted the original intention of "traffic realization", and interpreted it into a crazy fake farce.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Watching all this, we only felt that there was a haze under the dome, which made people breathless. Originally, the logic of "traffic monetization" was to exchange for the due return of high-quality content, but now it has been absurdly misinterpreted by these big self-media players and turned into a risky gambling game.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

As far as the eye can see, the Internet can be described as overwhelming and vast. The eyes are full of the smoke of the scuffle of those self-media giants. Some of them play the role of messengers of justice, scolding their opponents for their fraudulent acts; Some became moral judges, commenting on the "Qin Lang" incident... Behind these chaotic hustle and bustle, there is an endless migration of interests and a reversal of right and wrong.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

If you think about it carefully, the root cause of such crazy counterfeiting acts actually comes from the instigation and promotion of profit-making organizations. In order to grab that illusory profit, they deliberately concoct false gimmicks and desecrate moral and legal boundaries. In the face of the punishment of the management, they turned a blind eye and still went their own way, and they were addicted to this road of fraud!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

It's hard not to see them as a bunch of femme fatale-minded speculators. They play right and wrong, and turn black and white upside down, which will eventually bring shame on this treasure. However, what is even more suffocating is that their ugly faces have also infected a large number of self-media, making them completely lose the last trace of moral bottom line and vigilance.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

Some large-level self-media are even more blinded, they are deeply tempted by the ethereal traffic economy, and do not hesitate to play with right and wrong, exaggerate confrontation, confuse the public, and launch bottomless hunting and speculation on private life. In the face of such madness, how can the world not spurn and scold?

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!

How can we not be filled with emotion when we look at this absurd scene of wanton and reckless acts? If we let it go unchecked and allow these scum to continue to run rampant and domineering in the land of the Internet, we are afraid that one day this treasure land will be completely polluted, and then it will really be inferior to the beasts! It is necessary for us to say no to these counterfeiters, eradicate this bane with a "zero tolerance" attitude, and regain a piece of pure land for the Internet!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!


In the face of the crazy wave of counterfeiting in the online world, we must show courage and determination to jointly maintain the purity and integrity of this treasure land. Start from you and me, start from the bits and pieces around you, and sweep away the glitz and erosion on this hot land, so that it can regain its proper image of pure goodness. We will not be soft on those scum who subvert right and wrong and confuse the public, and we will take a "zero tolerance" attitude and ruthlessly expel them from the country, leaving no room. Only in this way can we truly wash away this piece of jade and recast the new glory of the online world!

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, "Qin Lang lost his homework" lost his conscience and the trust of netizens!