
A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

author:Lao Li Health said

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In the bustling city center, 27-year-old Lin Hao is busy as usual every day.

As a computer programmer, his life revolves almost entirely between a chair and two screens. One night, after working overtime, Lin Hao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and then lost consciousness.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

"It really hurts this time, I... I don't seem to be able to do it anymore!" Lin Hao's friend recalled his last words. After being rushed to the hospital, doctors confirmed that Lin Hao had unfortunately passed away due to cerebral infarction, although the doctors and nurses did their best to save him.

In a calm corner of the hospital, Dr. Wang, the attending doctor, repeatedly stressed to the families and the media present: "Many young people have been recruited, and this is a problem that we cannot ignore!"

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

Dr. Wang explained that cerebral infarction usually occurs in the elderly, but now it is getting closer to the younger. He pointed out that prolonged sedentary times, high-intensity work pressure, unreasonable eating habits and lack of exercise are the main causes of cerebral infarction in young people.

First of all, prolonged sedentary times can lead to poor blood circulation in the body, especially to the blood supply to the brain. This is because sedentary lifestyles slow down blood flow and increase the likelihood of blood clots.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

Secondly, high-intensity work stress can lead to long-term psychological stress accumulation, which will increase blood pressure and heart rate, thereby increasing the risk of cerebrovascular accidents.

In addition, unreasonable dietary habits, such as foods high in fat, sugar and salt, will lead to the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the blood vessels, making the blood vessel walls thicker and the lumen of blood vessels narrowing, which may eventually cause blood vessel blockage.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

Finally, lack of exercise will lead to a decline in the body's metabolic function, and the fat and sugar in the blood are not easy to be consumed, which will also increase the probability of cerebrovascular diseases in the long run.

In the face of this fact, Dr. Wang strongly called on all sectors of society to pay more attention to and support the health of young people, and promote a healthy lifestyle to prevent such tragedies from happening.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

During a community health talk, a young audience member asked a question: "Dr. Wang, can you give us some advice on how to incorporate effective exercise and a reasonable diet into your busy work schedule?"

Dr. Wang replied, "That's a very good question. First of all, not sitting still even in the office, such as simple stretching or standing still, can increase blood flow and reduce the risk of blood clots. Second, try to eat healthy as part of your daily routine, such as bringing a healthy lunch to the office and avoiding fast food that is high in fat and sugar. "

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

He continued: "Also, try to use your weekend time as much as possible to do some moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling. A healthy lifestyle needs to be built little by little, but the benefits are long-term and far-reaching. A lifestyle needs to be built little by little, but the benefits are long-term and far-reaching.

Through such answers, Dr. Wang not only gave concrete and feasible suggestions, but also inspired the audience to change their lifestyle habits to prevent serious diseases such as cerebral infarction. After this lecture, many listeners began to re-evaluate their lifestyles and take action to implement Dr. Wang's recommendations.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

Lin Hao's story is tragic, but it reminds many young people to pay attention to their health and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. There are more discussions and activities in the community about healthy lifestyles, and many people are starting to have regular health check-ups to make sure they don't suffer unnecessarily by ignoring their body's signals.

Through the joint efforts of Dr. Wang and the community, more and more people realize that health is not only a physical disease-free and pain-free, but also a comprehensive and active state of life. And all these changes start with the change of health knowledge and practical actions.

A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited

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A 27-year-old man had a sudden cerebral infarction, and the rescue was ineffective overnight! Doctors appealed many times: Many people have been recruited