
Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Have you ever thought that if something suddenly goes wrong in one part of your body, it may be that another place is sending a distress signal? There are a few sentences in traditional Chinese medicine, which say that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", which sounds like a riddle, but in fact it is the profound insight of the ancients into the mysteries of the body.

This is not superstition, nor is it a sensational old yellow calendar, but the result of years of observation by the ancients. Modern people are busy and often dismiss these ancient wisdoms, but do you know that modern medicine is slowly finding some scientific evidence?

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

1. Interpretation of "organ language" in traditional Chinese medicine

In the worldview of traditional Chinese medicine, the human body is a complex and sophisticated system, and the five internal organs are interconnected and influence each other. Just like in a family, although each member has their own responsibilities, one person's problems are likely to affect the whole family.

This view of Chinese medicine is not groundless, it is based on a deep understanding of the natural laws of the human body. For example, if there is a problem with the kidneys, it may be reflected in your teeth, if the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, the lips may tell you, and if the lungs are not functioning, the state of the hair may be a sign.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

2. The interaction between the kidneys and the teeth

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney stores essence, the main bone produces pulp, and the tooth is the bone, so the quality of the kidney is directly related to the health of the teeth. Have you noticed that some people have particularly "long" teeth, not because their teeth are actually growing, but because the gums have receded and the roots of the teeth are exposed.

In this case, TCM will consider whether it is a sign of kidney deficiency. Modern medical research has also found a link between renal insufficiency and periodontal disease.

Declining kidney function affects the body's ability to regulate calcium and phosphorus, and vitamin D activation decreases, which can lead to dental and gum problems.

Don't underestimate this gum recession, it can be a precursor to kidney disease. The incidence of periodontal disease in patients with kidney disease is several times higher than that of ordinary people, which is supported by data. Periodontal disease is not a trivial problem, once it develops into loose teeth, it will have to spend a lot of money on treatment, and in severe cases, it will have to be extracted.

So, when you go to the dentist, don't forget that the kidneys need to be taken care of. Dental problems may be just the tip of the iceberg, and the real problem may be deep down.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

3. The embodiment of spleen and stomach health on the lips

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, this sentence reflects the close connection between the function of the spleen and stomach and the state of the lips. The spleen is the foundation of nurture, which is related to the digestion and absorption of food, and then affects the production of qi and blood in the human body.

The lips, as a part of the face, can reflect the coldness and heat of the spleen and stomach. When the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, the lips may appear pale, cyanosis, chapped and other symptoms.

Modern medical research has also confirmed the relationship between nutrient malabsorption and lip changes. For example, patients with iron deficiency anemia often have pale lips because iron is an important raw material for hematopoiesis, and iron deficiency directly affects the synthesis of hemoglobin, which in turn affects lip color.

In addition, vitamin B2 deficiency can also lead to chapped lips and erosions, which are external manifestations of poor spleen and stomach function.

The health of the spleen and stomach is not only related to the lips, but also to the mental state and quality of life of the whole person. The spleen and stomach are good, the food is good, the sleep is good, and the person is naturally spiritual.

The health of the lips is also a small detail that cannot be ignored in daily life. It can be the first sign of a problem with your spleen and stomach, reminding you that you should pay attention to your diet and digestion.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

Fourth, the relationship between lung function and hair condition

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are open to the nose and the main fur, which is the main gateway for the human body's qi to rise and fall. The lungs can regulate and control the circulation of qi and blood throughout the body, and the growth of hair is inseparable from the sufficient supply of qi and blood. When the lung qi is insufficient, the hair is not nourished, and it will naturally dry up and fall out.

In the field of modern medicine, there are also studies that show that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are often accompanied by malnutrition, which coincides with the view of traditional Chinese medicine.

Breathlessness caused by lung disease affects the oxygen supply throughout the body, which in turn affects the metabolism of cells, including hair follicle cells. If the oxygen supply is insufficient, the nutrients needed for hair growth will not be effectively supplied, and the hair will naturally become dry and fall out.

In addition to this, modern medical research has found that lung disease causes a range of systemic reactions, including changes in hormone levels, and fluctuations in these hormones may also affect the hair growth cycle. For example, elevated cortisol levels during chronic stress can cause hair growth to slow down or even fall out.

The relationship between lung function and hair condition reminds us to pay attention to the maintenance of the respiratory system in our lives.

Fresh air and moderate exercise not only strengthen your lungs, but also keep your hair shiny and bouncy. Hair problems can be a warning sign of lung disease and remind people to pay more attention in their daily lives.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

5. The interaction between kidney health and the whole body

In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is regarded as the "innate foundation", and the abundance of kidney essence is directly related to the growth and development of human beings and the aging process. Kidneys aren't just about teeth, in fact, their health can affect our bones, ears and even our reproductive system.

Insufficient kidney essence may lead to tinnitus, backache, knee weakness, memory loss and other phenomena, which are all external manifestations of kidney deficiency.

In modern medical research, the secretion of various hormones such as adrenal hormones and sex hormones is closely related to kidney function. The decline of the kidneys not only leads to endocrine disorders, but also may cause problems such as osteoporosis.

The decline in bone density coincides with the view of the "main bone of the kidney" in traditional Chinese medicine. In addition, the kidneys are responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body, which is essential for maintaining the normal function of nerves and muscles.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

6. The close relationship between the spleen and stomach and the health of the whole body

The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the acquired nature, and the strength of their functions directly affects the body's qi and blood biochemistry. The health of the spleen and stomach can not only be seen from the lips, but also has a non-negligible relationship with our muscles and mental vitality.

Poor spleen movement may lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, muscle relaxation and weakness. On the mental level, people with a weak spleen may experience sluggish thinking and memory loss.

Scientific studies have shown that the health of the gastrointestinal tract is inextricably linked to the body's immune system.

The imbalance of intestinal microbes will not only affect digestion and absorption, but may also cause abnormal reactions of the immune system, which echoes the theory that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of immunity emphasized by traditional Chinese medicine. The maintenance of the spleen and stomach is not only the adjustment of diet, but also includes emotional management, routine and other aspects of daily habits.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?

7. The overall impact of the lungs and physical health

In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are golden, responsible for breathing, controlling the rise and fall of qi, and communicating with the breath of nature. The function of the lungs is not only reflected in the maintenance of hair, but also related to the respiratory system, immunity and emotional state of people.

Lack of lung qi makes people feel short of breath, fatigue, and colds, and even affects people's mood, causing depression and anxiety.

In modern medicine, the importance of lung health is self-evident. The respiratory system is an important way for the human body to exchange gases with the outside world, and lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will seriously affect people's quality of life.

Moreover, the lungs are an important gathering place for immune cells, and the strength of lung function is directly related to the body's ability to resist disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are absolutely long, the spleen is absolutely long, the lips are reversed, and the lungs are absolutely hairless", what do you say in three sentences?


These theories of TCM are not only a cultural heritage, but also a valuable asset for human beings to understand their own health.

In the fast-paced modern life, we should perhaps slow down and listen to every signal from our body to better grasp the key to health.

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