
The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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Lao Li, who was only 60 years old, fell suddenly, which shocked the entire community. Lao Li, that's a well-known retired teacher on our streets.

Every morning, he would sit down on a bench in the community with a newspaper in hand, make a pot of hot tea, and slowly enjoy the leisure of retirement. Everyone thought he was in great health, because he was always the kind of person who never complained about his physical discomfort in front of people.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

But just yesterday, Lao Li had a heart attack, and the doctor said it was too late, so Lao Li passed away. As soon as this news came out, everyone couldn't believe it - he was obviously a person who never left his tea, walked every day, and lived a regular life, why did he suddenly leave us?

Afterwards, when Dr. Zhang chatted with us, his tone was full of regret, and he wanted to take the opportunity to spread some health knowledge that is often overlooked.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

First, Dr. Zhang touched on an issue that many people overlook – the impact of water quality on heart health. Many people only focus on the amount of water they drink, but they don't care much about the quality of the water.

"Lao Li's family uses old-fashioned iron water pipes, and drinking water with high iron content in this water for a long time has a certain burden on blood vessels. Dr. Zhang explained that if the iron water pipe is not replaced for a long time, the iron ions in the water will gradually accumulate, and after the excess iron ions enter the body, it may promote oxidative stress, which is very bad for the heart.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

Dr. Zhang also mentioned that although Lao Li loves to drink tea, his way of drinking tea needs to be improved. He is accustomed to making tea with very hot water, which may not only harm the esophagus and oral mucosa, but also increase the burden on the heart in the long run.

"People who regularly consume high-temperature beverages do have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Although Lao Li always seems to be smiling, in fact he has a lot of unknown pressure.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

After retirement, although Lao Li seems to be comfortable every day, he has actually been worrying about some family chores, and these pressures are invisible. "Long-term psychological stress, even if it is small, can affect heart function and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Zhang's remarks are thought-provoking, especially the seemingly inconsequential little habits and lifestyles he mentions that may be key factors affecting our health. He also singled out several other similar cases in which patients were also due to seemingly unrelated details that ultimately led to serious consequences of health problems.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

Through the example of Lao Li, Dr. Zhang hopes to draw attention to some subtleties in daily life. Dr. Zhang said that the antioxidants contained in tea, such as tea polyphenols, do have health benefits, but when and how to drink tea also need to be scientific.

Lao Li has such a habit of having a cup of hot tea after every meal, and after a long time, this may have an adverse effect on his nutrient absorption. ”

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

Dr. Zhang specifically mentioned that although Lao Li insisted on walking every day, he neglected the importance of moderate physical exercise for heart function. Although Lao Li's daily activities maintain a certain amount of exercise, the intensity is not enough, which also affects his heart health to a certain extent. ”

He emphasized that maintaining heart health is not only about avoiding obvious risk factors, such as smoking, drinking, etc., but also about paying attention to details and scientific management in daily life.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

"We make choices every day unintentionally, but did you know that these seemingly innocuous little habits can actually quietly affect our heart health?

He explained that many times, people tend to unknowingly adopt some lifestyle habits that are harmful to health because of a lack of health knowledge.

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

And these habits, although they may not seem to have much impact in the early days, can accumulate over time and pose a potential threat to vital organs such as the heart.

"For example, although there are many health benefits to drinking tea, incorrect tea drinking habits, such as overheating tea and drinking tea immediately after meals, may gradually affect our cardiovascular health and nutrient absorption. ”

The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong

Dr. Zhang uses this example to help people pay more attention to every little detail in their lives, so as to better protect the health of themselves and their families.

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The 60-year-old uncle died of a sudden heart attack, and he loved to drink tea before his death, and the doctor was heartbroken: he did 3 things wrong