
A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"What I love most in my life is my iron pot, and I use it to stew soup every day!" This is what Zhou Jianguo said to Lao Wang in the ward next to him on his last day in the hospital.

Zhou Jianguo, 58, is an ordinary taxi driver who likes to cook, especially soup. However, even his favorite iron pot could not save his life, because his lifestyle habits had already buried hidden health risks.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

Zhou Jianguo's daily life seems ordinary, driving his yellow taxi through the streets of the city every day. However, he had several lesser-known habits that, unknowingly, had a serious impact on his cardiovascular health.

First of all, Zhou Jianguo loves cooking, especially high-fat and high-salt foods. Although he knew he had coronary heart disease and should control his diet, his cooking habits did not change much.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

Surprisingly, however, some of Zhou's behaviors, which seem unrelated to heart health, are actually quietly affecting his coronary arteries.

The doctor later pointed out that in addition to taboos, there are three things that are particularly unfavorable to patients with coronary heart disease, and these things are what Zhou Jianguo often does.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

First, drive for long periods of time. Taxi drivers sit in their cars for long periods of time every day, which not only increases the static stress, but can also lead to an increased burden on the cardiovascular system.

Zhou Jianguo's job as a taxi driver often requires him to shuttle through the streets late at night, and his work schedule is completely unconventional. This uncertainty of sleep and rest times disrupted his circadian clock.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

When a person's biological clock is disturbed, the normal function of the heart may also be affected, thus increasing the probability of developing cardiovascular-related diseases. This long-term irregularity can also lead to a persistent decline in physical and mental state, placing an additional burden on heart health.

Lack of exercise, although Zhou Jianguo drives every day, in reality this hardly involves any physical activity. The doctor conducted a detailed physical examination of Zhou Jianguo and revealed these unfavorable factors through a dialogue with his daily habits.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

They found that although Zhou Jianguo consciously reduced his intake of greasy foods, he did not pay enough attention to some other seemingly inconsequential lifestyles, which indirectly exacerbated his condition.

Doctors also mentioned other similar cases, such as patients who have a heavier heart burden due to long hours of paperwork, and some who have heart problems due to excessive mental stress.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

These examples underscore the holistic nature of heart health management, which is more than just dietary control. In Zhou's case, doctors specifically point out the potential health effects of his favorite cooking habits.

He is accustomed to using his own iron pot to make high-fat soups, and while these foods are satisfying in taste, they are very problematic in terms of nutritional balance.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

The doctor discussed with him in detail how to adjust the cooking method, such as using more vegetables and whole grains, as well as reducing the portion size and cooking time of meat, to reduce the total fat content of food.

In order to cope with the problem of sitting and driving for a long time, the doctor gave specific advice to Zhou Jianguo to stop every hour and perform a series of stretching activities to help the blood flow better.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

This simple activity not only helps reduce the risk of heart problems due to prolonged sitting, but it also enhances his concentration and overall fitness, allowing him to maintain a better mental state while driving.

As for the irregular work and rest problem, the doctor recommended Zhou Jianguo to try to adjust his working hours and try to avoid continuous night shifts to ensure adequate sleep. Regarding the lack of exercise, doctors encouraged Zhou Jianguo to use his spare time to do some light exercises, such as brisk walking or cycling.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

Through these specific change suggestions, the doctor hopes that Zhou Jianguo will realize that maintaining a healthy heart is not as simple as avoiding certain foods, but also a comprehensive process involving multi-faceted lifestyle adjustments.

Although Zhou Jianguo was unable to save his own life, his experience is a warning to those around him, especially those colleagues who are also in high-risk occupations. The maintenance of heart health is not just a medical issue, but a public health issue that requires the common attention of individuals, families and even society.

A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less

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A 58-year-old man died of coronary heart disease, and the doctor was helpless: in addition to avoiding food, these three things should also be done less