
Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

"Oh, Aunt Li, you look at my bones, I always feel a little worse than my peers. Lao Zhao sat in the community health service center and confided in the doctor Lao Liu about his recent discomfort.

Lao Zhao is a retired teacher in his fifties, usually busy with work, not long after retiring, he should enjoy a leisurely time, but he always feels tired and weak, and his spirit is insufficient.

After asking Lao Zhao about his living habits, Dr. Liu smiled slightly, pointed to a menu on the table and said: "Lao Zhao, look at this pigeon, don't underestimate it, people are the 'little steel cannon' in the nutrition industry, replenishing protein, strengthening muscles and bones, improving immunity, and the effect can be more than eating ten chickens!"

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

01 What are the benefits of eating pigeons for our health?

Protein power bank, full of vitality

When it comes to the benefits of pigeon meat, it's a real deal. It is rich in protein, with 24.47% high-quality protein per 100 grams, and is extremely low in fat, at only 0.73%.

This means eating more pigeon meat, which can not only meet the body's protein needs, but also avoid excessive fat intake, especially for friends who want to gain muscle and regain their strength.

This high-protein and low-fat feature is simply a natural health food.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

The patron saint of muscles and bones, rejuvenating power

Pigeon meat is rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a perfect partner for bone health.

Calcium is especially important for the elderly, and eating pigeon meat can help them strengthen their bones and avoid osteoporosis.

In addition, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine also believes that pigeon meat is beneficial to the kidney and qi, and it is also beneficial to improve the symptoms of waist and knee soreness, dizziness and fatigue caused by kidney deficiency.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

Immunity Guard, the source of beautiful skin

Eating pigeon meat can also improve the body's immunity, because its rich high-quality protein can promote the synthesis of immunoglobulins and enhance immunity.

In addition, the collagen in pigeon meat is a favorite of beauty lovers, it can not only keep the skin elastic and bright, but also help to nourish the blood and nourish the skin, making people look ruddy and full of vitality.

02 The pigeon is paired with it and the nutrition is doubled

The pigeon with wolfberry is nourishing and eye-catching

Take a look at this pigeon wolfberry soup, pigeon meat is stewed with astragalus, angelica, red dates, wolfberry and other medicinal materials, which not only improves the nutritional value of the soup, but also gently nourishes the internal organs.

In particular, the eye-warming effect of wolfberry, combined with pigeon meat, can be described as a two-pronged approach, allowing you to rejuvenate from the inside out.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

The pigeon is stewed with wheat winter, warm and not hot

For those who are worried about the food supplement will catch fire, you may want to try adding wheat dong to the pigeon soup.

The cooling properties of the wheat winter just offset the warmth of the pigeon meat, so that the whole soup can achieve a warm but not dry effect, especially suitable for spring consumption, which can not only be nourishing, but also less likely to cause internal fire.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

The pigeon is served with ginger to warm the stomach and ward off the cold

When cooking pigeons, the clever use of ginger can not only increase the flavor of the dish, but also the effect of ginger itself on repelling cold and warming the stomach, but also cooperate with the warming and tonic properties of pigeon meat.

For people with weak spleen and stomach, cold hands and feet, it is definitely a warm and warm delicacy in winter.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

03 Although pigeon meat is good, these kinds of people should be careful when eating

Patients with high blood pressure are less likely to suffer

Although pigeon meat is low in fat and high in protein, because it contains a certain amount of sodium, patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to controlling the portion amount when eating, so as not to consume too much sodium and affect the stability of blood pressure.

Patients with gout should not be greedy

Pigeon meat has a high purine content, and for friends with gout or high uric acid, excessive consumption may induce gout attacks, so you should also take into account your own health while enjoying the food.

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

People with allergies should try with caution

Although pigeon meat is rich in nutrients, any food can cause an allergic reaction, so if you have allergies, it is best to do a small test before trying pigeon meat for the first time to make sure it is safe.

Lao Zhao followed the advice of Dr. Liu, began to eat pigeon meat regularly, and tried several ways to make pigeon soup.

After a period of time, his face gradually became rosy, and his physical strength was significantly restored, and he no longer felt so tired.

The neighbors saw the changes in Lao Zhao and asked him for his health secrets, and Lao Zhao said with a smile: "You guys also try to eat pigeons, this thing is really not covered!"

Eating it once is better than "ten chickens", nourishing the kidneys and invigorating qi, strengthening muscles and bones, and has many benefits for the body

"One pigeon is better than nine chickens, nourishing and powerful", this short sentence shows the unique value of pigeon meat.

In fact, many health secrets in life are hidden on our table, as long as we are good at discovering and using them reasonably, even a small pigeon can become a powerful wing for us to move towards a healthy life.