
"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

author:Film and television Malatang 1

I don't know if you still remember this song?" The arms of the carrots, the legs of the white radish, the face of the flower core, the red mouth, the sister and the lover are paired, and the knife is pressed on the neck and does not ......regret it", this song is lingering and compassionate, and it is a love song with national characteristics, almost everyone will hum it back then.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

It is the ending song of the TV series "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" "Brother Love's Mind Can't Guess". With the popularity of the TV series that year, this song also swept the streets.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

When we were children, we were still a group of half-grown children. Full of infinite curiosity about the world. The appearance of "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" seems to open a door to a fantasy world for us. The happiest moment is sitting in front of the TV with a group of friends, chattering and discussing the plot. After reading it, I still couldn't get enough of putting on a few Huo Diange Baji fists to meet the enemy, and read: "Eight poles, eight poles, eight directions and extremely far away!" It's funny! Laughter and laughter mingle in the air. That innocent happy time has become an eternal memory in our hearts.

It's a pity that this TV series, which carries the memories of many people, was suddenly banned not long after it was broadcast, and the reasons behind it are embarrassing.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

A drama with thousands of empty alleys

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was filmed by Changchun TV, directed by Ji Xiaohei, written by Qi Tiexiong, starring Zhang Jibo, Yan Lili, Liu Weihua, Kang Jing, Zuo Yang and others. tells the life story of Huo Diange, the martial artist and bodyguard of the puppet "emperor" of Manchukuo Aixin Jueluo Puyi. A total of 36 episodes. set a record for the longest number of TV episodes in China that year.

The plot design of this drama is very ingenious. first used Zhao Jinlong's fake death suspicion to attract the audience. Then use the twists and turns of Huo Diange's fate and the contradictions and conflicts with the Japanese to advance the plot. With a good-looking story, a compact plot, excellent martial arts, and the help of the "martial arts" craze in the 80s, "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" quickly triggered a wave of ratings across the country, with thousands of empty alleys and a huge impact. Even Beijing TV broadcast this drama immediately after the CCTV Spring Festival Gala on Chinese New Year's Eve.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

The popularity of this drama made the theme song singer Fan Linlin quickly popular. The two ending songs she sang, "Brother Love's Mind Can't Guess" and "Don't Force Me to Speak", were also all the rage, and the video stores on the streets and alleys were all these songs. And the total sales of the tapes containing these two songs exceeded 5 million, which is really rare.

Even Guo Dingli, the composer of these two songs, changed his fate because of this drama. He was originally an ordinary construction worker in Changchun, and he was an amateur author. After the song became popular, he was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music without examination.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

An ill-fated drama

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" Changchun TV began filming in 1986, but it was only broadcast in 1989. Two things happened in the past three years during this period, which almost didn't let the show die.

The first is the plagiarism storm. At that time, Changchun TV had just been established for less than a year. can be said to be poor and white, not to mention buying programs and filming TV series. At this time, someone took the script of "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" to Changchun TV, and he could not only get the script, but also contribute some money. As long as it can be made into a TV series. As a result, the crew was quickly established. Just before the start of filming, director Ji Xiaohei found that this script seemed to plagiarize Qi Tiexiong's novel "Emperor Martial Artist". So, Ji Xiaohei found Qi Tiexiong for confirmation. After reading the script, Qi Tiexiong found that it was really plagiarism. Fortunately, Qi Tiexiong did not pursue further, and he naturally became the screenwriter of this drama.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

However, the biggest problem faced by the crew after the start of filming was the financial problem. At that time, Changchun TV was too young and had a thin background. Because of the plagiarism turmoil, Taili almost had to disband the crew. But the upfront cost has already been invested, so you can only shoot it head-on. To save money. There are very few professional actors in this drama, and many non-professionals are invited. Even the heroine is a martial arts enthusiast who works at the post office. If you don't have a costume, you can borrow it. The whole filming process was full of holes. However, after a lot of hardships and twists and turns, this 36-episode TV series still met the audience. After the filming of the entire TV series, the total cost was only 630,000 yuan, which can be regarded as a miracle.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

A drama full of controversy

After the broadcast of "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard", it became popular all over the country. However, when it was broadcast nationwide, screenwriter Qi Tiexiong received a summons from the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, and the drama was listed as "three major crimes".

First, there is the issue of historical sensitivities. Pu Yi wanted to restore the Qing Dynasty with the help of the Japanese and establish the puppet state of Manchukuo, which was regarded as a traitorous act. Secondly, it is about the identity of the protagonist Huo Diange. Huo Diange was once the bodyguard of the puppet Manchukuo "emperor" Pu Yi, who was classified as a traitor and should not be praised. Finally, there is the issue of the title of the play. Since "Kant" was the name of the puppet Manchukuo, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television considered such a naming method inappropriate. Based on these three major crimes, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television decided to "ban" the drama.

"The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" was once empty, but it was suddenly banned, and the reason behind it is embarrassing

However, not long after the show was broadcast, the investor Changchun TV has not recovered its costs. They were very anxious and hurried to Beijing to communicate with the leaders of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television. reflects the actual situation. The Ministry of Radio, Film and Television agreed to give Changchun TV a two-month grace period. Two months later, the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television sent a clear telegram to all television stations across the country, officially announcing that "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" would be suspended.

This once popular TV series is like a meteor crossing the sky, and its glory is fleeting. It has become the memory of a generation.