
The time is confirmed! It will be fully opened to traffic at the end of April!

author:FM104 Sound of Xiangyang

The latest progress of the ring line speed-up renovation project is here!

On April 10, the construction unit said that the viaduct and the surface road will be opened simultaneously with the main line in the near future. From Fancheng Bridgehead of Wolong Bridge to Dengcheng Avenue, the 5.16-kilometer-long Wolong Avenue has become a part of the western route of the Xiangyang Urban Ring Road after the viaduct is erected.

Due to the construction of the viaduct, the surface road is impassable. After two years of construction, with the completion of the basic construction of the viaduct, the surface road restoration project has been fully rolled out since the beginning of the year. At present, significant progress has been made in construction.

The time is confirmed! It will be fully opened to traffic at the end of April!

Dang Huping, the person in charge of the Xiangyang Ring Line Acceleration Project of China Power Construction, said: "The main line of the ground road has been paved completely, and now it is doing ancillary facilities such as traffic safety, lighting, and greening. The surface road is planned to be opened at the same time as the main line. ”

With the completion of the main line of the surface road, the construction unit is laying floor tiles and curbstones on the canalized islands at six intersections along the line, and planting trees and flowers at the same time. The person in charge of the construction unit said that under the premise of ensuring quality and safety, they are using "embroidery" to improve road monitoring, signage, guardrails and other traffic facilities, according to the construction arrangement, the ground road project will be completed within this month.

Citizens are very concerned about when the second phase of the ring road speed-up renovation project, including the Wolong Avenue viaduct, will be opened to traffic. The official website of the municipal government has released news that the second phase of the ring line speed improvement project is a key node in the construction of "one axis, three rings and nine radiations" urban skeleton road network in the central urban area of Xiangyang, and the expressway from the South Line of the Inner Ring Road to Xiangyang East Railway Station has been officially opened to traffic before the Spring Festival, and other bids are planned to be fully opened to traffic at the end of April.

In order to ensure road safety during the trial operation of the southern line of the inner ring of Xiangcheng to the Dongjin high-speed railway station, the Xiangyang traffic police have carried out high-frequency road inspections since February to increase order control and traffic diversion.

According to the territorial jurisdiction, the Dongjin traffic police and the traffic police directly under the brigade are responsible for the traffic safety of the Xiangcheng section and the Dongjin section of this section of the road respectively. In order to take into account the safety of trial operation and construction under construction, the traffic police directly under the traffic police strengthened the reminder that safety protection measures such as construction personnel wearing safety helmets, reflective cones, and water barriers were not in place during road inspections. In addition to ordering on-site corrections, he also interviewed the construction unit where he worked to supervise the implementation of safety production responsibilities and supervision responsibilities.

The time is confirmed! It will be fully opened to traffic at the end of April!

At the beginning of the trial operation, the Dongjin traffic police found in the road inspection that due to the mobile phone navigation data was not updated in time, some vehicle drivers drove to the Dongjin Bridge, and the direction behind the Dongjin Yanpo overpass was confused, and there were illegal behaviors such as parking and waiting, reversing, etc., which hindered the safe passage. In response to this situation, the Dongjin police carried out travel reminders in the media for going straight to Yushan Expressway and Xiangyang East Railway Station, turning right to Xiangyang Airport and Shuanggou, and contacted Baidu and AutoNavi Map to update the settings and strengthen the guidance and reminders.

The time is confirmed! It will be fully opened to traffic at the end of April!

As an urban expressway, there are strict restrictions in terms of carrying weight. In order to strictly prevent the impact of overweight vehicles on the safety of elevated roads, the traffic police of the two places urged the construction party to implement the setting of elevated restrictions and warning signs at the entrances of each ramp, and strictly prohibited the passage of medium and heavy trucks.

At the same time, it strengthened the docking with Baidu and AutoNavi map designers, implemented the exclusive navigation content of prohibited vehicles such as trucks, motorcycles, and electric vehicles, and strictly prevented vehicles such as medium and heavy trucks from illegally entering.

Content source: reporter Wang Chunxia Hanshui Xiangyang

Editor: Wang Xiao │ Proofreader: Li Yanfei

Review: Cai Yanyan