
Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

Recently, a 60-year-old man boldly proposed the establishment of a second depositor system when handling deposit business in a bank, which not only attracted the attention of the bank, but also aroused heated discussions in all walks of life.

In everyone's opinion, as they get older, older friends become more and more concerned about the management of money. After all, the savings that I have saved all my life is not only a guarantee for my later life, but also a heart for my children.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

If you want to deposit money, you can add a second depositor, for example, this person can be your wife, children, or a loved grandchild. In the future, if one day the elderly are gone, they can easily withdraw the money as long as they hold their ID cards and deposit certificates.

From this point of view alone, the proposal of this system is expected to provide more stable wealth protection for the elderly and become a blessing for them.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank


What is a second depositor?

The second depositor, as the name suggests, means that when making a deposit, in addition to the main depositor, one or more second people can be appointed as the co-manager of the deposit.

This person can enjoy the same rights as you in the law, and if it is inconvenient to go to the bank to handle business one day in the future, or the old man dies, the second depositor can handle the required business with his ID card and deposit certificate, and he can easily withdraw the money without going through those cumbersome procedures.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

A netizen @老唐 said: If you can set up a second depositor, you can pass on the deposit to the next generation smoothly according to your own wishes. What's more, if you are not there in the future, your child will not have to go through a lot of procedures to withdraw money, and you will not have to worry about not being able to withdraw your savings due to insufficient procedures.

It can be seen that the proposal of the second depositor system can not only solve the trouble of the elderly who cannot handle banking business in person, but also solve the problem of estate planning for the elderly, which is more in line with the development trend of modern financial services.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank


Who is the best candidate for the second deposit?

Recommendations can be filtered in the following ways:

First of all, this person must be someone you can trust, preferably someone with whom you have a deep emotional foundation. After all, money is something outside of the body, but feelings are priceless. Choose someone you trust, and they will be more attentive and responsible when dealing with your property in the future.

Our advice is that it's best to choose your own wife, after all, you've been together through thick and thin for so many years, and the trust you have built in each other is unmatched.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

Of course, if the child is filial, sensible, and has a strong sense of responsibility, then it is also a good choice to set the second depositor as the child. After all, these properties will be inherited by him in the future.

But no matter who you choose, as a second depositor, it's best to discuss with this person first and listen to their opinions and opinions.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank


Benefits of setting up a second depositor

Second, the benefits of the depositor system are manifold.

(1): It helps to ensure the property safety of the elderly. By appointing a trusted second depositor, seniors can ensure that their assets are properly managed and protected from loss or misappropriation by criminals when they are unable to handle their finances themselves.

(2): It helps to reduce the psychological burden of the elderly. With the presence of a second depositor, the elderly can arrange their old age with more peace of mind and do not have to worry too much about property issues.

(3): In the future, it will be smoother for children to withdraw money after inheritance. If the second depositor is set as your own child, if you have an accident one day, the child will withdraw money more smoothly in the future, and you don't have to go through a lot of procedures, and you don't have to worry, because the deposit cannot be withdrawn due to insufficient materials.

Seniors over 60 years of age add a second depositor when depositing money in the bank

In short, setting up a second depositor is really a very wise choice, which can not only allow the property to be better protected and managed, but also make the elderly more secure and comfortable in their later years.

If this system can be implemented and promoted, I believe it will become another gospel for the elderly!

Wan Ziwen said: Every word of the article was typed out by me, and I clicked "watching" to let me know that you are also "doing your best" for life.

*Image source network*

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