
Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

author:Happiness Fukuda
Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

"Red umbrella umbrella, white pole pole, lie down together after eating"

This slippery song is a reminder of people

Poisoning poisonous mushrooms is highly susceptible to poisoning

But what is unexpected

If you don't eat shiitake mushrooms correctly, you will also "get sick from the mouth"......

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

Someone eats a meal of shiitake mushrooms

Wake up and find yourself "whipped"?

What the hell is going on?

Xiaofu will take you to take a look!

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

"Whipping" from shiitake mushrooms

Ms. Shen, 58, is prone to allergies, so she is usually extra careful to stay away from allergenic substances as much as possible. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, when I was having a late night snack with my friends, I ate 5 skewers of grilled shiitake mushrooms, and the next day, the skin on my neck touched my hands like a rash, and there was a slight itching.

For the next two days, Ms. Shen said, whiplash-like rashes crawled all over the skin of her face, torso and limbs. In desperation, she went to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

After examination, Zhao Yun, a dermatologist at the hospital, found that the patient's whole body was covered with cord-like erythema, slight edema, and papules and papules.

Combined with the details of the mushrooms she had eaten and the characteristics of the lesions, Ms. Shen was diagnosed with whiplash dermatitis, commonly known as shiitake dermatitis, which is a mushroom poisoning reaction caused by ingestion of the "toxin" of lentinan polysaccharides in the cell wall of shiitake mushrooms.

"I haven't had any allergies to shiitake mushrooms since I was snacked, why did I get hit this time?" Ms. Shen was puzzled.

Zhao Yun explained that not everyone will get sick after eating shiitake mushrooms, and only a few people with special physiques will have such a reaction because they eat raw shiitake mushrooms or undercooked shiitake mushrooms. Ms. Shen recalled, "At that time, the entrance was very tender, and it turned out to be undercooked!"

Fortunately, the cause of the disease was clear and timely, and after a course of antihistamine treatment, combined with traditional Chinese and Western medicine such as red light and wet compresses, Ms. Shen's itching was significantly relieved, and the rash had partially subsided.

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

Shiitake mushrooms come out from under the sticks

The mainland is the first country in the world to cultivate shiitake mushrooms. During the Southern Song Dynasty, Wu Sangong, the Chinese mushroom god, invented the "flower cutting method" to cultivate shiitake mushrooms. In layman's terms, it is to cut a hole in the wood to facilitate the germination and growth of the spores of shiitake mushrooms.

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

The cultivation of shiitake mushrooms should go through "cutting trees and cutting flowers in the first year, singing flowers in two years, mushrooms starting to emerge, three years when prosperous, mushrooms are vigorous, two prosperous in four years, and three prosperous in five years", a production cycle lasts five to seven years.

There is an interesting technical point in cultivating shiitake mushrooms by cutting flowers - xùn. "Mushroom" refers to mushrooms, and mushrooms are to be beaten with mushrooms. At that time, it was noticed that some wood did not grow shiitake mushrooms even if the mycelium was growing well. I stumbled upon that if you hit the mushroom wood with a wooden board, after a few days, shiitake mushrooms will grow in abundance!

Modern science can explain this phenomenon, it turns out that vibration can stimulate the kinking of mycelium to form primordial groups, and the temperature difference stimulates mushrooms and thunders mushrooms.

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

Why do some people get sick after eating shiitake mushrooms?

Shiitake mushrooms are the second largest edible mushroom in the world, rich in nutritional value, and can cause dermatitis?

It is considered that a small number of people with special constitutions may be related to the toxic reaction of lentinan in the cell wall of lentinan edo.

Lentinan is not heat-tolerant, and can be inactive after cooking at 100°C for half an hour and at 135°C-150°C.

According to Dr. Peng Liqian of the Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology, the patient developed a whiplash-like rash after taking well-cooked log-grown shiitake mushrooms, and it is believed that log-grown shiitake mushrooms may also be the cause of the disease.

Peng Liqian introduced that oyster mushrooms, black fungus, enoki mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms all belong to the phylum Basidiomycetes and Apidophyta, and there have been related cases reported that these edible mushrooms may also cause similar whiplash-like rashes. So, again, mushrooms must be thoroughly cooked before eating.

What are the clinical features of shiitake mushroom rash?

It is common in adults, rarely in children, and is more common in the trunk and limbs, and less common in the head, face, neck, hands, and feet, and generally does not involve the skin and mucous membranes.

The disease is generally not systematically affected, only skin lesions, and typical skin lesions are flagellated or cord-like erythema, scattered or clustered with small papules, papules, and varying degrees of pruritus.

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......
Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......

It's like being beaten

How can it be treated and prevented?

Treatment is symptomatic with oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids to relieve pruritus.

Shiitake dermatitis is self-limited, heals well, and lesions resolve completely, usually leaving no pigmentation.

Prevention is better than cure, avoid undercooked shiitake mushrooms or raw shiitake mushrooms.

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Eat mushrooms properly

Eating a shiitake mushroom makes the whole body seem to be "whipped"! This step is ignored by many people......


Edit | Dong Yutong

校对 | 郑芳、魏鼎、王建交

Proofreading | Dong Fangjun

Executive Producer | Weekly

Source of information | Popular Science China, Jimu News, Guangzhou Health Commission, Yangtze River Health Media