
The chef's signature dishes

author:Chinese kitchen

Stir-fried seafood with anchovies

The chef's signature dishes

Raw material:

200 grams of jellyfish head, 200 grams of mussel meat, 150 grams of kale, 5 grams of fungus, ginger flowers, golden shoot flowers, and a little dried green onion.


10 grams of chicken juice, 5 grams of chicken broth powder, 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of sugar, and appropriate amount of starch.


1. The jellyfish head is cleaned, the knife strip shape is changed after pickling, and the mussel meat is changed to a knife for later use.


3. Stir-fry dried shallots, golden shoots, ginger flowers, etc., add all the ingredients and stir-fry until cooked, seasoning, thicken, and put on a plate.

Bone broth soaked in kelp aloe vera

The chef's signature dishes

Raw material:

150 grams of small kelp, 50 grams of aloe vera, 3 grams of minced ham.


8 grams of pork bone juice, 200 grams of soup, salt to taste.


1. Wash the small kelp and cut it into pieces, peel the aloe vera, take the meat, boil the water, remove it and set aside.

2. Remove from the pot and put the soup on the table, put in the small kelp and aloe vera and simmer thoroughly, season with the above seasonings, and sprinkle in the ham.

Morel mushroom golden tofu

The chef's signature dishes

Raw material:

Homemade tofu 600g, selected morel mushrooms 60g


20g of homemade chicken sauce, 250g of gourd juice, 50g of choy sum, 15g of broccoli, 250g of egg white




1. Cut the fresh tofu into pieces, simmer the morels in the soup and take them out.

2. Season the chicken sauce and gourd juice with the above seasonings, put in the tofu and morels and simmer for 15 minutes on a plate, put in the boiling water of cabbage and broccoli, and thicken the juice.

Steak in one pot fresh

The chef's signature dishes


250 grams of baby cabbage, 250 grams of cowboy bones


50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of celery, 50 grams of Tianmu bamboo shoot slices, 50 grams of ham slices, and 50 grams of shrimp


25 grams of Jinba beef sauce, 15 grams of chicken broth mix, 850 grams of broth


1. Cut the cowboy bones into oil, shred baby cabbage, sliced celery, sliced Tianmu bamboo shoots, sliced ham, and whole shiitake mushrooms in boiling water.

2. Put the above seasoning in the pot, add cowboy bones, baby cabbage, mushrooms, ham slices, shrimp and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

3. Add celery slices and Tianmu Mountain bamboo shoot slices, and cook them.

Chop pepper frogs

The chef's signature dishes

Raw material:

Live bullfrog, loofah strips, enoki mushrooms, chopped chives, soy sauce, oyster sauce, chopped pepper paste, salt, cooking wine, pepper.


1. Slaughter the bullfrog, cut it into pieces, flush it to remove the blood stain, add salt, cooking wine and pepper to marinate until it tastes;

2. Peel the loofah, cut it into strips with a knife, pull the oil, remove the roots of the enoki mushroom, wash it, squeeze it dry after boiling water, put it on the bottom of the plate, add the loofah strips, and put it into the bullfrog pieces;

3. Heat the oil in the pot, add the chopped pepper sauce, add soy sauce and oyster sauce and fry until fragrant, pour on the bullfrog, steam in the steamer for 4 minutes ~ 5 minutes, take out and sprinkle chopped chives.

Lavender Romance

The chef's signature dishes


Australian beef short ribs 80g




20 grams of rock sugar, 5 grams of salt


1. Cut the beef short ribs into large cubes and simmer on low heat until five are ripe.

2. Cut the fresh cherries into cubes, add rock sugar and boil over low heat for half an hour, and then reduce the juice to the jam after stickiness.


4. Serve on a plate and garnish with cherry juice and fresh lavender and pansy.

A seafood stew

The chef's signature dishes


150 grams of abalone, 100 grams of sea cucumber, 50 grams of shrimp, 100 grams of hemp fish maw.


3 slices of ginger, 5 grams of green onions, 3 grams of carrots, 300 grams of broth.


10 grams of Jiahao chicken bone milk white juice, 10 grams of chicken juice, 5 grams of abalone juice, pepper and salt.


1. Wash the abalone, cut the flower knife, cut the back of the shrimp, marinate it with an appropriate amount of starch, and set aside in boiling water.

2. Soak the sea cucumber and sesame fish maw in advance, cut into diamond shapes, add an appropriate amount of salt to the broth, and simmer.

3. Remove from the pot, add auxiliary materials, adjust the flavor with the above seasonings, thicken and adjust the color into juice, add abalone, shrimp, sea cucumber, fish maw, simmer over low heat, and put the juice into the container.

Two-color yellow croaker jelly

The chef's signature dishes

Raw material:

4 yellow croakers in the East China Sea, 50 grams of water chestnut, 50 grams of lime juice, 70 grams of sugar water, 2 grams of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce and Shao wine, 2 grams of dark soy sauce, 50 grams of rock sugar, 5 slices of gel, appropriate amount of green onion and ginger.


1. Debone the yellow croaker and take the meat, fry the fish bones slightly, add green onions, ginger, Shao wine, boiling water and boil until thick, filter, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and rock sugar, put a part of the fish meat and soak it until cooked, put the gel pieces to dissolve, and pour it into the square box;

2. Steam the yellow croaker meat, change the knife into grains, cut the water chestnuts into cubes, and cook them separately;

Dissolve the sugar water with gel slices, add lime juice and salt to taste, put cooked yellow croaker grains and cooked water chestnut grains and mix thoroughly, pour it on the yellow croaker jelly, cut into strips after refrigeration, and put it on a plate.