
2024 Ark of Tomorrow Carnival Information Released Anniversary New Operator Locks Alien W and logos

author:Black Meow Yuni

The official information of the 2024 Ark Tomorrow Carnival is also completely open this time, not to mention how the event is arranged in the information of this carnival, the customary Chinese voice actor meeting also involves the information of the new operators who will be implemented for this year's anniversary, and the new six-star operators to be launched at this anniversary are basically determined, and the locking of the alien W and logos has not run basically.

2024 Ark of Tomorrow Carnival Information Released Anniversary New Operator Locks Alien W and logos

Let's talk about the information this time, who are the three undisclosed operators involved in the Chinese voice actor meeting? It's really hard to guess (laughs) When the official voice actor was released last year, it was considered a spoiler in advance, and then it was too late for the official to change to an undisclosed operator, and this year it was actually indirectly revealed.

2024 Ark of Tomorrow Carnival Information Released Anniversary New Operator Locks Alien W and logos

First of all, W is definitely not running.,This year's proper out-of-the-box W.,But it's not clear whether it's an activity of six stars.,Accompany the run or limit.,If the heterogeneous W is still limited to six stars,,The gold content of W is inevitably too high.,The ontology and the heterogeneity are all limited.。

2024 Ark of Tomorrow Carnival Information Released Anniversary New Operator Locks Alien W and logos

And then there's the logos.,The time atmosphere and foreshadowing are all in place.,It's almost time to let the logos land and put it into practice.,The hope of the entire warlock profession.,Some look forward to its specific strength design.,At present, the mainstream speculation is to go to the six-star operator of the type of elemental damage and positioning.,Of course, it's hard to say what the actual landing is.。

2024 Ark of Tomorrow Carnival Information Released Anniversary New Operator Locks Alien W and logos

The third place is very controversial, but according to the disclosure of the uncle's party in the industry, it should not be Theresia, but not necessarily, after all, Theresia's hints this time are also full, if it can be implemented, it will naturally be the best.

And the live broadcast time of this anniversary celebration should be next Saturday, basically at this time, because the new version will be opened on May 1, and the PV will be released a week earlier, and then the preview live broadcast will be on Saturday, so make relevant preparations.

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