
It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 3 things every day, the heart is stronger than that of young people, and the hands and feet are strong and energetic!

author:Little friends food

Hello, I'm Xiaopeng, I share food recipes, cooking skills, and healthy recipes with you every day!

As you get older, you can easily have heart problems. Especially people who usually eat heavy greasy, heavy taste, love to smoke, exercise less, and are stressed, will often feel dizzy, slow to react, palpitation, chest tightness, numbness in hands and feet, and go for a check-up is the three highs.

Below, I will teach you how to make 3 dishes, which are rich in nutrients, rich in dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and a variety of vitamins and minerals that are good for the heart, which are very suitable for the daily consumption of middle-aged and elderly people, and help maintain heart health, enhance physical fitness, and improve mental state.

1. Chilled soybeans

It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 3 things every day, the heart is stronger than that of young people, and the hands and feet are strong and energetic!

1. Soak dried soybeans in clean water for at least 4 hours in advance until the soybeans fully absorb water and swell.

2. Put the soaked soybeans into a pot, add enough water to boil, turn to medium-low heat and continue to cook for about 30 minutes until the soybeans are fully cooked and soft and glutinous, remove and drain and let cool.

3. Wash and remove the seeds of green and red peppers and cut them into small cubes, chop the garlic into minced garlic, wash and cut the coriander into sections.

4. Prepare the sauce in a bowl: add light soy sauce, vinegar, salt and sugar, the ratio can be adjusted according to personal taste, stir well until the sugar and salt are dissolved.

5. Put the cooked soybeans, diced green and red peppers, minced garlic and coriander into a large bowl, pour in the prepared sauce, drizzle with sesame oil, and mix gently to evenly coat all ingredients with the sauce. Refrigerate for a period of time until the soybeans have fully absorbed the sauce before serving. Refrigerated soybeans are more refreshing.

2. Saute the onions

It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 3 things every day, the heart is stronger than that of young people, and the hands and feet are strong and energetic!

1. Peel the onion, wash and cut into thin slices, and chop the garlic into minced garlic. Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the minced garlic after the oil is hot.

2. Add the onion slices and stir-fry over medium-low heat until the onions begin to soften and are transparent in color.

3. When the onion is slightly caramel colored, sprinkle in an appropriate amount of salt and black pepper, stir-fry evenly, so that the seasoning is fully integrated into the onion.

4. Continue sautéing until the onion is fully cooked and the edges are slightly caramelized. Sauté onions should keep them crisp and tender and avoid sautéing them too softly.

3. Mix spinach with peanuts

It is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people: eat these 3 things every day, the heart is stronger than that of young people, and the hands and feet are strong and energetic!

1. Wash the spinach and cut it into palatable pieces, fry the peanuts in advance and chop the garlic into minced garlic.

2. Boil water in a pot, add a little salt and cooking oil, blanch the spinach segments, blanch until the spinach changes color and soft, remove it immediately, rinse with cold water to cool, and drain the water.

3. Prepare the sauce in a bowl: add light soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and sesame oil and stir well. Put the spinach segments, cooked peanuts and minced garlic into a large bowl, pour in the prepared sauce, mix gently to allow the spinach to fully absorb the sauce, and serve on a plate.