
After the bride's wedding, 330,000 belongings were swept away, and the groom collapsed: the family members at the time of the blind date were all fake

author:Ping An Jilin

Recently, Mr. Zhao from Handan, Hebei Province, released a missing person notice that attracted attention. The missing person notice said that on January 24 this year, he married his blind date, and the next day the bride Lu left home on the pretext of going to Tianjin to run errands, and his whereabouts were unknown after that; the bride took a total of 330,000 yuan in money, jewelry, and other property on a blind date and before and after the wedding.

"Later, it was found that Lu's parents, aunts, uncles and others were all fakes when he went on a blind date", Lu himself has been listed as a dishonest person many times and is an "old lai".

On the 12th, Mr. Zhao gave reporters a detailed introduction to this tortuous "marriage", saying that the public security organs had filed a case for fraud, but there has been no progress in the case so far. She also posted a video a few days ago, saying that she was going to Guangzhou from Shijiazhuang, and then set her account to private. It feels like it's always out there. ”

After the bride's wedding, 330,000 belongings were swept away, and the groom collapsed: the family members at the time of the blind date were all fake

Lu's social account is currently set to private (photo provided by the interviewee)

The cover news reporter contacted Lu by phone, but neither of his two numbers could be reached. The staff in charge of the case at the Jize County Public Security Bureau was contacted, but the other party politely declined to be interviewed.

According to the national court judgment defaulter list publicity platform, Lu was listed as a judgment defaulter 8 times for borrowing.

7 matchmakers introduced a blind date

The day after the wedding, he took away 330,000 yuan of property and "lost contact"

34-year-old Mr. Zhao is a native of Jize County, Handan City, and has been working in his hometown in recent years.

In November 2023, his parents entrusted an uncle in the same village to help introduce a suitable woman on a blind date. After tossing and turning, the matchmaker introduced a woman of the same age in Qiu County next door, Lu.

Mr. Zhao learned that Lu had just divorced, had a daughter in her teens who was sentenced to be raised by her ex-husband, her social account was called a single mother, and the content posted was also not easy for a single mother.

"The uncle of the same village found another matchmaker, and this matchmaker found another matchmaker, and she was introduced by 7 matchmakers. One of the matchmakers claimed to be her uncle, and we gave each matchmaker a referral fee of 1,000 yuan. Mr. Zhao said that after the two dated for a month, they held a small marriage and a big engagement according to custom, and these matchmakers interspersed and participated in different links, and they all matched the two together.

After the bride's wedding, 330,000 belongings were swept away, and the groom collapsed: the family members at the time of the blind date were all fake

Mr. Zhao paid the family money, and the instructions signed by both parties (photo provided by the interviewee)

"We offered to go to the woman's house to have a look, and the matchmaker said that there was no need to go, and the packing ticket made us believe him. When she was married, she went to the woman's house for the first time, and her parents said that she still had two older brothers, and they were busy with their grandchildren, so they entrusted her marriage to her second aunt. Mr. Zhao said that all the follow-up marriage issues were discussed between Lu and her second aunt.

At the urging of Lu, the two parties decided to get the certificate and hold the wedding before the Spring Festival.

At noon on January 24, when the two held their wedding, only Lu's second aunt and two other male relatives attended, and Lu's parents, brother, and uncle, who had previously been a matchmaker, did not attend. She said that the situation at home was complicated and that she would see her later. Her daughter, who was in school, didn't come. It was to go to the hotel where she was staying to greet her relatives, and she brought a makeup artist with her own makeup. I was originally going to buy wedding clothes, but she said that she would rent them herself, and I transferred 3,000 yuan to her. ”

On the afternoon of the wedding, Lu proposed to go back, but it was his second aunt's house. I bought two boxes of wine and two cigarettes for my second aunt, and then she went back to her parents' house alone, saying that she would get some change of clothes. After she returned to her second aunt's house, we went home together. That night, we had intimacy for the first time. ”

Mr. Zhao said that on the morning of January 25, Lu said that he was not going to do the hot pot restaurant he opened with a friend in Tianjin, and he was going to deal with the withdrawal of shares. Mr. Zhao had no doubts and sent her away in a taxi.

After the bride's wedding, 330,000 belongings were swept away, and the groom collapsed: the family members at the time of the blind date were all fake

Marriage certificates of both parties (photo provided by the interviewee)

"Small marriage, big engagement, two times gave a total of 166,000 yuan in dowry, 56,000 yuan to buy jewelry, 10,000 yuan for the dowry 'Sanhong', 8,800 yuan for the sedan chair money and the sedan chair money, more than 6,000 yuan for her to buy a mobile phone, more than 20,000 yuan for the wedding, and 5,000 yuan for the reason that her mother's family ran wine. After arriving in Tianjin, in order to solve the problem of workers' wages and girlfriends' rent, I asked someone to borrow 23,000 yuan from her. Mr. Zhao said that his family gave Lu a total of about 330,000 yuan in money and goods.

He repeatedly asked Lu when he would go home, but the other party always shirked for various reasons.

After the Spring Festival, Mr. Zhao lost contact with Lu.

The bride has become an "old man" 8 times, and her mother's family is fake

The police formally opened a case for fraud

At noon on the second day of the Lunar New Year, she suddenly returned. She asked my parents, sister, and brother to give her red envelopes according to custom, at least two or three thousand yuan each. My parents had concerns in their hearts and didn't give it to her. She didn't seem happy and asked me to take her around the county. Mr. Zhao said that he drove Lu and his niece to the county seat, but Lu then answered a phone call, saying that he had an urgent matter to go back to his parents' house to deal with, and then took a taxi to leave.

Since then, Lu has not returned to Zhao's house, and lost contact after many shirks.

"We didn't feel right, and we were afraid it was a scam. I went to the police station, and the police station said that it was a family dispute and couldn't be managed. found that her Douyin has been updated, she has been to Shijiazhuang, and said that she is going to Guangzhou. It feels like it's always out there. Mr. Zhao said that he complained to the mayor's hotline, hired a lawyer to help, and finally found Lu's real parents.

"Her real parents are actually adoptive parents. The adoptive parents identified that the so-called parents, second aunt, and uncle in the previous blind date process did not know the old couple. Her brother also said that she had defrauded her adoptive parents of 150,000 yuan during her previous marriage, and the family had severed ties with her. Mr. Zhao said that the lawyer also found out that Lu had been sentenced by the court to become a "lai" for borrowing debts many times before, and only then did he feel that he might have been defrauded.

The cover news reporter consulted the national court judgment defaulter list publicity platform and found that from July 2021 to July 2023, Lu was sued 8 times for debt disputes, and the Qiu County People's Court ruled that Lu returned the loan to Wu, Li, and Qiao respectively, and Lu had the ability to perform but refused to perform the obligations determined in effective legal documents, and was listed as a judgment defaulter 8 times. According to the legal documents, Lu Mou owed a total of 229,900 yuan in 8 debts, of which the smallest loan was 100 yuan and the largest was 100,000 yuan.

Mr. Zhao said that after he issued a missing person notice to attract attention, the police contacted him to collect evidence, made a record of him and several so-called matchmakers, and then formally opened a case for investigation as a fraud case. She has now set her Douyin account to private, and there is no progress on the police side. If she transfers and squanders all the money, I won't be able to recover anything. ”

After the bride's wedding, 330,000 belongings were swept away, and the groom collapsed: the family members at the time of the blind date were all fake

Notice of case filing (photo provided by the interviewee)

According to the Notice of Case Filing provided by Mr. Zhao, the Jize County Public Security Bureau informed Mr. Zhao on April 4 that the bureau believed that Mr. Zhao's case of fraud met the conditions for filing a case, and the case had now been filed.

On the afternoon of the 12th, according to the number provided by Mr. Zhao, the reporter called Lu several times, but one of the numbers could not be reached, and the other number was turned off.

The reporter contacted the person in charge of the case at the Jize County Public Security Bureau, but the other party politely declined to be interviewed.

Source: Dahe Daily