
How long do you want to hide it? In the play, it is a father and daughter, and outside the play is a husband and wife, and the relationship is public, and the children are 8 years old


Do you still remember the military drama that made our hearts beat faster? When "Falling in Love with Special Forces" took the screen by storm, we were not watching TV, we were simply experiencing a spiritual shock. But everyone, let's gossip, are our hearts ready? Because the behind-the-scenes story that is about to be revealed will definitely surprise you, and you may even laugh out loud - these two who are father and daughter in the play are actually iron-clad couples outside the play!

How long do you want to hide it? In the play, it is a father and daughter, and outside the play is a husband and wife, and the relationship is public, and the children are 8 years old

"Drama is like life, life is like drama", our protagonists Liu Xiaojie and Xu Honghao are performing their double lives on this stage. In their cozy home, maybe even the puppies know their true relationship, but in the spotlight, they make us stunned one by one. This couple is really the "hidden champion" in the entertainment industry!

Let's take the time machine and go back to that hot summer 10 years ago. On the campus of Nanjing University of the Arts, Liu Xiaojie was still a girl full of dreams at that time, and Xu Honghao was the "scout" who captured her talent with his eyes under the scorching sun - but don't get me wrong, this "scout" is the embodiment of justice, and he just wants to find the right actor. The encounter between them is like a choreographed drama, full of misunderstandings and coincidences, but also romantic.

How long do you want to hide it? In the play, it is a father and daughter, and outside the play is a husband and wife, and the relationship is public, and the children are 8 years old

After four years of misunderstanding and four years of waiting, Xu Honghao seems to have a "delusional" heart. Until the arrangement of fate allowed the two to reunite in the crew, at this time, Liu Xiaojie found that the man with a smile on his face was none other than the "star scout" she had refused. At first, she avoided him, but time is the best baker for love. Under the influence of warmth and patience, the two hearts finally got closer.

However, just when the two are casually dancing the dance of love like a game, another problem lies in front of them - the age gap. But you see, how can the old naughty boy of love care about this? After some twists and turns, the two finally reaped their happiness.

How long do you want to hide it? In the play, it is a father and daughter, and outside the play is a husband and wife, and the relationship is public, and the children are 8 years old

In the blink of an eye, the couple in reality finally played the father and daughter generously in "Fire Phoenix". Although the characters played by Xu Honghao Black Cat and Liu Xiaojie are family members, they do not have many scenes, so their "secrets" are firmly hidden behind the scenes. However, savvy viewers finally lifted the veil and witnessed this wonderful story.

How long do you want to hide it? In the play, it is a father and daughter, and outside the play is a husband and wife, and the relationship is public, and the children are 8 years old

This low-key couple, their story, like a wonderful entertainment blockbuster, not only surprises us, but also makes us believe that true love still exists even in the dazzling entertainment industry. They did not show off in a high-profile manner, but they proved everything with practical actions. Of course, when we know that their children are 8 years old, do we have to whisper, "How long do you want to hide it?"

At this point in the article, you may wonder, what is the meaning of their stories? Perhaps, in this world, real emotions, self-evident tacit understanding, are more moving and precious than any drama. Whether on the screen or in life, they illuminate their world with love and light up our hearts.

Okay, the story is over, do you have anything to say about Xu Honghao and Liu Xiaojie? Let's talk freely in the comment area, witness their love together, and cheer for our own happiness! Because happiness never goes out of style.