
I found a kind of man, so rare that I couldn't find one on the street

author:Lady Luck is round

I found that there is a kind of man who is really rare, as if in this noisy world, they are like bright stars, shining with a unique light, but it is difficult to be easily spotted. They don't smoke or drink, as if they are a clear stream, and they maintain their pure selves in the turbid world. They work hard every day, treat every task as if it were their own life, do their duty, and never perfunctory.

Their diet is amazingly regular, with three meals a day and never falling behind. They understand that food is the fuel for their bodies and the key to staying healthy. They don't sacrifice their health for the sake of a short appetite, and they don't neglect the importance of eating because they're busy with work. Their figure is maintained just right, neither looking too thin nor bloated. They know how to keep themselves in shape and look more refreshed with a sensible diet and proper exercise.

I found a kind of man, so rare that I couldn't find one on the street

What's even more commendable is that they love their wives, love their wives, and regard their families as more important than anything else. In their hearts, the wife is the most intimate partner and the most trustworthy person. They will listen to their wives with their hearts and take care of every detail of their wives with love. They will not let their wives suffer any grievances and hurts, and they will not let the family get into trouble because of their own negligence.

Such a good man is really hard to find. They seem to be treasures given to us by God, and we need to discover and cherish them with our hearts. In this world full of temptations and uncertainties, they are able to stick to their principles and bottom line and not be shaken by the outside world. Their existence makes us believe in the power of love and family, and makes us believe that there are still some people in this world who are worthy of our trust and dependence.

I often think that if God could divide me with such a good man, how happy it would be! I could share the joys and sorrows of life with him, and face the ups and downs of life together. We can work hard together to create a better future together, we can enjoy good food together, we can maintain a healthy body together, we can take care of our families together, and we can create a warm atmosphere together.

I found a kind of man, so rare that I couldn't find one on the street

However, I also understand that such a good man is not something that can be easily met. Perhaps, I need more patience and courage to wait and seek. Perhaps, I need to constantly improve my charm and quality in order to attract such an excellent man. But in any case, I will firmly believe that in this world, there must be such a person, who is silently waiting for me in some corner, waiting for us to meet and get to know each other.

So, I will continue to work hard to improve myself and make myself better and more attractive. I believe that as long as I persevere in my pursuit and waiting, one day, I will meet that good man who belongs to me. And the moment we meet, I will not hesitate to hold his hand, go through every stage of life together, and create happiness and beauty that belong to us together.

I found a kind of man, so rare that I couldn't find one on the street

So, do you believe that there really is such a good man in this world? Are you like me, looking for the one who belongs to you? Perhaps, we are all waiting for the right person to appear and make our lives more complete and beautiful. And the moment we find him, we will find that all the waiting and effort is worth it. Because, we have finally found the person we can spend our lives together.