
Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

author:Talk about the past and the present every year

On a cold winter day in 2014, a disturbing piece of news spread in society. People were horrified to learn that Lei Chunian, who was once known as a hero, actually came to an end on the road of fraud and crime, and was finally sentenced to 12 years in prison by the court.

This news makes people shudder, because this 15-year-old boy who bravely rescued seven classmates in the Wenchuan earthquake has now degenerated into an outlaw.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

According to the investigation, in November 2014, Lei Chunian was sentenced to 12 years in prison on suspicion of fraud. It turned out that in order to maintain his vain image, the former hero did not hesitate to use his fame and resorted to a series of heinous illegal means.

He forged official seals, made false admission notices, and defrauded 21 relatives and friends of a total of 740,000 yuan.

The heroic deeds in the Wenchuan earthquake once made Lei Chunian widely praised and concerned throughout the country. He not only won the honorary title of "Moving China", but also had the honor of being elected as the torchbearer of the Olympic Games, which was respected by the people of the whole country.

However, as time passed, people's impression of him gradually blurred. When he lost his former influence and special status, his inner vanity was greatly damaged.

In order to prove that he is still an important person, he has to start committing all kinds of illegal activities.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

He should have been respected and cared for by society, but now he has become a criminal and has to pay a heavy price for what he has done. The tragic end of his degeneration from a hero to a criminal makes people sigh.

What drove this former warrior to the abyss, and what kind of struggle and pain he went through? All these have become mysteries.

From saving people to self-destructing

Looking back on Lei Chunian's past, it is not difficult for us to find that he was once a brave and fearless young hero. On May 12, 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake suddenly struck, 15-year-old Lei Chunian experienced the most important test in his life.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

When the homeroom teacher was evacuated urgently, he ran decisively and became the first student to flee the predicament. But at this moment, he saw the head teacher, Mr. Chen, rushing back to the teaching building without hesitation, regardless of the danger, desperately guiding the other students to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Faced with this scene, Lei Chunian followed without hesitation. He rushed into the crumbling building with all his might, hugged his classmates who were slumped in place, and desperately escorted them out of danger.

Just as they were about to reach safety, a huge floor slab fell and buried Mr. Chen and the rest of the students. The 15-year-old was undoubtedly filled with fear and despair in the face of such scenes, but with an unprecedented courage, he finally led his companions out of danger.

In this way, an ordinary middle school student burst out with amazing courage and courage in a moment of crisis, and successfully saved the lives of 7 classmates. The news spread quickly in the disaster area, and people were shocked.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

Soon, the warrior's deeds made headlines in major media, and he was hailed as the "Wenchuan Earthquake Hero". Honors and praises poured in, and overnight, the 15-year-old became the envy of everyone.

However, it is such a once brave and fearless hero who eventually went down the path of self-destruction. As time passed, he began to lose his way and indulge in fame and vanity.

Faced with the upcoming high school entrance examination, he actually thought that he didn't need to continue studying, and he could easily enter the ideal school by virtue of his past heroic status. Driven by this misconception, he began to relax his studies and focus on socialite.

The temptation of vanity and greed

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

Soon, Lei Chunian became obsessed with the feeling of being admired and sought after. He began to imitate the style of celebrities, showing off his "connections" and "resources" in public.

Everywhere he went, he proudly showed off his heroic experiences to others, and often emphasized the various connections he could provide. He even openly argued with reporters, asking why they couldn't arrange more luxurious treatment for him.

This behavior quickly caused resentment among those around him. But because his reputation was still there, many people still chose to be tolerant and conniving. However, as time went on, people's impressions of him became more and more blurred.

When he lost his former attention and popularity, he felt a great frustration in his inner vanity. In order to prove that he is still an important person, he began to weave lies, and even when he graduated from high school, he even lied that he had been successfully admitted to a well-known university.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

In order to maintain this false image, Lei Chunian had to start looking for new sources of money. So, his claws reached out to his close family and friends. He falsely promised his girlfriend a good job for her flight attendant dream, and asked her for 100,000 yuan.

He did the same for his cousin's son and his friend's son, promising to help them enter a key junior high school in Chengdu and Sichuan University.

However, Lei Chunian's bad behavior could not escape the exposure of the truth after all. The victims reported to the police, and the police immediately launched a close investigation. The results of the investigation were shocking, it turned out that this hero, who was once admired by the people of the whole country, was suspected of defrauding as many as 21 victims, defrauding a total of 740,000 yuan.

As soon as this news came out, the field of public opinion suddenly exploded, and people condemned this former hero for degenerating into a criminal.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

Metamorphosis from hero to criminal

In November 2014, Lei Chunian finally received the punishment he deserved in court and was sentenced to 12 years in prison. When he spent a long time behind bars, would he recall his heroic deeds, would he feel remorse and self-reproach for what he had done? But no matter how much he struggled in his heart, the wheel of fate had opened and there was no turning back.

Lei Chunian's life trajectory has undergone such a huge change, from a hero admired by everyone to a fraud criminal, which is indeed embarrassing.

Recalling the terrible Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the heartbreaking scenes are vividly vivid. The 15-year-old boy, Lei Chunian, showed amazing courage in the earthquake.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

He risked his life in a dangerous school building to save seven students who were on the verge of death. At that time, he ran down the crumbling corridor, desperately escorting the slow students to evacuate safely.

Just as they were about to flee the danger, a huge floor suddenly fell, completely sealing the passage.

Faced with the line between life and death, the young man did not flinch, decisively turned to the window on the second floor, jumped off the three-story building, and clung to the swaying tree next to him. At the moment when he struggled to climb, the teaching building behind him collapsed and was filled with dust.

However, he escaped safely and became one of the first students to escape from danger. This heroic and fearless behavior quickly made him a hero in the disaster area.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

In this way, an ordinary middle school student burst out with amazing courage and courage in a moment of crisis, and successfully saved the lives of 7 classmates. The news spread quickly in the disaster area, and people were shocked.

Soon, the warrior's deeds made headlines in major media, and he was hailed as the "Wenchuan Earthquake Hero". Honors and praises poured in, and overnight, the 15-year-old became the envy of everyone.

Shortly thereafter, he was actively involved in the reconstruction process, assisting rescue teams in finding missing teachers and students. Whenever he learns that a classmate has been rescued, he is overjoyed and quickly passes the good news on to their families.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

His tenacious willpower and unwavering belief made everyone fall for him. Not only that, but he was also awarded the honorary title of "Moving China" that year, and was selected as the Olympic torchbearer, which was revered by the people of the whole country.

However, looking back on all this now, it makes people laugh and cry. It is despicable that this hero has degenerated to the point of being a fraud criminal. His self-sacrificing courage and sense of justice are now completely obscured by greed and vanity.

From the heroes who save lives to the criminals who cheat their friends and family, the contrast is hard to accept.

The heroic deeds in the Wenchuan earthquake once made Lei Chunian widely praised and concerned throughout the country. He not only won the honorary title of "Moving China", but also had the honor of being elected as the torchbearer of the Olympic Games, which was respected by the people of the whole country.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

However, as time passed, people's impression of him gradually blurred. When he lost his former influence and special status, his inner vanity was greatly damaged.

In order to prove that he is still an important person, he has to start committing all kinds of illegal activities.

Lei Chunian's life experience has indeed sounded a wake-up call for us. As a hero who was once revered by society, why did he finally go to the abyss of sin? What is sad is that it is the virtues that once won him glory that eventually became the cause of his depravity.

When he gained too much fame and attention, his inner vanity gradually swelled, and he began to become obsessed with the feeling of being admired by everyone. In order to maintain this false image, he had to resort to all kinds of improper means to satisfy his greed.

Wenchuan earthquake, he risked his life to save 7 people at the age of 15, but now he has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, what did Lei Chunian do wrong?

In the end, he not only completely deviated from his original sense of justice, but also hurt the interests of his relatives and friends. Sadly, this behavior not only ruined his reputation, but also completely destroyed his own life.

It is not difficult for us to find that fame, fortune and vanity are often the triggers for a person's depravity. When a person indulges in it excessively, the desire for material things and status will gradually overcome his inner sense of justice.

In order to prove their worth, they often have to resort to some illegal means, and eventually go to the abyss of crime.

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