
The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

author:The timing was just right
"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. This famous quote reminds us that no matter how cunning the methods of the perpetrator are, he will not escape the punishment of the law. Recently, a case of a security captain in Changsha suspected of sexually assaulting a 60-year-old team member has once again sounded the alarm for justice.

The captain of the Changsha security team was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting the 60-year-old team, and the victim's daughter revealed the shocking details

The courage of the victim's daughter, Lin Lin (pseudonym), gave us a glimpse of the truth of this case. Her mother, a 66-year-old man, was sexually assaulted by Yu Moumou, a security captain in her fifties, many times while working as a security guard. This kind of evil behavior of taking advantage of one's position is not only a great harm to the victims, but also a blatant provocation to the bottom line of social morality.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

According to the victim's daughter, Lin Lin (pseudonym), her mother is 66 years old this year and should have enjoyed a peaceful life in her old age. However, while working as a security guard in a property company in Changsha, her mother was sexually assaulted many times by Yu Moumou, the captain of the security team.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

Lin Lin angrily said that Yu Moumou took advantage of his position to sexually assault his mother three times. In the face of such evil deeds, my mother tried to block the door with a chair and hide scissors under her pillow to defend herself, but in the end she could not escape the clutches of the demon.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

Lin Lin recalled that after her mother was sexually assaulted, she was threatened by the suspect and did not dare to speak out. It wasn't until February 25, after the mother was sexually assaulted for the third time, that she mustered up the courage to tell her children all about it and immediately reported the incident.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

The Changsha Yuelu police acted quickly and opened a case for investigation on February 27 on suspicion of rape and criminally detained him. On April 3, Yu Moumou was approved by the prosecution for arrest, and what awaits him will be a severe punishment of the law.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

The occurrence of this case not only caused great pain to the victims and their families, but also aroused social concern about the management loopholes in the security industry. As an important force in maintaining social order, security guards should be subject to strict supervision and training.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

However, in this case, the security captain took advantage of his position to sexually assault his colleagues, which seriously damaged the image and reputation of the security industry.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

This case also reminds us that we cannot turn a blind eye to sexual assault and other illegal and criminal acts. We should be brave enough to stand up and expose the crimes of criminals and let the law bring justice to the victims.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

At the same time, we should also strengthen the prevention and crackdown on sexual assault and other illegal and criminal acts, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups from being violated.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

In this case, the victim's daughter, Lin Lin, is worthy of our admiration for her bravery and strength. She not only stood up for her mother's rights, but also called on the society to pay attention to the management of the security industry. Her actions not only brought justice to her mother, but also contributed to the fairness and justice of the whole society.

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

Finally, we hope that this case will be properly handled so that the victims can receive the compensation and comfort they deserve.

Netizen comments

4 security guards with 8 teeth, 66-year-old can still be a security guard?

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

It seems that the old man is in good health

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

The older you are, the more dangerous it is

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

Older people have a high chance of being employed

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

The old man's taste is too heavy

The 66-year-old female security guard was suspected of sexual assault by the captain, who will ensure the safety of the elderly "temporary workers"?

At the same time, we also hope that the relevant departments can strengthen the management and training of the security industry to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again. Only in this way can we build a safer and more harmonious social environment.

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