
lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

author:Will said sports

The annual finals of the Diving World Cup are approaching, and the focus of the Chinese diving team is not only on the wonderful performance on the field, but also on the competition and growth of the two young players - Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi. This is not only a contest of skills, but also a collision of wills and a baptism of growth.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

From the Tokyo Olympics, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi began to flash frequently, marking the emergence of a new generation of the Chinese diving team. The era of the former "peerless double pride" has passed, and the new protagonist has quietly risen. Chen Yuxi, in particular, was not only remarkable in her outstanding performance in the competition, but also outstanding in other aspects. Who would have thought that she would be able to be interviewed fluent in English despite her busy training and competitions?

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

However, while Chen Yuxi was making great progress, Quan Hongchan seemed to be in a passive state. Losing to her opponents in the arena and falling behind in her cultural learning forced her to re-examine her situation. Quan Hongchan's parents have always expected her to make greater progress in culture, and they know that knowledge and wisdom are the most lasting strength, no matter what the field. As a result, Quan Hongchan made an important decision - not only to catch up in training, but also to catch up in cultural achievements.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

The decision was not easy, especially for a professional athlete. In between intense training, she began to pick up English textbooks and carefully follow the online courses. This decision caused a lot of controversy among fans. Some people think that as a Chinese, learning English is not important, but in reality, as an athlete, mastering English is not only for being interviewed, but also for communicating and understanding the rules in time on the field. Quan Hongchan's decision also brings to mind the question of what balance should be pursued in the career of a professional athlete, whether to go all out to specialize in one skill, or to strive for all-round development and increase backup options? This is undoubtedly a topic worth discussing.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

Zhou Jihong, as Quan Hongchan's coach, is both distressed and supportive of her decision. He is well aware that such an intensity of study will increase Quan Hongchan's burden and may lead to greater fatigue, but at the same time, he believes that such efforts will lay a more solid foundation for her future. Zhou Jihong's mood may represent the voice of many coaches, and how to protect the physical and mental health of athletes is also very important while pursuing excellence.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

Eventually, the controversial nature of this decision may become the focus of public opinion. In an era where professionalism and all-round coexist, we can't help but ask, which is more important? Is it the mastery of a single skill, or the all-round development of multiple abilities? Perhaps, the answer is not a single one, but depends on each person's choices and values.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

In the Diving World Cup, the performance of Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi will become a witness to this controversy. Their achievements will not only represent their individual efforts and talents, but also may lead to deeper thinking about professional and all-round development. Regardless of the outcome, this competition will be a milestone for the growth of the new generation of the Chinese diving team, and it will also bring us more thoughts on talent training and value selection.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

In the history of the Chinese diving team, each generation of athletes carries a responsibility and mission. They are not only athletes, but also symbols of the country, and their performance not only affects themselves, but also represents the image of the whole country. Therefore, the competition between Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi is not only a competition between two people, but also a witness to the alternation and changes of an era.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

Looking back on the history of the Chinese diving team, it is not difficult to find that the success of every great athlete is inseparable from hard training and firm faith. From Guo Jingjing, Wu Minxia to Fan Bingbing, they have all experienced various difficulties and challenges, but they have always persevered in pursuing their dreams. And now Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi are also continuing to move forward on this road, and their fighting spirit and fighting spirit will also continue the glory of the Chinese diving team.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

However, unlike in the past, the competition in today's society is more intense, and the players have to face not only physical tests, but also psychological quality and comprehensive ability challenges. In this era of diversity, an excellent athlete needs to have a more comprehensive quality, not only excellent technical and physical fitness, but also good psychological quality and comprehensive ability. Therefore, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi's decision is not only a requirement for themselves, but also a requirement for the entire Chinese diving team, and their efforts and struggles will also lay a more solid foundation for the future of the Chinese diving team.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

In addition to technical and physical fitness, as an excellent athlete, you also need to have good mental quality and comprehensive ability. In the game, it is often the psychological quality and comprehensive ability that determine the outcome of the game. A stable mindset and a calm mind are the keys to maintaining competitive fitness, and these need to be cultivated and exercised in daily training and life. Therefore, Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi's efforts are not only to achieve good results on the field, but also to improve their comprehensive quality and competitive level.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

In addition, to be a good athlete, you also need to have a good public image and a sense of social responsibility. In real life, an excellent athlete is not only about achieving good results on the field, but also about setting a good example in society and setting an example for people. Therefore, the efforts and struggles of Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi will also establish a good image for the Chinese diving team and make greater contributions to the development of China's sports industry.

lost Chen Yuxi in a row, 17-year-old Quan Hongchan officially announced the decision, Zhou Jihong was distressed, and his parents supported him

To sum up, the competition between Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi is not only a contest of skills, but also a showdown of hearts, a contest of comprehensive ability and comprehensive quality. Their efforts and struggles will lay a more solid foundation for the future of the Chinese diving team and make greater contributions to the development of China's sports industry. It is expected that Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi will achieve better results in future competitions and win more honors for the Chinese diving team.

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