
"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

author:Purer than pure milk
"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

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When discussing the cultural and contemporary context of a literary work, we must take into account the social context in which the work is located and the influence on the author.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

For Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong, their works are deeply influenced by contemporary Chinese literature, and they also reflect all aspects of contemporary society.

Jia Pingwa, a writer who dares to challenge convention, often causes a sensation in his works, not only because of his bold and open writing style, but also because of his keen observation of social reality.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Jia Pingwa is not as rigid as other writers, but has the courage to explore new ways of literary expression.

His work "Waste Capital" is a good example, revealing the emotional entanglements and inner world of contemporary urbanites through the depiction of the lives of urban intellectuals.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

This in-depth analysis of reality has given him a unique position and influence in the literary world.

In contrast, Chen Zhongzhong prefers to express his thoughts and understanding of traditional Chinese culture through the narration of family stories.

His work "White Deer Plain" is set against the backdrop of family grievances on the loess earth, vividly showing the various forms of life in rural Chinese society.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Chen Zhongzhong's delicate brushstrokes and sincere emotions allow readers to deeply feel the life and sophistication of that era.

In the 2016 TV series version of "White Deer Plain" directed by Liu Jin, Li Qin played the role of Tian Xiao'e brilliantly.

She vividly interpreted Tian Xiao'e's image and left a deep impression.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Tian Xiao'e is a character with a complex personality and inner contradictions, and Li Qin shows her inner world very three-dimensional and real through delicate expressions and emotional grasp.

Especially in the plot depicting Tian Xiao'e's death, Li Qin showed a very high level of performance, and she showed Tian Xiao'e's inner struggle and pain deeply in the hearts of the people, so that the audience can better understand and feel the character's mental journey.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Although these two writers have very different styles, they both influenced the development of contemporary Chinese literature in their own unique ways.

Their works profoundly reflect the current social situation and arouse people's in-depth thinking about the relationship between literature and reality.

Jia Pingwa's Waste City is a striking work that profoundly depicts the emotional world of urban intellectuals, especially with a bold openness to sexual depictions.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

In this novel, Jia Pingwa shows the emotional entanglement of the protagonist Zhuang Zhidie vividly through delicate and real brushstrokes.

He does not shy away from the expression of sexual instinct, which is an instinctive human being, but presents it in a straightforward and vivid way.

This bold depiction of sexuality, although it caused a lot of controversy at the time, made the novel closer to reality and more realistic.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

At the same time, Jia Pingwa also explores the temptation and wandering of moral boundaries in the novel.

Zhuang Zhidie's emotions are intertwined with various characters, making one wonder how the boundary between morality and emotion is blurred in modern society.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Their actions and inner struggles show the complexity and diversity of human nature, making the work richer and more thought-provoking.

In addition, Jia Pingwa's "Waste Capital" also shows the experimental nature of language and modernist narrative techniques.

He skillfully uses narrative techniques, interspersed with various stylistic expressions, making the whole story more vivid and interesting, making readers feel as if they are in the world of Zhuang Zhidie.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Chen Zhongzhong's White Deer Plain is a striking work that showcases the diversity and complexity of rural Chinese society through a profound depiction of the grievances and feuds of rural families.

In this novel, Chen Zhongzhong vividly presents the collision of family ethics and clan concepts.

Grievances and hatreds between families often stem from the conflict between clan concepts and family interests accumulated over a long period of time.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

This collision not only reflects the feudal family system in traditional Chinese society, but also reflects the contradiction and tension between human instinct and moral norms.

At the same time, Chen Zhongzhong also made "White Deer Plain" a literary work with profound social significance through the real portrayal of the characters and the display of profound cultural connotations.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Through the words and deeds of the characters, he shows the repression and awakening of Chinese rural society, revealing the complexity and diversity of human nature.

This realistic portrayal not only makes the work more credible, but also makes it easier for readers to empathize and think.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

When comparing the works of Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong, we have to take into account the differences in cultural backgrounds and artistic pursuits behind them.

Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong's work is influenced by different cultural backgrounds.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Jia Pingwa's Waste Capital is more influenced by modern urban culture, and his depiction of the life of urban intellectuals reflects some practical problems and cultural phenomena in contemporary Chinese society.

Chen Zhongzhong's "White Deer Plain" pays more attention to the excavation and expression of traditional Chinese culture, and he shows the life of Chinese rural society through family stories, which deeply reflects the ethical concepts and moral norms in traditional Chinese culture.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Jia Pingwa's "Waste Capital" is known for its bold and open depictions of sexuality, and he sees sex as a way to express human emotions, showing the complex emotions of the characters through the depiction of sexuality.

Although Chen Zhongzhong's "White Deer Plain" also involves sexual love festivals, it is more as a part of the family story, to show the complex relationships between the characters and the moral entanglements in the social context.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

In terms of artistic techniques and styles, Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong also show obvious differences.

Jia Pingwa is good at using modernist narrative techniques, focusing on the experimentation of language and the non-linear structure of narrative, which makes his works full of literary and artistic qualities, while Chen Zhongzhong is more inclined to realist narrative techniques, focusing on the realistic portrayal of characters and events, making his works closer to life, more documentary and historical.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Both "Waste Capital" and "White Deer Plain" try to delve into the complexity of human nature and the diversity of social reality.

Through his depiction of the lives of urban intellectuals, Jia Pingwa reflects the conflict between individual emotions and social morality in modern society, and provokes people to think about moral boundaries and personal choices.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Chen Zhongzhong, on the other hand, uses family stories to show the ethical concepts and moral norms of Chinese rural society, reflecting the contradictions and conflicts between tradition and modernity, between the individual and the collective.

The enlightenment and viewpoint of literary works on contemporary society are also aspects of "Waste Capital" and "White Deer Plain" with important value.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Through the reflection on the fate of the characters and the criticism of social reality in the works, we can draw profound enlightenment on human nature, morality, social relations and other aspects.

Both Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong explore the complexity of human nature and the diversity of society in their works, triggering people's thinking and reflection on contemporary society.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Both of these works, with their unique literary styles and profound ideological connotations, have enriched the treasure trove of contemporary Chinese literature.

Jia Pingwa's Waste Capital, with its bold and open depiction of sexuality and modernist narrative techniques, reveals the underlying conflicts and cruelty of social reality in urban intellectual life, while Chen Zhongzhong's White Deer Plain shows the diverse life and cultural heritage of China's rural society through the excavation of the life trajectory and traditional culture of rural families.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Secondly, these two works are also of great significance for the insight and warning of social changes and the complexity of human nature.

Through the reflection on the fate of the characters and the critique of social reality in the works, we can understand more deeply the complexity of human nature and the diversity of society.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Both Jia Pingwa and Chen Zhongzhong explore the conflict between morality and emotion in their works, triggering deep thinking and reflection on contemporary society.

In the face of a rapidly changing society and complex and changeable human nature, we should draw wisdom from these works, constantly reflect on our own life and way of life, and face the challenges and confusions of life with a deeper understanding and tolerant attitude.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

I believe that through such thinking and reflection, we can better understand and grasp the true meaning of life and pursue inner peace and harmony.

Jia Pingwa's "Waste Capital" has sparked controversy with its bold and open brushstrokes, and has the courage to confront the lives and emotions of contemporary urban intellectuals, thus profoundly exploring the boundaries of human nature and morality.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Chen Zhongzhong's "White Deer Plain" presents a profound cultural connotation through the story of a traditional rural family, and shows the ethical concepts and moral norms in traditional Chinese culture through the portrayal of rural society.

Jia Pingwa, with his modernist narrative technique and bold and open depictions, has the courage to challenge tradition and present the life world of urban intellectuals.

"White Deer Plain" and "Waste Capital" are as controversial as the scale of description, why can they become classics?

Chen Zhongzhong, on the other hand, with his delicate and realistic style and in-depth depiction of rural society, shows the rich connotation of traditional Chinese culture and the real life of rural characters.

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