
The inspiration of love for the family: enthusiasm also needs to be moderate to avoid unnecessary trouble

author:Funny dream OFL

I am an ordinary girl living in the city named Li Jing. Although my family is not wealthy, it is stable and warm. Both parents were ordinary working-class people who worked hard to create a warm family environment for my brother and me.

I have always had a good relationship with my parents, and their care for me has made me feel extremely happy and satisfied. I am the only child in my family, and I have been loved by my parents since I was a child, and they want me to live a happy life.

However, one of my casual decisions changed the course of my life. It was a weekend afternoon, and I was a little bored, so I decided to check out my good friend Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu lives in a neighborhood in the city, not far from my house, so I quickly arrived at her doorstep.

The front of Xiaoyu's house was crowded with people, and I was a little curious, so I stepped forward to ask. It turned out that today was her family's open day and her father's birthday, so her family prepared a small party and invited many relatives and friends to congratulate.

I felt a little embarrassed after listening to it, after all, I was not invited, but Xiaoyu saw me coming and happily invited me in. I thought we were all friends anyway, so I went in.

After entering Xiaoyu's house, I was infected by the warm atmosphere and began to participate in the party. Everyone sat around the living room chatting and eating food, and the atmosphere was very lively. I also had a great time talking to everyone, and gradually forgot about the passage of time.

The inspiration of love for the family: enthusiasm also needs to be moderate to avoid unnecessary trouble

However, just as I was having fun, something happened that caught me off guard. A strange man walked over, and he looked at me with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

"Who are you, how are you here?" his tone was tinged with impatience that made me feel a little embarrassed and uneasy.

I hurriedly explained: "I'm Xiaoyu's friend, and today her house held a small party, and I came to visit the door." ”

After listening to my explanation, his face softened a little, but he still said with a hint of displeasure: "Oh, I see. It's best to make a phone call before you come next time and don't make a mess in my house. ”

After listening to his words, I felt a little aggrieved and helpless. I didn't want to trouble them, I just wanted to come and see my good friend, but I didn't expect to cause him to be upset.

After that, I said goodbye to Xiaoyu with some embarrassment and left her house in a hurry. I felt very uncomfortable, I felt that I had caused trouble to others, and I felt a little embarrassed.

The inspiration of love for the family: enthusiasm also needs to be moderate to avoid unnecessary trouble

When I got home, I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. I began to reflect on my own actions and felt that I was too impulsive and did not take into account the feelings of others. I realized that love is certainly an expression of friendship, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the timing and method so as not to cause trouble to others.

I decided to be more cautious in the future and stop visiting the house at random to avoid causing inconvenience to others. I want to learn to respect other people's lives and privacy, and stop letting my actions cause trouble to others.

My family gave me a lot of support and encouragement as I thought about it. They reassured me that it is natural to make mistakes, and that it is important to be able to learn from them and not make the same mistakes again. I feel incredibly warm and grateful for their understanding and encouragement.

Ultimately, I learned a lot from this experience. I've learned that it's an expression of friendship, but it's also important to take into account the feelings of others and avoid causing trouble to others. I will be more cautious about my actions, respect the lives and privacy of others, and be a responsible person.

Conclusion: Through this experience, I deeply realized that love to visit the door also needs to know how to be measured. I will remember this experience and use it as a lesson to be more cautious about my actions and not cause problems to others.

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The inspiration of love for the family: enthusiasm also needs to be moderate to avoid unnecessary trouble