
The stomach is always growling, and farting is not a gastrointestinal problem! or the liver is crying for help

author:Hot-blooded doctors talk about popular science

On an ordinary weekend afternoon, Auntie Li and her friends sat on a park bench and enjoyed the sunshine. Suddenly, her stomach let out a series of loud grunts, followed by several embarrassing farts. Her friends laughed softly, and Aunt Li smiled awkwardly, blaming the tofu she had eaten in the morning. However, such conditions became more frequent in the following months, accompanied by constant discomfort and fatigue. In her heart, Aunt Li began to suspect that this might be more than a simple gastrointestinal problem.

Aunt Li's experience is not unusual. Many people see rumbling and frequent farting as mild digestive discomfort, and few people associate it with liver health. However, the liver is one of the hardest working organs in our body, and its health has a direct impact on our overall well-being. These subtle body signals may actually be a warning from our liver.

The stomach is always growling, and farting is not a gastrointestinal problem! or the liver is crying for help

The liver is in close union with the digestive system

"The Gatekeeper of Digestion": The Liver's Key Role

The liver is closely related to the digestive system. Not only is the liver responsible for breaking down and transforming nutrients in our food, but it also helps digest fats by producing bile, and it is also the main site for processing waste and toxins produced after digestion. When liver function is impaired, this finely regulated process is disrupted, leading to digestive problems and nutrient malabsorption, manifested by a rumbling stomach and increased gastrointestinal gas.

Decode the distress signal of the stomach

But why do liver problems cause rumbling and frequent farting? The reason is that the decline in liver function affects the production and secretion of bile, which in turn affects the digestion and absorption of food, especially fats. When underdigested food debris enters the large intestine, it is broken down by gut bacteria to produce excess gas, which can lead to bloating, rumbling, and frequent farting. In addition, liver disease can also lead to increased sensitivity of the body to certain food components, further exacerbating these symptoms.

It can be found that many times we ignore the subtle signals sent by the body. Tummy rumbling and frequent farting may not just be a simple digestive discomfort, but a manifestation of a deeper liver problem. Recognizing this, we can take earlier steps to focus on liver health and avoid possible health crises.

The stomach is always growling, and farting is not a gastrointestinal problem! or the liver is crying for help

Common misconceptions: Belly hair and windiness are not just a sign of indigestion

In medical practice, many people view rumbling and frequent gas as typical symptoms of gastrointestinal problems. While plausible to this understanding, it ignores an important fact that these phenomena are sometimes actually early warnings of liver health problems. Dysfunction of the liver, one of the body's most important metabolic organs, can lead to a variety of abnormal reactions in the digestive system.

Common understanding of gastroenterology

In general, indigestion, rumbling and frequent gas are widely thought to be the result of poor diet, gastrointestinal inflammation, or an imbalance in the intestinal flora. This understanding is not unreasonable, as these symptoms are indeed common in the above situations. However, if these symptoms are long-lasting and accompanied by other health problems, looking for the cause from a gastrointestinal perspective alone may not be sufficient.

The close relationship between liver function and digestion

The liver plays a vital role in the body's digestion process, it is not only responsible for secreting bile to help digest fats, but also involved in metabolic processes such as protein synthesis, detoxification, etc. When liver function is impaired, these processes can be affected, which in turn affects the functioning of the entire digestive system. For example, insufficient bile production can lead to indigestion of fat, which can lead to symptoms such as a rumbling stomach and gas.

The stomach is always growling, and farting is not a gastrointestinal problem! or the liver is crying for help

The liver is crying for help: recognize the signals that cannot be ignored

When faced with problems such as indigestion, if conventional treatment does not show significant results, it is necessary to consider whether there is a problem with liver health. Here are a few warning signs that liver problems can cause that deserve everyone's attention:

Xanthochromia of the skin and eyes: this is a direct manifestation of liver dysfunction leading to disorders of bilirubin metabolism.

Fatigue and fatigue: A common symptom of liver problems, this condition often occurs due to a reduced ability of the body to remove toxins.

Indigestion and loss of appetite: Liver disease may affect the normal secretion of bile, which can affect the normal digestion and absorption of food.

Distended abdomen: Conditions such as cirrhosis can cause ascites to accumulate, causing the abdomen to distend.

Unexplained weight loss or gain: Liver problems can lead to metabolic disorders, which in turn can affect weight.

It is worth noting

While the above symptoms may be a sign of liver problems, they are not the only manifestations. Some liver diseases may show little to no symptoms in the early stages.