
It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

author:Colorful waterfalls
It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

Who would have thought that in sunny Vietnam, a shocking drama would be staged? In this country, which is known as the "Pearl of the Orient," the richest woman was sentenced to death on suspicion of corruption and fraud! Yes, it was Ms. Truong My Lan, who had once dominated the world in Vietnam, who was hit by this "shock bomb."

However, what kind of amazing network of political and business relations is hidden behind her? Let's wait and see, this big drama has just begun. Recently, a court trial in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, attracted much attention. The protagonist of the trial is Zhang Meilan, the richest woman who was once worth tens of billions.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

She was charged with embezzlement, bribery, and illegal business operations, and was sentenced to death. This is indeed a major corruption case unprecedented in Vietnam. As a small street vendor to a real estate tycoon, Truong My Lan can be called a "legend" in the history of contemporary Vietnam's struggle. VTP Group, which she founded, dominates Vietnam's real estate industry and has topped the list of major taxpayers in Vietnam several times.

However, there is also an ugly side hidden behind this dazzling pearl. According to the results of the investigation, Zhang Meilan took advantage of the "moat" of the Saigon Commercial Bank, which she illegally controlled, to defraud her of loans amounting to 88 billion yuan through fictitious companies and bribery of officials! Where did the money go? What was the use of the misappropriation? It seems that Zhang Meilan's road to "getting rich quickly" is not clean.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

What's even more staggering is that this corruption case may be just the tip of the iceberg. The BBC quoted sources as saying that Truong My Lan's case may be related to the "melting pot" of Vietnam's top anti-corruption campaign. President Wu Van Thanh, who had just taken office this year, was forced to resign on suspicion of "violating party discipline."

Let's recall the experience of Wu Wenxian. From 2014 to 2016, he served as the executive deputy secretary of Ho Chi Minh City, where the Truong My Lan case occurred. What's more coincidental is that Wu Van Thanh had previously been in charge of Vinh Phuc Province and Quang Ngai Province involved in the case. As early as 2010, Zhang Meilan's VTP Group won a big project there.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

In my opinion, I am afraid that there is some kind of "ulterior" relationship between the two, right? Of course, we cannot directly link Wu Wenxian's resignation with this case. After all, there have been a number of recent personnel earthquakes in Vietnam's political circles.

For example, former President Nguyen Xuan Phuc stepped down because of "cadres violating discipline", and Hoang Thi Thi Thi Lan, who was in charge of Vinh Phuc province, was expelled from the party because of the "Phuoc Son Group case". On the surface, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam seems to be "shining its sword" against corruption and wielding a "heavy fist" to rectify the rule of officials. But is there also a contest of interest groups and a power game behind the scenes? Let us wait and see.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

Generally speaking, Zhang Meilan's case is by no means a trivial case of ordinary people, and the facts of the case are complex and the scope of the implications is far beyond our expectations. It not only exposes the severity of medical corruption in Vietnamese society, but also reflects the unbearable side of Vietnam's political and business class.

This class, which once profited from the economic boom, is now teetering like a tightrope. We can't predict what kind of "epicenter vortex" this drama can stir up in the future. But one thing is certain: Vietnam's political landscape is quietly changing, with both opportunities and challenges.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

Overall, Truong's case has sparked a huge shock in Vietnamese society, exposing a corner of the country's political-business network. As a woman from humble beginnings who eventually climbed to the pinnacle of power and money, Zhang Meilan's fate reflects the cruel portrayal of this era.

However, this is only the beginning of the devastation of Vietnam's anti-corruption campaign. The downfall of high-ranking officials such as Vo Van Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, and Hoang Thi Thi Thi Lan shows that those in power are applying drastic drugs aimed at removing the cancer of corruption in their bodies. Undoubtedly, this will trigger a violent counterattack by vested interest groups, and may also set off a new round of political reshuffle.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

Therefore, we have reason to believe that Vietnam's political map will undergo earth-shaking changes in the future. Although it is impossible to predict the full outcome of Zhang Meilan's case for the time being, this storm will not subside. Vietnam's transition from an economic miracle to a "central epicenter vortex" indicates that it is at a critical turning point.

As a friendly neighbor of China, where Vietnam will go in the future deserves our close attention. We earnestly hope that Vietnam will be able to regain its strength from this storm, carry out the anti-corruption work to the end, and put the country's development back on the right track.

It's a big deal! Vietnam's "shock bomb", the death sentence of the richest woman, Truong My Lan, may be involved in the fight against corruption in the political circles

After all, only by thoroughly eradicating the stubborn disease of corruption can Vietnam truly stand tall in East Asia and become a prosperous, strong, civilized and dignified independent country. Of course, the fight against corruption is bound to run into obstacles. However, as long as the Vietnamese people are of one heart and one mind and persevere, they will certainly be able to overcome these difficulties, eliminate the root cause of collusion between government and business, and restore fairness and justice to society.

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